Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1171 Everyone is having fun, only him

Chapter 1171 Everyone is having fun, only him
Hearing what she said, the boy felt as if something in his heart had been touched. At this moment, he raised his steps and wanted to follow, as if he wanted to restore the friendship that was about to be lost.

It's just that he didn't take two steps. When he saw the tall figure appearing not far away, his steps moved again.

Isn't this person who appeared her so-called boyfriend?

The man seemed to have seen him too, and they were staring at each other in the air, but at this moment, for some unknown reason, he felt a sense of shame in his heart, which was getting more and more overwhelming. After a while of silence, he clenched his fists and left.

How long this kind of thing will last, he doesn't know.

At this moment, he knows better than anyone in his heart that he doesn't want to be played around like a fool. If he wants to find a girl, he must be right with them. As for the past Bai Yueguang, Sooner or later you have to give up.

The pace of leaving was a bit heavy, as if saying goodbye to his most beautiful childhood dream, generally he was reluctant, a little hard to let go but he still didn't have the courage to look back, he was looking forward to seeing the girl he loved the most intimate with other men at this moment, He will be jealous.

But it is even more clear that it is useless to be jealous, because he has no way to compare with others. He is a younger brother, and the two cannot be put together.

"What's wrong? Did he bully you? Why did your eyes turn red after chatting for a while?"

Fu Yan frowned deeply and looked at the woman in front of him. He felt a little worried in his heart and didn't understand what happened. At this moment, he turned his head to look again, but the man found that he had gone far away. Vicissitudes and silence.

His eyes sank, he always felt that his feelings for Qiao Qiancen were not simple.

Without saying another word, he gently hugged Qiao Qiancen's shoulders, and walked back with her.

The girl walked very slowly, her eyes trembling.It seemed that after a while she opened her lips and explained, "I just think that many things will change when people grow up, but I can't help it. I can't accept it. I can understand it. After all, who can't help it is me. I have recalled a little bit of my childhood in my life, but I just can’t understand, why?, but I just can’t understand why such a past, I’m the only one who holds it in my heart.”

Hearing her words, this man seemed to have thought of something.After a little silence, he paused to look at him, and explained earnestly, "Since the past is over, let it pass. After all, there is no way to ask for a thing to last for a long time. We have nothing to do, just let it go. Able to face things seriously, isn’t it the truth?”

The man said this sentence word by word in a deep voice, without any modifiers or explanations, just to reveal the truest facts.

But at this moment, Qiao Qiancen still felt uncomfortable in her heart. She lowered her head and walked forward step by step, only feeling a little chill down her spine.

"I want to make myself understand and understand, but I can't."

Some trembling voices said this sentence, and there seemed to be no reason to explain it in their hearts. After all, there is no way for anyone to walk into such a pattern now.

She was just a little sad that such a thing would happen to her.

"Qiancen, don't take these things to heart. Now you have me by your side, don't you? Why are you together? What about his man? If there is such a thing, it will make me sad and unhappy."

Fu Yanshen said this sentence as if it meant something, and after hearing this sentence, Qiao Qiancen raised his eyes as if he had realized something, and looked at him with some surprise, "Are you really unhappy? But he only went to I just care about my childhood playmate, it doesn't really matter."

After this sentence fell, Fu Yanshen seemed to have heard some funny words, so she couldn't help but pause, clasped her shoulders with both hands and said seriously, "Silly girl, don't be stupid, no man wants his girlfriend You who are thinking about other men, wake up, okay? Stop thinking about him, or I will really teach you a lesson. "

"What lesson is taught?"

Qiao Qiancen obviously didn't understand. The businessman in his sentence tilted his head. He asked this sentence strangely and heard it. After all, the man smiled helplessly. In the next second, he grabbed it. Her waist, bowing her head...

"This is punishment."

Qiao Qiancen was stunned, and it wasn't until after a while that he finally understood what the punishment he meant by this sentence, and his face turned red.

When we returned to the village again, everyone was already preparing dinner, but today because of their arrival, we did not prepare a dinner party. We sat together on the wide grass and filled the banquet.

"How come there is a big star among the people I know, in the future, we will be considered as people who know stars!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone laughed, "Yes, yes, it is so majestic to say this. How can we say that we have a very good relationship with Xiao Qiao before, and everyone will come to worship us in the future!"

"Little Qiao, I didn't expect that one day you would be so promising. I would have given you more food if I had known back then, and now you will definitely repay us more!"


A few villagers were joking, and everyone laughed happily. Everyone looked happy. Qiao Qiancen and Fu Yanshen were also involved in it, and the two of them had a great time playing.

It's just that few people have noticed the tall figure in the corner, who has been silent at this moment, his eyes are a little flat, and he seems to be thinking about something, without saying a word.

"Son, what's the matter with you? Why don't you eat so much food? Don't say that today, Mom put all your favorite chicken drumsticks in front of you, why don't you eat them?"

An aunt said to the boy that her face was full of puzzled emotions. Today is such a happy day, and everyone is happy and happy. It's just his son, who has a dark face for a long time, as if someone offended him.

Now not only do you not talk, but you don't even eat. Is this plausible?
Hearing his mother's words, the boy finally slapped the chopsticks down, and responded impatiently, "If you like food, you can eat it yourself. I just don't want to eat it. Leave me alone and take care of yourself. matter!"

After saying this, the boy walked away very quickly. Everyone was stunned and didn't understand what happened, but at this moment the boy didn't intend to turn back, and died laughing at the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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