Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1158 If He Can Be Like You...

Chapter 1158 If He Can Be Like You...

Fu Yanshen, who heard his words at this moment, only felt a little impatient.I don't understand why Qiao Qiancen always sticks to her career, and doesn't think about the whole group and herself first.

"Qiancen, listen to me that you can get your career back if you lose it, but family happiness and children's early protection can't be exchanged no matter how much money and rights you have. Do you understand? You have to look for this right now. A little bit, don't get deeper and deeper?"

Fu Yan frowned deeply and said this eagerly, but after his words fell, Qiao Qiancen shook his head helplessly.

"You are not me, you never know how important my current career is to me, and you don't know how much I paid to get the results I have today. You asked me to announce this when I was at my best. news, and then quitting the showbiz, it hit me harder than anything."

Qiao Qiancen said this with some regret, even though he knew that Fu Yanshen would not be proud of such an answer, but at this moment he just wanted to stick to his own opinion, stick to the path he wanted to go, and didn't want to be swayed by others.

After all, Fu Yanshen closed his eyes and nodded, feeling helpless and sighing in his heart, but he couldn't find a correct way to respond to this sentence.

After all, there is nothing wrong with Qiao Qiancen's words. Now that they are all limited to their own rights and don't consider themselves, then the world may be in chaos.

"Qiao Qiancen, I understand what you said, you understand what you mean, but now I really think about this matter overall, if we don't take everything into consideration, we will definitely regret it in the future."

Fu Yanshenyu was unwilling to give up just like that, tried her best to dissuade her, and then showed her the doctor's examination report.

"Don't be fooled by the doctor's words just now, thinking that you can continue to work hard and kill yourself in the entertainment circle, take a look at these indicators, in fact, they are almost unqualified edge."

Fu Yanshen said these words with some sighs, and she didn't understand why Qiao Qiancen was so persistent in her career. It was clear that as long as he opened his mouth, he would be able to snatch the most beneficial resources for her, but she insisted on it. Relying on her so-called hard work, these are things she insisted on, and no one else can shake them, which really gave him a headache.

"There is no way, I still have to live according to my own wishes in the end. I also want to consider the overall situation, but the current situation just doesn't allow it. If I give up my future because of it, then I will feel sorry for myself in the future , Yan Shen, there is no way, this is my last retreat and the only choice."

At this moment, even if I only feel bored and painful in my heart, I can only pretend that I don't care, and continue to walk forward, so that I can find my own direction.
After the conversation was over, Qiao Qiancen went to his studio, knowing that he and Fu Yanshen had different ideas, and the two of them couldn't get together, so he could only choose to ask each other to be quiet and think about it carefully. Make a decision after clarifying the matter, otherwise, if the debate continues, no one will be able to relax easily.

And Fu Yanshen also felt bored and left, went to his own wine cellar, drinking glass after glass, the two of them ignored each other, as if they had started to quarrel.

When my mother came to deliver supper at night, she realized that something was wrong between the two of them.

Seeing his daughter and future son-in-law arguing like this, I just feel helpless.Then he walked over and said to Qiao Qiancen, "If you two really want to go together in the future, then you should discuss everything carefully, and don't quarrel every now and then. You are not children anymore, and many things can be resolved in a different way." Don’t make it so ugly. Besides, too many quarrels will hurt your feelings, and you sure don’t want to do that, do you?”

When Qiao Qiancen heard her mother say this, she finally lowered her head, a little helpless, took a deep breath, and wanted to tell her what happened today.

"What you know means a lot to me. I don't know how much hard work it took to get to where I am today. If I quit the entertainment industry, I would quit for half a year. No one in the entertainment industry will send me any more, and it will be very difficult for me to come back."

Qiao Qiancen frowned and said this to her mother, only feeling uncomfortable and painful in her heart. Why doesn't the person she loves the most understand how she should go on like this?Is it true that for the sake of the overall situation, I have to give up my single-minded career?
At this moment, mother listened to his words, felt a little embarrassed and frowned, as if thinking about how to deal with it.

"Mom, it's better not to get mixed up in this matter. You'd better live your own life. The rest of the things we two will communicate on our own."

Qiao Qiancen seemed to see her mother's purpose, so she stopped her voice, she didn't want her mother to feel bored and entangled because of the matter between herself and Fu Yanshen, this is not what they want or what they want to see, and Can be discouraged like this.

But at this moment, the mother only felt helpless when she heard it, she shook her head, and looked at her helplessly, "You are really a child, now you are not happy, how can I be happy, don't forget your journey How easy it is to walk, I also saw it at a glance, and I understand the hardships of your journey better than anyone else, so I don't want you to give up at will."

Mother held Qiao Qiancen's hand and patted it lightly, hoping that she could calm down and not be affected by this matter.

"You know we have never hurt ourselves because of anyone. We used to think that if you don't want to do these things, then no matter what Qiao Qiancen says, you don't have to. If he loves you, he will choose to respect you, but now he It’s not acceptable yet, you should give each other some time.”

In the end, the mother chose to support her daughter. After all, she knew better than anyone else how many setbacks and pains she had experienced before she could get to this point. As her mother, she naturally had no way to be It doesn't matter what discourages her from giving up.

But when I was touched, I didn’t think so kindly that I would sing it again, but I was a little moved. It seemed that I didn’t expect my mother to stand on my side. Seeing this, my eyes were red, and I hid gently and hugged my mother in my arms. , said with a sigh behind him that he was a little touched at that time, as if he didn't expect his mother to stand on his side, his eyes were flushed at this moment, he stood up gently and hugged his mother in his arms, and said as if sighing, " If only he could understand me like you do."

(End of this chapter)

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