Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1170 I'm a stranger after all

Chapter 1170 I'm a stranger after all
The boy said with a wry smile from the bottom of his heart, but she still couldn't say these words when she looked into the eyes of the girl in front of her. After all, she knew that she was such a pure and kind person, so how could she think of these things.

Only a person with a dark mind like him can think of everything.

As if thinking of something, he gave a wry smile and stood up, carefully helping her up.

"When we were young, maybe we were the same kind of people. We were all people who suffered unfair fate and couldn't escape, but now we are different. You are a star standing on the stage with a bright future, and you have a... A boyfriend who loves you, loves you and has money is different from me, I have nothing."

Having said that, the boy smiled wryly, his words were full of indifference, but the emotion under his eyes betrayed him.

The big hand hanging by the side was even more tightly clenched, as if lamenting the injustice of fate, it was unacceptable, but such a fact had to be accepted...

Qiao Qiancen was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect him to say such a thing.

But at this moment, he clearly didn't feel that there was anything in his heart. From her point of view, everything was just a trivial matter, and there was no need to keep it in his heart. speech.

"I obviously don't think so. No matter what happens between us in the future, no one can change what we have experienced together. It is incomparable to others. Why do you think so?"

After all, Qiao Qiancen still couldn't figure it out, took the man's hand slightly, and asked very seriously, why did he belittle himself so clearly that he didn't understand what he said? Many things are not as serious as he imagined, It's just that he thinks things too complicated by himself.

But at this moment when he said this, the man still shook his head, and there was an indescribable sense of despair and powerlessness between his words.

"Of course you don't understand living in the sun. For a person like me who lives in the dust, what I think about every day is how to fill my stomach, how to keep my family from starving or cold, and have clothes to wear. But you are different, everything between the two of us has already happened in the dark, I hate the kind of people who change this fate, but I can't change it."

Among the men, he opened his hand slightly, with some nostalgia and reluctance in his eyes, but he still had the heart to push his hand away, as if to completely separate the two people's lives.

"Wait, did you misunderstand something? I have never been separated from you in two worlds. I will always be in this world. No matter how you think about this kind of thing, there is no way to deny it."

Qiao Qiancen didn't want her former friend to misunderstand her like this and parted ways with her, but at this moment it seemed that no matter what he said, he would not listen to her heart, and usually she felt powerless and sad like this.

She is obviously a person who grew up together, but now she has to use such a secular reason to separate from him, she has no way to accept it.

However, this man has a good feeling in his heart. Will he try to dissuade himself when he closes his eyes, forget all this, and let go of everything, but I don’t know why after working hard for so long, he still can’t calm himself down.

After all, the girl in front of me was the only warmth and beauty in my heart. She swore that when she grew up, she would give her a big house to live in, and give her many bright futures so that she would no longer have to live a hard life together. There is also a bright future in between.

But now everything has changed, there are people around him who are thousands of times better than him, and in her eyes, he probably no longer has the sense of existence of him, so why would she bother to get along with her? Which is better?

There was some bitterness in my heart, but I still smiled with the corners of my lips up, as if I didn't care.

"Don't say that, okay? We've been friends since childhood, and we'll be friends in the future. What you're doing now is making our friendship worthless. We've played together for so long, don't you still Can't you tell what kind of person I am? Don't you think I'm no different from those women who only look at the vanity on the surface? "

Qiao Qiancen looked at the man in front of him with a trembling door light, and felt that something had broken open in his heart, gradually ruining his best childhood memories and the beautiful and kind boy in his memories.

Is it possible that friendships become so fragile when they grow up?

Seemingly thinking of such a mood in my heart, I couldn't help crying, but I still looked at him seriously, wanting to get an answer I wanted to hear.

"Qiao Qiancen, we may have once been a world, but now no matter what you say, I can really feel the difference between us. When you go back, you will have beautiful clothes to wear, and there are many delicious dishes for you to choose from. , and the courage to replace the big house at any time, but I don’t have anything, it’s impossible for you to really be willing to share weal and woe with me.”

When he said the last sentence, the man's voice dropped. Many of them seemed to be worried that their intentions would be discovered. Generally, their faces were a little flushed, but they still turned their heads quickly to prevent the girl from discovering.

Qiao Qiancen was also taken aback for a moment, and clearly heard the words of the man and the following four words "share weal and woe".

This is obviously not a word that would be used in friendship, but at this moment he said it like this, and she couldn't let him misunderstand it any longer.

"All in all, what I mean is very clear. If you insist on thinking so badly of my mentor's playmate, then you can do whatever you want. It's just that I will be very disappointed. I hope you understand this."

After saying these words with some discomfort, he finally stopped looking at the boy, turned his head and limped forward.

Qianbian not far away is a lush green rapeseed field, and it used to be the happiest paradise for him and her to play, but now the two of them stand here again, but they can never regain their childhood feelings.

Maybe when I grow up, everything will leave quietly. Now this is just the beginning, how can I not even bear this setback?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, bit his lip helplessly, raised his steps and walked forward step by step.

How to go is the right choice, and now there is no answer.He lost his best childhood playmate, and that playmate didn't want her anymore...

As if repeating this fact over and over again, her eyes were a little red.

(End of this chapter)

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