Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1141 I was taken aback!

Chapter 1141 I was taken aback!

Several men looked at each other in blank dismay. After he finished saying this, they didn't dare to say a word after all. Now his meaning is very clear and obvious. If this matter does not follow what he said, he will I would rather ruin everything than let Qiao Qiancen get hurt...

Several people were a little shocked. They didn't expect that Miss Song's status in his heart was already many times higher than what they imagined.

"But sir, if you don't do what we say now, what else can you do? Things have developed to this point!"

"The reason why everyone didn't tell you is because this matter is very difficult. Whether it is learned well or not solved well, there are many troublesome things waiting for us to deal with!"

"Please think about it again. We really have no other way to hide this matter from you. You also know that we will never do things that harm your interests."


Several people were still trying to persuade them, but after saying this, Fu Yanshen sneered, his figure with his back to them finally turned around, his handsome face showed no emotion at the end of Christmas, It seemed that he had already settled down in his heart, and that thought would never change again.

"Your method can't be realized, but my method is still possible."

After he said this, he turned around and left, leaving only a few doubting subordinates, all of whom did not understand the late night in his words, but there was a vague premonition in his heart that this matter would not happen. To develop in the direction they want...

Zhang Miaomiao was sleeping comfortably in the middle of the night, when she heard a doorbell ringing suddenly, she frowned slightly, but turned over and continued to sleep.

I don't plan to pay attention to it, I just feel that I heard it wrong, how can someone go to someone else's house in the middle of the night.

However, just when she was about to continue to sleep, suddenly the doorbell sounded as if possessed by a demon, and she began to think of it crazily. It was extremely weird!
After all, Zhang Miaomiao opened his eyes. He felt a little uneasy in his heart. He slowly climbed off the bed, came to the hall, and turned on the surveillance camera at the door.

But he found a man wearing takeaway clothes standing at the door, but he seemed to know that she was looking at him, so he raised his head and said to the camera, "Is that Miss Zhang? Please open the door, there is an urgent one The shipment has arrived, please sign for it."

Zhang Miaomiao always had a feeling of uneasiness in her heart, she frowned slightly, feeling a strange and inexplicable feeling.

"Send me an expedited express mail in the middle of the night, no matter how you hear it, it's not normal."

After she said this to herself, she finally turned on the microphone and said to the courier at the door, "Put down your things first, I'll go tomorrow and don't pick them up tonight."

Opening the door to a stranger in the middle of the night is a very inappropriate behavior, and she is naturally not stupid enough to be obedient.

When the courier heard what she said, he had no choice but to give up.He sighed and said, "Miss, remember to come and get it tomorrow morning. The contents are not urgent. If you come late to get it and someone takes it away, you can't blame us."

After saying this, the courier turned around and left.

Zhang Miaomiao opened the door suspiciously, a few minutes after the courier left.

It's just that when she opened the express box, she found something very strange.There are many boxes in it, he opened me one after another, it seems that there is no end to it.

The pretty brows couldn't help but frowned, always feeling that someone was playing a prank on him, and sending this kind of thing over in the middle of the night was totally a joke on her.

It's just that he doesn't have a clue in his heart, he doesn't know who will come to play tricks on him, and the people he plays with are not so interesting.

And when she opened the last box, her hands finally stopped. This box was different from the previous ones. There were many strange patterns carved on the outside of the box, and it looked indescribably weird.

She suddenly hesitated in her heart, but looking at the boxes opened here, she felt that it was no big deal. Anyway, she had already looked at so many boxes, and it shouldn't matter if she opened the last one again.

Thinking of this, she opened the last box for Huanhuan.It's just that she didn't expect that when she just opened the contents of the box, she was startled, her face turned pale immediately, and she screamed and stepped back.

It was a white human skull.

Unlike the skull used for display, this skull is still covered with blood, and the bloody liquid is still flowing down!

"What the hell is who is behind the tricks, who is behind these small tricks, don't let me catch you let me catch you, I must call the police and catch you!"

Zhang Miaomiao tightly grasped his hair, and said in some pain, his eyes were full of panic, he hid tremblingly in the corner, clenched the phone in his hand, and wanted to call the police directly.

It's just that she hasn't made the call yet, but her movements have froze, as if she thought of something, and there was a bit of hesitation in the flickering of her eyes.

"Now that something like that just happened, maybe the police are still looking for me. If I call the police at this time and go to the intersection of the police station to confess, will I be the same as going into the mouth of a tiger?"

"It has not yet been determined that those cases were committed by Lin Yan. I can't go to the police station anyway."

Zhang Miaomiao calmed down and thought about it.

After hesitating for a while, he slowly put down the phone.Carried away.

Now she clearly has no grievances with others, and if she has any, it is Qiao Qiancen, but in his impression, he is not such a person, nor would he do such a thing, so who would do it now, I can't figure it out.

"It's obviously very malicious. Could it be someone who hates me very much, how could he do such a thing!"

She endured her fear and walked to the box, and continued to look at Mr. Bai's bloody skull, but suddenly she found a letter next to the box, and he reached out to pick it up.

"Zhang Miaomiao, the people who bully me bully me so happily, do you think that I can be safe? If you think so, you are wrong. In my eyes, people who have been touched are similar to animals. If you don't want to change If you look like this head, just behave yourself, and don't make trouble for me again."

Zhang Miaomiao trembled holding the letter paper, slowly put down the letter paper, looked at the head in front of him, and suddenly had some clues in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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