Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1159 It's not that we don't care about fragrances and jades, it's just...

Chapter 1159 It's not that we don't care about fragrances and jades, it's just...

On Monday, Qiao Qiancen was invited to the annual meeting of Chengyu Liquor Industry, and she is now three months pregnant, and she knows that drinking is a must for this kind of banquet.But as the spokesperson, she naturally couldn't refuse, so she could only bite the bullet and agree.

Before leaving, the manager looked at her with some concern, and couldn't help asking: "Are you sure you don't want to refuse? Although it is unlikely, but if you really go over, if Fu Yanshen pursues it at that time, the two of us will I'm afraid it's not easy to explain to him. This matter is not stable, after all, there are people from the upper class. You are a star, and people will inevitably be curious about you and want to be clean. drink wine."

Qiao Qiancen lowered her head helplessly and smiled. How could she not understand that this would be the case, but now she knew better in her heart that as the spokesperson of this company, it would be too disrespectful if she didn't attend. It is very unfavorable for a rising artist like her to change to a new spokesperson after this season.

After all, he shook his head, and said to Sister Jesse with a smile: "If you are really worried, just follow me. I have no way to refuse, and you know it, so I have no way to do it at this moment. As for Fu I will explain to Yan Shen myself, don’t feel pressured.”

Qiao Qiancen seemed to understand in his heart that at this moment, even if he tried to evade it, it would be useless. It is better to accept it calmly and face it with courage.It's better than hiding in the dark and being frightened.

"All right, all right, my eldest lady. It seems very inhuman not to accompany you at this time, but if you really can't drink at that time, let me come and I will hold the wine for you. "

Jessie hugged her shoulder very righteously and said.

At this moment, Qiao Qiancen was a little moved, and finally stretched out his arms to hug the manager tightly.He said with some emotion: "What good things did I do in my previous life? Since I was able to meet a manager like you, I am really lucky."

Jesse poked his arm, looking disgusted.

"Little girl, don't think that you can trick me into doing things for you in the future. Let me tell you, we are just a working relationship, and we should distinguish clearly. Don't try to confuse me with these few words."

Qiao Qiancen was also amused by his words, and couldn't help but shook his head, saying nothing more, the two of them got into the car and rushed to the annual meeting.

When they arrived at the sports meeting, almost everyone had already arrived. The two of them arrived late, but they immediately attracted the attention of many people. After all, they are popular young actresses.Many people cast their eyes one after another.

【Quite good looking.No wonder he was able to lose his soul to a big president who was covering the sky with one hand in Yuncheng. 】

[It's okay, if you look carefully, it's just like that, those pictures on the Internet are still too serious about PS. 】

【I don't think it's okay. This kind of appearance is already about eight points. Don't think that Yuncheng is the most beautiful. This is just a casual boast.This looks, not only in the clouds, but also one of the best in the entertainment industry in our country, okay? 】

[This is the first time I saw a real person, and it seemed better than what I saw on TV and mobile phones.Why don't you go up and ask for an autograph later, you're still a star after all. 】

[So beautiful, with this temperament and this face, she is simply a top-notch stunner. 】


Qiao Qiancen naturally ignored the discussions around her, and walked to the main table with her agent. The organizer arranged for them to be at the table with the top figures of the company.

When we arrived, the place was already full of people, and only one seat was still vacant.

Qiao Qiancen and the agent looked at each other, and the agent nodded in acquiescence to let her pass.

This is obviously a position specially reserved for him by the organizer, but looking at it now, it seems that this position is arranged quite cleverly.

Because both sides are over half a hundred years old.The high-level figures seem to have some malicious looks, and forget about their scrutiny and amazement in their eyes.

"Miss Qiao came late. Why don't you sit down quickly, everyone is waiting for you to punish yourself with three glasses."

"Our big star is different. We just walked along the way, and I don't know how many men are looking sideways at you?"

"At the beginning, I didn't understand why Lao Chen chose Qiao Qiancen as the spokesperson of the company. Now that I look at it, I don't see anyone else. It's too good. It's the kind of woman I love."

When the men saw Qiao Qiancen, they began to joke unscrupulously, and Qiao Qiancen and the agent heard the need for a painting, but they only thought it was a bit unpleasant. After all, the two of them did not agree, and sat silently in their seats.

The few people who were teasing just now saw that Qiao Qiancen didn't seem to have any intention of punishing himself with three cups, so they started booing boisterously.

"Miss Qiao, for being late, you have to punish yourself with three cups. You have to understand, don't pretend you didn't hear it, okay?"

"That's right, Ms. Qiao, it's not that we don't care about fragrance and jade, it's just that this practice on the wine table cannot be changed."

Several men looked at each other and said this sentence with a smile, obviously trying to make her happy, but now they still say it in a serious manner.

Qiao Qiancen turned around and glanced at the agent, both of them looked a little unsightly, but at this time she was about to refuse, but the agent took the initiative to say, "Qiao Qiancen is not feeling well today, let me come Drink for him, as long as I'm happy with you, don't worry too much about it."

However, just as the manager turned around to drink for him, a man stretched out his hand to stop her.

"Wait a minute, this glass of wine is for her to drink. Why do you want to interfere? After all, it's a matter between us now. It's better for outsiders not to interfere."

Jesse's face turned green and pale, as if trying to refute it, but Qiao Qiancen also understood at this moment that the manager's inconvenience could only be forced to smile, shook his head and said to the manager, "I will handle this matter myself. "

She understood that the manager just wanted to help her, but the people in front of her obviously wouldn't agree, and she didn't insist on anything.

After the voice fell at this moment, he didn't care about anything anymore, he held the wine glass and drank it down, one glass after another, and those who drank three glasses in a row finally let her go.

"Qian Cen!"

Jesse yelled worriedly.

After all, Qiao Qiancen's physical condition is only clear to herself, which is very detrimental to the fetus and herself.

Then Qiao Qiancen turned his head and shook his head helplessly, pretending to be relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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