Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1150 One day there will be such an end...

Chapter 1150 One day it will end like this...

"Don't talk about this and that with me. Who doesn't know what your purpose is. What's the use of talking about it now? Anyway, I will never plead guilty until you find evidence!"

She just felt like hell, she didn't do anything on her own side, she showed her feet, and she had already let the man take the blame, why did the police come to investigate him? She clearly didn't leave any clues, and she never Where did the wind leak out?
When I was in distress, I saw a woman coming out of the interrogation room.The beautiful long hair and slender figure are completely through the posture of a star.

Zhang Miaomiao, a girl, couldn't help but straighten her eyes when she saw it, not to mention the other elders in the interrogation room, everyone was staring at the woman who walked in, and they couldn't help but be attracted by her beauty.

"This star really deserves her star temperament and good looks. I am blessed. No wonder she is called Yuncheng's most beautiful Yunchen. Is there any woman more beautiful than her? I don't think there are any, right? !"

"Oh, let me just say, those who can be a star are not. Generally speaking, whoever says they are a star can recognize it at a glance. You look like her. If you say that you are not a star, who will believe it?" ?”

Zhang Miaomiao felt a little jealous when he heard the compliments from the people around him. When he came in just now, no one had looked at him with admiration. Now when Qiao Qiancen comes to school, this bunch of people are all looking at her and praising her, they really treat her differently!

I was very unwilling in my heart, but more emotions were anger and grievance.

"I said to the police why all my employees helped me find me. It turned out that you wronged me. Did you say something nonsense to the police and they dragged me here as a suspect? I told you not to wait. After this matter, no matter what you say, I will not admit it!"

Zhang Miaomiao Chinese medicine doctor just doesn't want to suffer these things himself. He is really unwilling to be so depraved in front of him, but at this moment, besides accepting all this, what else can he do? It's just unpleasant.

Qiao Qiancen Mingde Chunqiao didn't speak, just sat down on the chair next to him, I don't think it is like air, but the driving at this moment is clearly to settle accounts with her, no one knows what happened to her think so.

"Hey, don't think it's useful if you don't speak. Let me tell you what you said. Everyone knows it well. If you wrong me, you are not a good person!"

Qiao Qiancen didn't say a word, just flipped through the portfolio in front of him casually, saw something, then raised his head with a smile and looked at the woman opposite.

"Still telling me here that this matter has nothing to do with you. Now that the boss is in front of the truth, you want to quibble?! I think it's too late, right?"

Zhang Miaomiao originally had a confident face, but now he seemed to be stunned by the whole person, and looked at the woman in front of him unwillingly, but couldn't help but ask.

"What evidence do you have, what evidence do you have for me, if you have the ability, let's discuss it together!"

There was a very strong and firm tone on his lips, but in fact, he became confused and uneasy in his heart.

Nowadays, no one knows how to do it well, only that such things have no results.She was not reconciled to pleading guilty and being punished like this, and she used to have thoughts of revenge, but now...

"Miss Zhang's incorrect evidence has been collected. It is useless for you to play tricks here. Everyone knows who you are and what you have done. No matter how much you say, who can listen? I can only persuade you, treat me well and stop thinking about it!"

Seeing this scene, the policeman on the side couldn't help sighing after all, wondering what's so good about such a woman. Did you regret signing with his company at the beginning?
After all, girls like Zhang Miaomiao can almost be said to be in the entertainment circle with a lot of inexperienced talents and the most delicate appearance, which can be called a delicate face. It is very difficult for such a face to stand out in the college circle.

Hearing these words, Zhang Miaomiao felt a little ugly in her heart, bit her lip slightly, and couldn't help but glared at those people.

"You just want to add insult to injury, because I'm afraid of you like this? I tell you not to think about it, who doesn't know what despicable track you are thinking in the bottom of your heart, you want to force me to admit my mistake, and want to solve the case easily , I don’t think I should think about it no matter what!”

In the final analysis, she is just unwilling. If this matter is not properly resolved, the pain it will bring in the future will be even more unbearable. No one is willing to accept such a thing, and now she can only accept it helplessly.

"It doesn't matter whether you admit it or not. Now is not the time to ask you to admit it. Since we know the truth and have reached a conclusion, we will take it outside and make it public. We don't know what will happen to you by then. , It’s just that you don’t want to explain the matter clearly now, so if you want to blame it, you can blame yourself.” After Qiao Qiancen said this sentence heartlessly, he looked at the police next to him and said to them, “ What should I do next? You are fully responsible. I only have one request, which is to present the truth of this matter to me. I will make it clear to the outside world. I will never suffer this crime again. "

Hearing these words, Zhang Miaomiao was so annoyed that she couldn't help but glared at them, wanting to rush up to reason from the bottom of her heart.

However, several policemen immediately held him down, and Yan Yu concentrated with a sense of threat, and they would definitely not let her hurt this woman.

Qiao Qiancen was Fu Yanshen's girlfriend, so how could these low-level people afford it if something happened?So this one can only directly enter the rights, and keep everything safe.

"I'm not reconciled, I'm just not reconciled, why do you step on my head for anything, including those things before, why do you think that you can always be better than me, than I can do anything Believe me one step, I think how long you can last, I tell you it won't be too long in this state!"

When they stayed together in the same company yesterday, no one said much, they just tried their best to work.

But if one day he knows that there is such an end, he will not continue.

(End of this chapter)

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