Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1140 No credibility at all

Chapter 1140 No credibility at all

As soon as the friend entered the room and saw her smile, he couldn't help complaining.Thinking of the voice I heard just now, I thought something happened to her, such a big mood swing.

However, he didn't expect to come in to see such a mocking smile from her.

Zhang Miaomiao raised her head to look at her friend with a smile, shook her hair helplessly, and walked towards her pretending to be graceful.

"I'm just happy. There is a fool who can make me guess money. I didn't even want to do anything to him. He also spent a long time there by himself, and just sent him a few words. He really believes in such a fool. It’s rare these days, can’t I be happy? I’m not happy to meet a few more people like this!”

My friend couldn't help laughing when she heard her words, and looked at her a little jokingly, "With your talent and knowledge, you are indeed quite capable. Like when you were studying in the past, everyone chased after you like a storm. Looking at you is amazing, hanging seven or eight at once, no one has any objections to you, alas, our group of girls are all looking at you, but they are helpless!"

"You said those girls, of course I know, don't you just say bad things about me behind my back, but in my eyes, they are all jealous of me. If you are not jealous, I have so many people chasing me, so it's worth it. Are you talking behind my back!"

Zhang Miaomiao smiled confidently. She looked a little helpless, but the emissary was very proud. Being chased like this, I just felt prouder than anything else in my heart.

"Come on, don't show off in front of me. I also know you. You are beautiful. Now you have entered the entertainment industry and become a small star. I might be famous in the future. After all, with your talent and appearance Ah, how many men want to have sex with you!"

The friend was a little jealous, and sighed helplessly. When he said this, he looked at his plain-looking self in the glasses, and felt that he was completely different from Zhang Miaomiao.

"The same person has different fate. There are some things that you just can't envy. You should focus on your own work. Maybe one day, your boss will take a fancy to you if you do a good job. Then you will be promoted. It’s hard to tell what level it is!”

Zhang Miaomiao said these words in a tone of superiority, which seemed insincere and pure. After hearing this, this friend just turned his head and gave him a cold look, not believing the truthfulness of her words.

"You, don't make fun of me about these things, okay? It's impossible for the boss who cares about you to attract people. I don't believe you. There is a chance to realize the story of becoming the boss's little lover. .”

Zhang Miaomiao had no choice but to hold back her mouth, and stopped talking, with the corners of her mouth curled up, not caring what her friend said.

Now in his eyes, all the difficulties are irrelevant, everything will be fine, and that fool will bear all the difficulties for her, and she can sit back and relax and continue to be happy.

When he thought of something, he turned on the phone and replied to Qiao Qiancen's sentence, and typed this sentence without any care [You are so sure that I did that thing, you are really good, you didn't investigate anything, Before the result, you can draw conclusions at will, and you are not afraid of being slapped in the face. Let me tell you, I hate those self-righteous people the most. Don’t think that you can casually disturb and frame people because of your good looks. other people! 】

Zhang Miaomiao was proud of herself. After posting this sentence, she blocked her directly, and happily went to take a bath and put on a mask without knowing it because this sentence had already left a handle on herself, and at this time she received Qiao Qiancen, who replied to the text message, had a smile on his lips. He just felt that he saw a clown performing jumping feet in front of him, which was extremely funny.

"Sometimes people are said to be stupid, but he really wants to show me their stupidity to the fullest. I just tested your tone casually. Are you revealing your secrets so quickly?"

Qiao Qiancen looked at the screen on the phone, raised his eyebrows, and said this to himself, his smile widened a bit, and he really felt that this matter would be over soon.

When it was almost 11 o'clock, the police station notified him to take a statement, but when he went to the police station, he never thought that the police told her that a man had come and surrendered himself!

His brows frowned involuntarily, and he felt very puzzled in his heart. Before the investigation of this good thing was clear, someone turned himself in. This matter was clearly done by Zhang Miaomiao, and now things will always go to this point?

Walking into the interrogation room, he saw a man with a crew cut sitting in the interrogation position.The man looked very strange, he didn't seem like someone he had seen before, let alone someone he had never known before.But now he turned himself in...

Xin Low Price's doubts became deeper and deeper. He sat next to the policeman, and then the policeman raised his head and looked at the man across from him and asked her, "Do you know him?"

Qiao Qiancen shook his head and it didn't affect him at all. He just felt strange that he didn't know him and why he knocked on his door for no reason. He looked so fierce. He also heard the movement from his mother when he was on the phone. It seems that they are coming to find fault, and generally they are the kind of people who will not give up until their goals are achieved. It seems that there is hatred in them.

But now she found that she didn't know this man at all, everything was a bit too strange.

"I don't know him, I haven't seen him before."

Very sure, after saying this, even the policeman's eyes were somewhat surprised, he picked something slightly without nodding, and then entered something on the computer.

And when the man sitting in the interrogation position raised his head to see her, his eyes obviously flashed with astonishment, as if he hadn't thought that the person he was about to hurt was so beautiful.

The watching policeman almost remembered his demeanor, lowered his head immediately, and wrote something.

"The two of you are strangers, why are you knocking on his door again? Have you ever had any unreasonable thoughts about him? Or do you have some other purpose?"

the policeman asked the man.

My man came back to his senses when he heard the policeman's voice. Looking at the policeman, Hua felt a little guilty and uneasy, but he still read the words as if he was reciting a line.

"There is no special reason, and we really don't know each other. The reason why I want to find fault with her is purely because I can't understand her."

Qiao Qiancen wanted to laugh physically, and couldn't help replying, "I don't know what I did that made you uncomfortable, why don't you tell me what it is?"

In his mind, this man was too unprofessional in telling lies, and the words he said had no credibility at all.

(End of this chapter)

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