Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1173 Parents' Sudden Contact

Chapter 1173 Parents' Sudden Contact

The two parted with some unhappiness, and on the way back, Qiao Qiancen didn't say a word to Fu Yanshen. It was like a cold war between the two of them, and neither of them said a word.

After all, the man driving the car glanced at Qiao Qiancen who was sitting in the back seat through the rearview mirror.There was some indescribable feeling in my heart, I thought about what happened, but still chuckled, and with some helplessness withdrew my thoughts.

Now that everything has been said clearly, she still can't listen to it anyway, so there is no way.

Some things still have to be figured out by herself.

At night, the car finally parked safely downstairs, but Qiao Qiancen didn't say a word, just opened the car door and walked out. Did today's incident really offend her? She was in a bad mood all along.

The man watched him go upstairs, until he heard the sound of the door of her residence opening and closing, his heart settled down, he started the car and left, but he was a little distracted along the way, always thinking of the two of them unconsciously. personal feelings.

It seems that no normal couple would quarrel every now and then like they do now, always because of some irrelevant people and things, which obviously shouldn't affect their relationship, but now...

"This girl is really embarrassing."

Fu Yan sighed deeply and shook her head, took out a cigarette, lit it, and suddenly pounced in the car, even though she hadn't reached the downstairs of her home, she didn't want to drive any further, even though she hadn't arrived at her home Downstairs, but I don't want to drive any further.

It seemed to be the only resting window for his tired soul, he didn't want to retreat, so he could only stop at the spot and rest for a while.

[The two of you just sat in the car for a while when you received a text message from Fu Yanshen's mother. Seeing this text message at this moment, the man only felt some self-deprecating emotions welling up in his heart. He raised the corners of his lips and smiled, then He replied, "No, don't we two just like to quarrel? We can quarrel regardless of our affairs."

At this moment, he didn't care about anything. He said it at the time, and he didn't hide his emotions in these words. He thought there was nothing to hide. This was the truth, not to mention that he really had enough. up.

Even if the three views are wrong, even if they have different views, they can sit down and talk about it, but he always pushes everything to the extreme, and the two have to quarrel.

No matter how hard he tried, she seemed unable to listen.This embarrassed him and made him feel even more tired.

When will he be able to have exactly the same thoughts and attitudes as himself.

In this way, he had a headache, and he didn't know whether that day would come, and he was in a panic.

If it's like this when you are in love now, how can it get better when you get married in the future, I'm afraid it will be worse than worse.

Just a few seconds after the message was sent, Qiao Qiancen's mother wrote back, 【What happened?can you tell meHow can I say that I am also a man, can I analyze the young couple for you?Don't get upset over a little thing. 】

Seeing that Qiao Qiancen's mother said so, he didn't hesitate to tell everything that happened today.

It's not that I want to confide, but I just hope that Mother Qiao, who has experienced it, can give a pertinent suggestion.

It took a few minutes to get a reply message.

[For this matter, in fact, Qiao Qiancen should have a deep feeling in his heart, but he just doesn't want to believe it, not to mention that he and that boy are good buddies who grew up together. He has long regarded him as a friend and as a family member. Now Telling him everything is not as simple as he imagined, of course he doesn't want to accept it, so his reaction is an obvious avoidance reaction. 】

Seeing this passage, Fu Yanshen's heart sank, and he finally put an end to today's matter.

Everything was clear, but he was unwilling to accept the reality, so he made excuses to avoid it, and he actually followed up to find trouble, no wonder the two of them quarreled.

Laughed in a low voice, still sighed, and replied to Qiao's mother, [Xing Ba listened to your explanation, I feel better, I will talk to him tomorrow to clarify, the two of you should not be emotional, Otherwise, this cold war will take another 10 days and a half months, which will be too emotionally exhausting. 】

Seeing that Fu Yanshen was willing to compromise and bow her head first, Qiao's mother felt ashamed and embarrassed. After all, her daughter is so ignorant, it's not good to always ask others to make concessions...

At this moment, I replied gratefully: [Then you have worked hard and take more responsibility. I will have a good chat with Qiao Qiancen here. I can’t let him continue to be so willful. How can you say that the relationship is also a matter between two people, it can’t be You have been paying by yourself, and I will let him understand some truths. 】

【Thank you so much?You also rest early and don't work too hard. 】

After turning off the mobile phone and smoking the cigarette vigorously, the man stubbed it out.

After discussing the matter, it's time to go back. Now that he has made a promise to the mother and daughter, he can't break his promise. He also needs to make some preparations, and set a date for the two of them tomorrow, so as not to mess it up.

Going back one night, he took a shower and was about to go straight to sleep. After a whole day, he was exhausted and walked around everywhere. He was already unbelievably tired.

It's just that he didn't expect that when he was lying on the bed and wanted to close his eyes, the phone rang. He habitually picked it up and looked at it, thinking it was a call from Qiao Qiancen, but he didn't expect it to be from his own family.His eyes paused, as if he had thought of something, he was silent for a while before he connected the phone.

"What's the matter? Call me in the middle of the night."

"Your child, we are all a family. Do we need to divide the time when we make a call? Besides, can't I call you if there is nothing to do? Look at what you said, it's strange."

After the father finished speaking with some dissatisfaction, the mother's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Yan Shen, mom hasn't seen you for a long time, why don't you come back to see the job once a year, you are really so busy Is it? I just want to chat with you, but I don’t have a chance, why can I come back some time this weekend?”

Hearing these words, Fu Yanshen frowned after all, thinking that he would go on a date with Qiao Qiancen to clear up the misunderstanding, so he responded directly, "No, I have something to do this weekend, let's talk about it next time , I've been very busy recently."

Afterwards, he had already guessed what his parents' intentions would be when they called suddenly. Usually, he wanted to hang up after saying this sentence angrily, and then he didn't expect the sound of his parents to interrupt anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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