Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1167 I'm going to eat you down!

Chapter 1167 I'm going to eat you down!

It's just that although I think so in my heart at this moment, I feel more emotional about what happened to her in the past few years.

He is a girl who entered the entertainment industry alone, and has struggled for so many years, but still encounters so many accidents and injuries, but she always bears it silently, does not ask others to talk and complain, and takes everything by herself Well, a person who doesn't say anything is the most distressing.

Especially at this moment, thinking that the two of them have been together for so long, and he has never understood that, he feels even more inferior and ashamed.

"It's terrible!"

As if thinking of something ridiculous, Fu Yanshen himself sneered, with a somewhat sarcastic tone.

Now that things have come to such a point, the two of them also had a quarrel, but the first thing happened, he blamed himself and thought of her.

It seems that he has already used his affection deeply, and he may never be able to escape...

She smiled helplessly, and looked down at her stretched figure. The lonely person seemed really lonely, and that girl didn't know where to hide, and she was hurting herself again...

Feeling a little confused, he hesitated for a while before deciding to call her.

At least the two of them are still in a relationship. No matter what happens, they are obliged to solve it together. It is the most normal thing to face it together, but he doesn't need to feel embarrassed.

The phone was connected after a few dials, and after the connection, there was no sound from the other end, as if silently waiting for him to speak first.

Fu Yanshen knew what he was thinking, so he didn't intend to hang on anymore, and said directly, "Let's come out and talk, don't keep fighting like this, it's the most boring, both sides are unhappy, both sides There is no way to get what you want in your heart, it's a waste of time, isn't it?"

Fu Yanshen said this resignedly, shortening the lesson in his words. Qiao Qiancen listened to him on the other end of the phone and finally nodded helplessly in agreement with his statement.

"Then where shall we meet?"

After all, Qiao Qiancen said the first sentence of the night aloud. The man listened to his words. Although he didn't sound very happy, he was flattered that she was willing to reply to his words.

I knew in my heart that I was miserable, but I didn't have time to worry about it at this moment, so I replied directly, "Like how about the Mexican restaurant we ate together last time?"

"Well, yes."

After two brief conversations, the phone was hung up. Looking at the phone that had been hung up, Fu Yanshen lowered her head and smiled sadly, but she still put the phone back in her pocket, directly prohibiting any calls to herself. Walking to his home, the two of them will meet again in a while, and he can't help but want to change his clothes and tidy himself up.

In fact, it is said that women are the ones who please themselves, so why not men, and why don't they want to show their best side in front of the girls they like, he must be like this at this moment.

An hour later, the two arrived at the Mexican restaurant on time. There were still few people in the restaurant, so the two of them forbade to pick a corner seat near the window.

It was very quiet here, only the two of them were talking, Qiao Qiancen didn't intend to speak first with Yao Chen, but just waited silently for the man opposite to speak first, and now he was the one who asked her out first.

We have been together with Fetion for so long, how could Fu Yanshen not understand what she meant? After a moment of silence, he still said to her, "As I said on the phone, the two of us don't It's a cold war, the cold war is really boring, it's a waste of each other's time, why don't we make it clear whether we want to reconcile, we are all adults, and the time is quite busy, if it doesn't work, there is no need to keep flirting like this, it's quite troublesome."

Fu Yanshen's words were very cold and indifferent, as if he didn't care to listen to his answer next, but at this moment, only he knew best in his heart how much he longed to hear the answer he wanted to hear.

Qiao Qiancen was silent for a while, then gently raised her hand, brushed her hair, and then moved gracefully and slowly, as if she was thinking about this question.

"Are you thirsty? Have a drink?"

Fu Yanshen seemed to get nervous too, he didn't know whether to hold the big hand on the table tightly or put it on hold for a while, until he found an excuse for himself, and the waiter ordered two drinks in exchange.

"If you want to reconcile with me, are you sure you just buy me a drink?"

He had just finished ordering two drinks with the waiter when the woman across from him raised her head and looked at him as she spoke. There was no emotion in this sentence, but she had already expressed her meaning very clearly.

Fu Yanshen was stunned for a while, staring at the woman opposite, and was silent for a while, after all, he smiled with the corners of his lips curled up, and understood the hidden meaning of her words...

"The waiter, give her the menu, and let her order whatever she wants."

Fu Yanshen raised the corners of her lips and looked at the woman across from her smiling. At this moment, Qiao Qiancen was smiling happily, and there was a sweet feeling in her heart, as if it was gradually blossoming and bearing fruit, turning into a symbol of the sweetest and intimacy between the two.

"Yeah, give me the menu. Since someone asks me to reconcile with him, I won't be polite to him. I'll order whatever is more expensive. I won't be soft."

Qiao Qiancen raised his eyebrows and said intentionally, as if the master wanted to expose all the resentment towards him in the past few days.

And Fu Yanshen even laughed out of temper, nodded, and said indifferently, "It doesn't matter, you can order whatever you want, anyway, you can't eat enough, and I can't eat me forever in my life."

Jin Yandong looked indifferent, the corner of the waiter who was standing next to him eating a mouthful of dog food couldn't help but twitched, dare you think that these two rich men are showing off their wealth?The one that comes with dog food? !
"You are so confident, Jin Yandong."

Qiao Qiancen pursed her lips slightly when she said this, thinking of the endless troubles and sufferings brought to him by the two people's quarrel these two days, she couldn't help but feel a headache.

So no matter how good they are together, they will never be merciful. This man must pay a certain amount of money loss to understand her dissatisfaction during this period.

So she looked at the five-figure dish on the menu, and she ordered that one. After ordering a few in a row, the man finally raised his eyebrows and looked at her with interest.

"Sure, Qiao Qiancen, I can tell from the way you ordered these dishes that you are really angry these few days."

"Of course, I'm going to die of anger!"

Qiao Qiancen said angrily, when he handed the menu to the waiter beside the bed, the waiter next to him still didn't react, and took it in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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