Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1169 Chapter 1202 We are people from two worlds

Chapter 1169 Chapter 1202 We are people from two worlds

They only met after they went to college, and before that, he had no idea how she got here and what she had experienced...

I couldn't tell what it was like in my heart, I always felt that it was not a good taste, I smiled bitterly and curled the corners of my lips, then I still raised my steps and followed.

With a strange feeling in his heart, as if he wanted to find out what her past was like, he followed her closely until he saw that she was very close to those ragged and dusty people. It was only when she got along with her in a friendly manner that she understood the deep meaning of her words...

It's true, she has a very good relationship with those people, like people who have lived together, they are very familiar with each other, and there is no violation of dignity when getting along...

In the end, I still couldn't tell what I was thinking, so I smiled and walked over together.

Just as he walked over, the villager seemed to be taken aback, looking at him in surprise.

After all, his clothes are totally incompatible with this place now, and the nobility and elegance exuding from his body are something that people here don't have...

Several villagers looked at each other, as if they couldn't figure out who this person was and why they appeared here, and finally they turned their attention to Qiao Qiancen, asking everything with their eyes.

Qiao Qiancen naturally understood what everyone meant, couldn't help but smiled helplessly, and explained: "It's like this, and he... is my boyfriend. I told you before that there is a boy who treats me very well. Take care of me, it's him."

When talking about Fu Yanshen, Qiao Qiancen had a bit of shyness in his eyes, as if a girl who had just begun to fall in love was talking about her sweetheart, such a shy appearance is finally exciting...

Fu Yanshen was also looking at her. The atmosphere between the two of them was very warm and beautiful, but they didn't expect that the moment the words fell, there was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground!
At that moment, everyone was startled by the sound. When they looked up, they realized that it was a tall, dark-skinned boy standing there, and at his feet was the water that made the loud noise just now. Pots……

It seemed that he just came back and heard Qiao Qiancen's words and was frightened...

When everyone came back to their senses, an aunt smiled and waved him over, saying, "Are you overjoyed to see Qian Cen? Quickly pick up the basin and come get together!"

However, facing the mother's invitation, the boy pursed his lips tightly at this moment, looking very unwilling to be wronged, and turned around and ran away in the next second!
Even though everyone was shouting at him from behind, he was determined not to look back, his tall body seemed to leave with a decisive breath.

After all, everyone was a little embarrassed. Just as the aunt wanted to smooth things over and save the situation that her son messed up, Qiao Qiancen stood up first and said directly to everyone: "Let me go and see him!"

"I'll go as well."

Fu Yanshen said this directly without much thought, but at this moment Song Luoyu turned around and smiled helplessly: "No, I'll just go by myself, I think...he just hasn't seen me for too long , some are unacceptable."

After saying this, she stopped listening to everyone's dissuasion, turned around and ran away!

The rest of the people looked at each other, wanting to talk about something, but they seemed to be afraid of Fu Yanshen being here...

Xiao Bai was calling from behind, but the man in front seemed to be unable to hear his words at all. No matter how she called him, he ran faster and faster.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore, and she fell to the ground.

The little man couldn't help but exclaimed in pain.And after the voice fell, the man who was walking in front and dared not turn back, finally turned around.Seeing her fall to the ground, she rushed over immediately.

"How's it going?! Are you okay?!"

The boy called out in horror, as if he couldn't figure out how she would fall, the distress in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

After the words were finished, Qiao Qiancen looked up, his eyes were full of dissatisfaction and grievance.

"What are you doing? Why did you run when you saw me? Am I that scary?!"

He remembered in his heart that he was very kind to her in the past, and the two almost grew up together, childhood sweethearts, but they didn't expect that they were so strange now.

This is something she can't accept!I just feel like there is a gully between the two of us, which cannot be crossed no matter what.

This kind of feeling made her feel sad and unacceptable. People around her seemed to be leaving her one by one, and she didn't know what she did wrong. She just hoped that he could explain clearly, even if it was for her. It's good to have a good time, it's better than treating her indifferently like now, treating her like an outsider...

After the words fell, the man was a little stunned, he never thought that what he did would bring her pain, and now it seems that if he wants to explain anything, it is too late after all...

A little distressed, he hammered his head in frustration, and said directly to her: "It's all my fault. If you are angry, just hit me! I'd rather be hit by you!"

Seeing that he really started beating herself, Qiao Qiancen couldn't help feeling anxious, and finally managed to control his hand!

"Stop! Who told you to hit yourself! I just want to know why you hit me now, what are you thinking?!"

Qiao Qiancen looked at him angrily and distressedly, unable to figure out what he was thinking, now she clearly just wanted to know what happened!Why does he always do this? This habit has not changed since he was a child!It's always been like this. Whenever she gets angry and sad, he will only choose to hurt himself and put all the blame on himself!
But that was obviously not the result she wanted!
Sad and wronged in his heart, the boy finally stopped when he heard her say this, and seemed a little embarrassed to go on like this. After a while of silence, he chose to say cautiously: "I just think that we are like this now... It’s so different from when I was a kid!”

After one sentence, Qiao Qiancen was stunned, and looked at him with some puzzlement, "What's the big difference?"

In her mind, there is clearly no difference now, but what exactly does he mean by saying this?
As he was thinking about this, he heard the boy smile a bit bitterly, as if his words were filled with uncontrollable depression, "You are a big star now, but I... still stay in this small village Here, there will never be an early day."

We are not of the same world at all.

(End of this chapter)

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