Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1178 Burn this place down!

Chapter 1178 Burn this place down!
"Mom, do you think what I said is right? Then he doesn't believe these two mothers and daughters. Now he sees that his life is getting better, so he jumps his mouth to the sky. He looks down on this and that, I think If they develop better in the future, it might be time to find someone to beat us!"

Qiao Moli was so angry that the mother who turned around said this.

When Zhang Manjie heard this, she was also filled with indignation, crossed her arms around her chest and sneered.

"You are a dead woman who was not afraid of death when death was imminent. Now, after so many years, you still haven't grown up. Don't you know what I came here for today? How dare you speak so aggressively! I see you, you really don't see the coffin, don't you?" Tears!"

Li Yiyuan shook his head and sighed.

Looking at the two mother and daughter in front of me, I just feel that they have not changed from the villain's successful appearance more than 10 years ago. They can always find the commanding heights to ridicule and look down on anyone, but they don't know that they are already standing in the bottom of the well... …

"Then you should explain it to me. You just broke into the house and brought a bunch of people you don't know. What are you trying to do? Is it reasonable for you to say that? It's still in line with social laws?!"

Qiao Moli rolled her eyes directly, and the emotion in her eyes was very unkind, "Who told you that we are here to do things that comply with the law, but your daughter dared to say it secretly behind your back, so today we will also come to you Find something to do, did you think we wouldn’t take revenge when we hurt our family so badly? Don’t overthink it, anyone who dares to offend us won’t have a good end!”

When Qiao Moli raised her chin and said this, she sneered and turned her head to gesture to the tough men behind her.

"See? This is a surprise that my mother and I prepared for you. I just think that life is too happy and joyful. Well, I will add some trouble to you. This is also a courtesy. It’s also worthy of our acquaintance in the past, isn’t it!”

Hearing these words, the bad premonition in Li Yiyuan's heart became stronger, she frowned, and asked impatiently, "So what exactly are you planning to do? Tell me clearly about something!"

Now that her daughter and son-in-law are not around, she is still an old man alone, and if she has a chance to deal with them, she can only force herself to calm down and face it.

"Oh, sister, don't panic. What we can do to you is just to find something for you to do. Aren't you very proud recently? Then I'm going to pour your anger on you, lest you, At that time, if you offend someone, you won’t know how they will die.”

After saying this, she sneered and waved the people behind her, and ordered in a cold voice, "Do things and do things, so as not to let some people's flames be too arrogant, and then everyone will be offended!"

With an order, several men loosened their muscles and bones, and then began to disperse towards every corner of the house, picked up things and smashed them vigorously.

"Do you still have the king's law? What do you want to do? You uploaded private houses and destroyed our things. Are you dying? Stop it!"

Li Yiyuan yelled these words in disbelief, he didn't expect that Qiao Moli and his mother would ask someone to do such a despicable thing, and came here to make trouble while his daughter and son-in-law were away.

"Oh, my good sister, you really wronged us, we just want to help you, lest you are too boring, let you come and clean it a few more times, and also, the furniture in your house, They are all too old, how about some new ones, we are creating opportunities for you!"

Zhang Manjie laughed, looked at each other with Qiao Moli, and laughed happily.

"Stop it, you are breaking the law, I will sue you, are you really not afraid of death? What do you want to do!"

I can't stand Li Yiyuan anymore, I rushed over to stop those men from smashing the furniture, but those men would not care about him, he is a bastard who is out of society, this one directly pushed her hard Push it away.

"Go away and kill the old woman,? The person who offended doesn't know yet! Blind!"

Li Yiyuan's back directly hit the table, her face turned pale from the pain, she bent her waist but insisted on walking over there, there was the only photo of her and Qiao Qiancen, and she didn't want anyone to spoil it.

But as soon as she walked over, the man who smashed the furniture didn't see her at all, he lifted the TV screen and threw it back, but he never expected to hit Li Yiyuan in the middle!

With a shrill scream, the gray-haired old man fell directly to the ground, and blood flowed out instantly!

Seeing this scene, Qiao Moli, Zhang Manjie and the others were stunned. They never thought that such a situation would happen. They looked at each other and hurriedly decided to leave.

"Let's go now before anyone finds out that it's from our group. If it gets out that we did it, then we'll be paid for it!"

Zhang Manjie grabbed her daughter's hand, said to the tough men behind, and hurried to the door.

"But what should we do if we are found to be wrong? We didn't expect to kill people!"

Several men just looked at each other, a little embarrassed, after all, they just wanted to teach their family a lesson according to the order they received, but they never thought that they would hurt others.

They don't want to eat a life lawsuit!

"Who wants to make a fuss, let's go quickly, and solve it quickly before the current situation becomes serious!"

Zhang Manjie impatiently waved her hand to let everyone leave together, but at this moment Qiao Moli seemed to think of something, and she was unwilling to move.

"Mom, calm down, this matter will not be found on us if you leave now!"

"Then what else can you do? Now that everything has happened, it's too late to regret it!" Zhang Manjie said angrily.

Qiao Moli looked around, and finally she gave orders to those men, "Put a torch and burn this place. As long as the body is charred and the original outline cannot be seen, I don't know what happened." What happened!"

As soon as this sentence fell, everyone was shocked. They didn't expect him, a pure-looking and youthful woman, to say such vicious words, not only killing people, but also burning the whole place.

"What are you still doing here in a daze, if you don't want to do it, you will be fired and everyone will die together, how do you choose? It's up to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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