Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1142 What should she do? !

Chapter 1142 What should she do? !

Could it be that the man behind Qiao Qiancen did all of this? !

I have this idea in my heart, and it is getting stronger and stronger. I always feel that this must be the case, otherwise I have not offended others during this time, and why would others send him such things for no reason? It is clearly a warning , to stop her from doing certain things.

"Neurs are all neuroses. I have hid here, and I can still be found! Go crazy, you are really crazy!"

Zhang Miaomiao shook his head and looked at the pile of boxes on the ground. Suddenly, he felt dizzy and kept breaking into pieces. His eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness.

It's not wrong to think that this matter turned out to be like this, but now that things have developed to such a point, how can he turn back?They kept forcing him not to do that, but he clearly hadn't really done anything, and he hadn't even avenged him yet, so they were so quick to fight for that woman? !

It's just ridiculous that when she suppressed her like that before, why didn't they say that she can't take revenge now? !

I was very angry.He threw the thing to the ground and kicked hard.

It's just that it's a lie to say no hesitation in my heart at this moment. After all, the threat of others has been sent home. If I don't know what to do and continue to hurt that woman, maybe that man will really do something to me. Originally, I didn't want to get into any trouble, I just wanted to get revenge, but now I've been made so embarrassing.

"Qiao Qiancen, you are really good. If I can't fight myself, I will find a helper. Now that I am forced into this, do you really think I am afraid of you?!"

Zhang Miaomiao felt like crying but still suppressed the hatred. It took root and sprouted in his heart, and gradually grew into a majestic tree. There was a thought in his heart that kept telling himself that this investment would not be repaid. For the rest of my life, I will be trampled under my feet, unable to turn over...

It's just that now that the other party has made his consciousness so clear, he still pretends to be stupid. If he continues to take revenge without knowing it, it will obviously anger them, and what will happen in the end...

Thinking of this, she couldn't help lowering her head, looking at the bloody head in the box, she felt a little sick and chilled in her heart.

"Aren't these people crazy? They asked me to find someone to take revenge, but after all, they haven't succeeded yet. They are so angry and want to come to me for revenge. They use such ruthless means. Why is that woman Is it so good and so worth it baby!"

On Zhang Miaomiao's lips, he was unwilling to reconcile, but in his heart, he began to hesitate and weigh the pros and cons.

He is obviously unwilling to let this matter go, but if he wants to resist their forces now, he can only find a stronger backer, otherwise he will still be controlled by them in the end.

"What's the use of pushing me into a hurry? Using such things to scare me, I just bully me and have no one to rely on? I'm not afraid that one day my backer will be stronger than you and I can suppress you at will, how can you beg for mercy? Did I not even listen!"
"Is everything delivered?"

"It has been sent to sir, please rest assured, if it is as we expected, she must be so scared that she can't find her mind."

"That's fine. Keep sending people to watch him and don't let him get close to Qiao Qiancen during this time. You must know that he is full of scheming, vicious and insane. He might do something."

The man sitting on the main seat took a sip of red wine half-heartedly, and said in a flat tone, as if he was just talking about an unimportant thing, but at this moment his meaning was full of viciousness.

The subordinate who listened to him couldn't help but say a little more, nodded obediently and retreated.

The man turned on the phone and saw a photo of himself and Qiao Qiancen on the screen saver, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth, as if he was thinking about some memories, but something disturbed him.

"All right, girl, I promised to protect you for the rest of my life. Those people who will never lose love like this want to harm you, so I will let them never have this chance again."

He has never loved someone so obsessively. Even after a few years, even after experiencing a memory loss, he still hasn't been able to forget her. What this can explain, he already knows clearly in his heart.

Some people are irreplaceable no matter how good or excellent they are. For him, Qiao Qiancen is such an existence. No matter how good or worthy others are, in his eyes, this woman is not worthy, but the most worthy in this world. To cherish, the most worthy of care for a lifetime.

"When I was so down and down in the past, he never gave up on me, and even held my hand tightly. Mother, why should I stay out of it just because I can leave unscrupulously?"
After recording the statement, it was close to 3 o'clock in the morning. The police sent her to the door and said with some earnestness, "Miss Qiao, we know that you are a celebrity and should protect your rights and interests, but we are considering your safety. It is still recommended that you reduce your participation in public activities as much as possible, and stay in a place that only you know or is very safe, otherwise these people may come out again. The plan has not been investigated yet, but what we can be sure of is , behind this, there must be more than one person planning this matter."

Qiao Qiancen was a little flustered in his heart, but he still smiled and said to the policeman, "Thank you for your help. I will definitely pay more attention to this matter and observe more after I know about it."

When she got in the car and went home, she felt a little uneasy. She was always thinking about what the police said to him just now, and she felt uneasy.

Now that he is a public figure, many of his itineraries are public. Many people know where he will go next and what his next event will be. If he wants to ambush him and do something to him, it is really easy. He wants Avoidance is not really completely avoidable.

It's like his own private location, which is clearly only known to him and the company, but now that someone has come to the door, she really can't believe all the security systems.

He doesn't know exactly how many people are planning this matter behind the scenes, but he understands that if this matter is not completely ended as soon as possible, there will only be more and more difficult troubles in the future.

The shadow of the trees outside the window kept receding. She leaned on the car window and looked at the scenery outside. She just felt that life is long but short. She doesn’t know when it will come or if it will come. There are so many people who are constantly moving forward without knowing the number, and it has been more than ten years in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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