Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1145 Don't go online now, okay?

Chapter 1145 Don't go online now, okay?

At that moment, she didn't know how she felt in her heart now?It's just that there is a vague bad feeling taking root in the bottom of my heart, and it is becoming more and more majestic.

After hesitating for a while, he still called Fu Yanshen. He had to ask about this matter clearly, otherwise his conscience would be troubled in the future.

Although speaking of this matter, as her boyfriend, Fu Yanshen was understandable for doing this for her, but for some reason, she still couldn't make it through at this moment, and felt that doing so was immoral.

The call was connected almost immediately, but the male book on the other end was still sleeping, his voice sounded magnetic and confused, without any sense of waking up.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

He was hoarse at least because he asked this sentence, but at this moment Qiao Qiancen quickly asked his inner doubts, he really had no choice but to act as if he didn't know about this matter, she had to ask clearly.

When Fu Yanshen on the other end of the phone heard her asking this sentence, he couldn't help but recognize it. He didn't answer his words immediately, but was silent for a long time before finally saying, "If I say these things did, so what will you do?"

The big rock in Qiao Qiancen's heart seemed to drop down at this moment, hitting his heart heavily, making him lose his mind, and he didn't know what to do.

"You did this, right? Why did you do that? You know that I won't like this kind of revenge. "

As the voice fell, the man on the other end of the phone seemed to hear something that made him half-smile, and there was a faint smile in his voice.

"Whether you agree or not, since this happened, it is something that cannot be changed. And you understand why I did this. I did it for you. I can't bear him treating you like that. My method is to counter violence with violence, to fight an eye with an eye, and I will never give her any chance to breathe."

Qiao Qiancen lowered his eyelashes slowly, with some indescribable feelings in his heart. At this moment, his mood was very complicated. He wanted to tell him that he didn't want such a way of revenge, but he understood very well that, as he said, if If it wasn't for her, how could he do such a thing.

And in his opinion, among all the solutions, doing so is the best way, even though he is very clear about the unchangeable fact.

She closed her eyes, as if she was trying to find her own reason, so that she would not be too emotionally fluctuated, but at this moment, her voice was still trembling when she spoke.

"What is the difference between us and the bad guy when he treated me? I just want to get my own justice, not to use violence to control violence. Now I don't know how it feels in my heart. In short, it's not just happy. , tell me how I should face her in the future."

The man was silent for a while, as if he didn't expect her to ask such a question, and at this moment he just responded naturally, "You don't know how to face him, the one who did the wrong thing is that he provoked everything, and he is the one behind everything. It's all caused by him himself, he should have thought of this consequence long ago, so you don't have to worry about this and that."

"But I..."

Qiao Qiancen frowned and couldn't be as relaxed as he said. He acted as if nothing happened. After all, he was alone for no reason, because he was going to be injured, and it was impossible to be completely relaxed and relaxed in his heart.

"Don't talk about it, this matter can't be changed by the exam, not to mention that I did it alone and didn't ask your wishes. It's natural for you to be angry, but no matter what you do now, there is no way to change the fact. We Just try to accept it? Don’t try to change, because it may not be of much use after the change.”

There was no emotion in Fu Yanshen's tone, as if he was just talking about a very normal thing, but at this moment Qiao Qiancen listened to his words on the phone, but felt a strange feeling, as if he had never known this person Generally, what he brings to her is a strange and hesitant feeling.

"It's getting late, you should go to bed early, this incident will be treated as if it never happened, and I will not leave any evidence to let them find me. I didn't find someone to solve it completely when he treated you like that. He has given you enough face, so don't meddle in this matter anymore, otherwise I might do something to her."

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Qiancen seemed to have lost all strength, and slowly sat down with his back against the wall, and fell to the ground, the invisibility was full of emptiness and loneliness.

"Why? Why did everything become like this? It is clear that at the beginning, my plan was not like this. Why is it developing in a direction I did not expect now? What did I do wrong? The world treats me like this?"

She was talking to herself almost tremblingly, but at this moment, no one could give him the correct answer. He could only clean up his emotions, put on his makeup, and then go out to catch up with work.

No matter how emotionally broken, you have to clean up, cover up your superficial emotions well, and then go on to the next work schedule. This is the status quo in the entertainment industry.

Qiao Qiancen couldn't sleep well all night, so when she got next to the seat in the nanny's car, she felt drowsy and fell asleep on the seat.

In a trance, she seemed to hear the content of someone's conversation, and she couldn't help but wake up a little bit about him, and listened intently to what was said in the words.

"Director Lin can't do this, do you know? At the time we signed the contract, he was the one who spoke for him. Now you're filming a bald head smashing a bad guy. Our company will never agree to this!"

"One of us did not breach the contract. Please make it clear that some news on the Internet is not based on it. It is clear that someone is playing the rhythm and deliberately blackmailing an artist like us. You can't say that we have gone out of line in this matter. If you want to break the contract, everything can only be done according to the terms stipulated in the contract!"

It seemed that Jesse, the manager, was discussing things about him with others. At this moment, she couldn't help but slowly opened her eyes to look at Jesse's blushing face beside her.

"Director Lin, don't go online now, okay? You know what to do with this matter. You are clearly looking for faults to breach the contract. Let me tell you that this matter will not pass easily!"

Jesse scolded angrily!
(End of this chapter)

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