Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1168 When I grow up, I will repay my favor

Chapter 1168 When I grow up, I will repay my favor
After all, in this situation nowadays, it is rare to see people who don't treat money like money like this, but treat it like running water, and spend it casually.

Maybe this is the boring and empty life of being rich?

The waiter thought with some indignation.

After a meal, Qiao Qiancen ate very refreshingly, but after he finished eating, he touched his swollen belly, and began to feel a little annoyed again, and couldn't help but pouted and looked at the man opposite him dissatisfied.

"I suspect that you didn't come to reconcile with me. You used other methods to retaliate against me. You see, you are causing me to eat so much that my stomach is bulging. What about tomorrow's catwalk? When the time comes, there will be more people on the Internet. It's annoying talking about me getting fat."

The girl frowned in distress and said this sentence without the slightest intention to lie, but at this moment Fu Yanshen couldn't help but think of the words she had talked with the person in charge of his company in the past two days.I have some uncomfortable feelings in my heart.

"You silly girl, why do you care so much about other people's opinions? You are yourself, just live happily and don't care what others think."

But as soon as he finished talking, the girl on the opposite side shook her head in disapproval, with an expression like you don't understand.

"Is there any girl in the circle who is fat? When everyone is pursuing beauty, if you pursue obesity alone, don't you just want to do the opposite? Such a person is destined to have no way in this era. To be successful, unless you're in a comedy to play a funny character, but I'm definitely not that material."

Qiao Qiancen pursed her lower lip helplessly and said, this is what she said from the bottom of her heart.

After hearing these remarks, Fu Yanshen understood that her thoughts had never changed, and everything was still the original idea. At this moment, he probably gave up thinking about arguing with her, so he smiled silently and said to her .

"If you're full, let's go for a walk together. The surrounding environment is also good. It's suitable for walking after meals. It will help you consume and lose weight."

Qiao Qiancen was quite satisfied when he heard the first half of the sentence, and quite agreed with the man's actions, but he didn't expect to be stunned when he heard the second half of the sentence.

"What do you mean by helping me consume? Do you think I'm a prodigal?"

Qiao Qiancen raised his eyebrows richly, and he stared at him without blinking, as if saying that if you dare to say yes, you will never leave alive.

After all, Fu Yanshen smiled helplessly and could only seriously explain, "You are the one who wants to make me poor. Now I give you a chance to make your consumption unsatisfactory. How many women want me to be her pawn?" Cash machine, she doesn't have this chance, you have a rare chance of cash machine today, take advantage of it."

Only then did Qiao Qiancen understand the meaning of Fu Yanshen's words, and she couldn't help laughing, feeling both sweet and beautiful in her heart.

"Why is it just a cash machine for one day, I don't want it for one day, I want a lot of money, you must be satisfied!"

At this time, her heart was very sweet, as if she had received the love and pity she had never had before, and she also wanted to be pampered and proud like other women, and Fu Yanshen did not intend to expose her dream , and accompany her to continue to realize this beautiful dream.

The two came to the riverside together, looked at many bustling small shops, and plunged into the sea of ​​people together, becoming an ordinary member of the masses.

Qiao Qiancen would buy many interesting things along the way, but gradually, Fu Yanshen discovered that those things were not for her age group at all, and many things seemed to be for children and the elderly...

Fu Yanshen couldn't help being a little surprised, watching her strangely bought a few more children's clothes, and finally asked, "What are you buying these for? I can assume that you want to buy clothes for children Have a baby?? But isn’t it too early to prepare for this old man’s clothes?”

Fu Yanshen said half-jokingly, and Qiao Qiancen couldn't help but glance at him when he heard the words, and said angrily, "Please, why do I want to have a baby? I don't want to!"

I just felt that the malicious meaning in his eyes was very clear, but I laughed lightly, too lazy to bother with him.

While talking, I saw a few more trendy clothes for the elderly, so I couldn't help but went up and bought a few more.

Fu Yanshen couldn't help raising her eyebrows strangely, she didn't know what she was going to buy these things for, she didn't just buy one, she already bought many of them.

Even if she did say she was going to spend all his money, he understood that she was never the kind of girl who would spend money and spend money freely.

She spends money where it is necessary and really needed.I just felt a little strange in my heart, and didn't think about it any more, just silently watching what she was going to do.

After a few rounds of shopping, Qiao Qiancen finally stopped and went on a shopping spree. Still without saying a word, he led him to another path on the street.

At first, Fu Yanshen didn't understand what she was going to do, but when he gradually saw the dilapidated villages not far away, he seemed to understand something, and looked at the woman in front of him in disbelief...

"When I was very poor, my mother also lived here and received a lot of favors from here, so now when I grow up, I will bring something to them when I pass by here, which can be regarded as a kindness to the past."

Qiao Qiancen turned her head and said to him, as if afraid that he would not understand her behavior.

"But don't worry, since I want to repay the favor, of course I will use my money. I didn't swipe your card just now. You can check it yourself."

Just thinking of something, Qiao Qiancen emphasized this sentence very solemnly.

The man couldn't help but smile, as if he was amused by her serious attitude.

"You silly girl, even if you swipe my card, I don't care! I agreed to use it as a cash machine for you, but I will use it as a cash machine for you. If you miss this opportunity, you will lose it."

Fu Yanshen smiled helplessly, reached out to rub her head, and looked at her with some pity.

Perhaps because of his growing environment, he has never been willing to owe anything to others, and he is willing to divide many things clearly, and he is also unwilling to have any debts.

But the more she was like this, the more he felt distressed.

It is clearly a very close relationship, but it is always impossible to fully feel the sense of distance between the two.

It seems that there is still some untouchable distance between them, no one can say anything, and can only let time dilute everything as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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