Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1144 An accident happened to Zhang Miaomiao!

Chapter 1144 An accident happened to Zhang Miaomiao!

And the sad thing is, no matter what happened, no matter how he explained it, those people would not believe her every word, they all believed that she was justifying herself, she was justifying herself, and thought she was an extremely hateful person.

Fu Yanshen frowned slightly, and after all squatted down, in front of him, he opened his arms and held him tightly in his arms. Such a tight and broad chest was like a tall mountain, giving him an endless sense of security. , melting and surrounding her whole body.

"Don't say these things anymore, if you give up on yourself, you clearly know that I care about you very much. You say these words will only make me more sad and unwilling. You don't seem to feel that I am doing this right or not. No, I don't have an answer here."

The man frowned, and said these words with some pain, and at this moment, Qiao Qiancen finally came to his senses after hearing the words. He raised his eyes and looked at the man in front of him, feeling a little surprised in his heart, as if he really It's the best, I have been ignoring his feelings all the time, I don't know if he will be sad or sad because of this, I just threw myself on myself and did many things that made him sad and sad.

But after so long, he didn't realize it. He didn't understand until today when he heard his words. It turned out that he was not easy.

"Yan Shen, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

"I just want to live the life I want more. I didn't expect things to develop to this point. I have tried my best. I don't want to guarantee that I don't want to make people who worry about me sad. But now..."

Speaking of this, Qiao Qiancen's tears fell down again uncontrollably, and instantly wet the man's shoulders, but the man hugged her even tighter after listening to her words.

"I promise this will be the last time. It will be the last time. I will not let this happen again."

When Fu Yanshen said this, an indifferent light flashed under his eyes. He knew that if he wanted to completely solve these so-called rotten things, only by getting rid of that person thoroughly, could everything be done as he wished.

Otherwise, if this continues, everything will only be an endless pain, and no one can relax and be relieved. Only by solving that person can things be alleviated.

"I don't want you to mean that you do bad things, if you didn't guess what you meant."

Qiao Qiancen slightly opened his embrace and stared at the man in front of him for a moment.At this moment, Fu Yanshen looked into his eyes, but smiled helplessly and sadly.

"You think this world is too simple. If this world is so simple and you can fulfill your wish, there won't be so many people who are trapped by love, and there won't be so many people who can't think about it."

It is indeed necessary to pay a high price to achieve a goal, and there was no gap between them in the past, but now that they realize it, they feel pain and can only accept the reality.

Qiao Qiancen shook his head and didn't want to listen to his explanation, so he said firmly, "I don't care about this matter, as long as you don't do anything wrong, so that I will never see you again, otherwise I will I will live in guilt and pain all my life, and I believe you don't want to see that."

A woman hugged Fu Yanshen tightly, but she never said another word.Because even he himself is not sure whether he can promise him or not. All these things are very cyclical, and everything is unknown. How can he answer her questions immediately like a prophet.

"Okay, it's getting late, you go to bed early."

After all, Fu Yanshen didn't answer his question directly, so he put her down on the bed.The voice said these words softly.

But at this moment, his heart was not so gentle and peaceful. He was thinking about another thing completely, and he was going to take revenge. It was time for that woman who didn't know what to do or not to be punished. Not only did she make his Qiao Qiancen even worse. Sad and sad, it also caused such a big change in the relationship between the two of them. If you don't blame him, you will be too sorry for yourself and the vows you made.

Zhang Miaomiao didn't know that the danger was coming, because he was too happy, he ran to the bar and played by the river in the middle of the night, and he was on his way home at 1 o'clock in the morning.

"Don't be so long-winded. I said I'll go back soon. I'll go back soon. I'm on the road now."

"What, I'm not drunk, don't talk nonsense, okay? I guess all day long, and this guess is all wrong!"

"Got it, got it, I'm on the North Second Ring Road and I'll go back soon."

In the alley, a woman in a dress and high heels stumbled forward, carrying a bag in her hand, dangling constantly.

But he didn't know that there were several men behind her at this time.He followed her all the time until she walked into another dark alley before appearing.

"Don't give me any face, I have already said this matter, and I will execute it to death."

After the man in black finished speaking, he turned and left. Not long after, he heard the woman screaming from the living.

He came here just to confirm whether it was his father. As for how to deal with it later, he had no plan.

It doesn't matter to him whether people like Zhang Miaomiao keep him alive or not. Now he has only one purpose, and that is to avenge Qiao Qiancen.I'm willing to listen to a word from him and I won't end up in such a situation now, but if he doesn't listen to him and insists on going against him, then she has to bear the consequences that should be borne.

"Yan Shen, where are you, Yan Shen..."

Qiao Qiancen woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't see the man's voice next to her, so she couldn't help changing to this name a little uneasy, but after the voice fell, the room was quiet, and no voice answered her.

"Strange, it was still there before going to bed, where did it go?"

She stood up in a daze and said, when she was hungry, she habitually turned on her mobile phone, looked at the location of the two people's mobile phones in the mobile phone, and then found that he was not at home, and he went to that remote place on the North Second Ring Road.

"What did you go there in the middle of the night? If you don't tell me, now suddenly there's no one there. I really don't know what to do."

Qiao Qiancen said this to himself, but he didn't expect to see it on the news the next day. There was a case about the North Second Ring Road.

And this matter seems to have something to do with her.

Something happened to Zhang Miaomiao!

(End of this chapter)

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