Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1179 You know a chapter like that will drive me crazy!

Chapter 1179 You know that I will go crazy if I do that!

After all, the men hesitated after hearing this sentence. After all, they were more concerned about their own future and future than other people's lives.

It is not worth it for them to spend the rest of their lives in prison because of one person's life.

In the end, the men looked at each other a few times, after much deliberation, they decided to do what Qiao Moli said.

"Since this incident has already happened, we have agreed that no one can speak out, and no one can attack the other party. Otherwise, we will just hug and die together, and we will act as if we don't know what happened today." I haven't been here before, anyway, when the time comes, it will be burned and we will never find our traces!"

Zhang Manjie's complexion was a little pale, and after saying this, she turned and looked at Li Yiyuan who was lying on the ground, her eyes narrowed slightly, a little scared, but more of resentment and pleasure after revenge.

In the past, she had been under her feet all the time, even if she turned up and became the hostess, she couldn't forget the fact that she was just a mistress after all.

This incident dealt a great blow to her, even after many years, someone would still come up with this incident to seriously injure her, no matter what, she still resented Li Yiyuan...

After the words fell, several people looked at each other but nodded one after another. Now that they have no other choice but to do so, they can protect each other's future without being affected.

"Then it's settled, let's act quickly, lest we be discovered by others, and it will be too late for us to escape. We must destroy the corpses and escape from here before everyone finds out!"

A man said to everyone with a calm face.

Several people nodded one after another, and after finishing the work, the surrounding area began to arrange the crime scene.

First of all, we must cover up all the traces here. We cannot find traces of fighting here, and we cannot let people know that they have come here to provoke trouble.

Otherwise, they will be found no matter what, and they will have nothing to do with them. This is the only way to solve everything.

They messed up everything and created a scene after the explosion. They didn't pick up the lighter and lit all the places that could be ignited until it was almost done.

"It shouldn't be a problem if you do this. It's guaranteed that she won't survive, and it's guaranteed that everyone won't find out that this matter has something to do with us."

After negotiating with several people, they still nodded and agreed, after all, this is the only way to do it now.
Qiao Qiancen and Fu Yanshen agreed to meet at the pier. Today is the day when Fu Yanshen came back from a business trip, and they traveled by water, so the two made an appointment to have dinner at a western restaurant near the pier.

It's just that there is still half an hour before the appointment time, but Qiao Qiancen has already arrived at the appointed spot first, checking the news on his mobile phone when he has nothing to do.Occasionally, she came across a few melon-eating news in the entertainment circle, but she didn't pay much attention to it, and just glanced at it casually before flipping over.

It's just that after reading the pile of news all the way, he suddenly discovered a piece of news, and his eyes trembled involuntarily.

The title clearly stated that a fire broke out in the xx community in Kyoto. The victim was rescued and seriously injured. She was a middle-aged woman in her 50s. The fire was suspected to be caused by improper cooking.

And the name of the neighborhood that appeared in the news was exactly the neighborhood she was in.What's more, the indicated victim now matches his mother's information, and he couldn't help but tighten up a little, with a bad premonition welling up in his heart.

So it shouldn't be so suspicious, but at this moment, her brows still twitched involuntarily. After thinking about it for a while, she still called her mother with trembling hands. As long as she heard her mother's safe and sound voice, she could feel completely relieved to date Fu Yanshen.

It's just that I don't know why the phone that can be answered with two or three calls in the past, but no matter how many times she dials this day, no one on the other end of the phone answers...

Feeling unstoppable turmoil.

With trembling hands, he called Fu Yanshen again, and told him directly what he was worried about at the moment.

"What should I do? The description on the news is really similar to my mother. What should I do if it is really my mother? It says that the middle-aged woman is seriously injured now, and her life or death is uncertain!"

His voice couldn't stop trembling, and his whole body trembled even more unimaginably. It's better that the incident was really her mother. How should she survive in the future? I'm afraid that the whole spiritual world will collapse.

At this moment, Fu Yanshen on the other end of the phone couldn't help frowning when he heard these words. Indeed, all the information plus the phone call that can't get through at the moment, everything so abnormal has been pointed out, and it is very likely that It was Qiao Qiancen's mother, but he was worried that she would not be able to bear the fact, so he still tried to comfort her.

"Silly girl, don't think about it so much. Your mother is probably sleeping right now and didn't hear your call. It's useless for you to worry about it. Why don't I be there soon? Let's go back to your house and have a look. You Mom must be watching TV at home."

Hearing the man's voice, this piece of Qiao Qiancen's flustered mind finally settled down. Some of the emotions he tried to calm down, he nodded slightly and agreed, "I listen to you, my mother must be fine, we will go back together later. , she must be safe and sound at home now..."

Although she said so on the lips, she still maintained a skeptical attitude in her heart. After all, her mother did stay at home at this time in the past, and she didn't have the habit of taking a nap, so it was impossible for her to miss her call.

That bad premonition surrounds him like a spell, admitting that he can no longer be affected by the surrounding things, can't be happy, can't be curious, and his whole heart is restless.

After about 10 minutes, Fu Yanshen finally got off the ferry. Seeing the girl's pale and disturbed complexion, she hurried over and held her small hand with her big hand.

Gently comforted, "Don't panic, don't be afraid, I will help you no matter what, now we call home to see how your mother is the most important thing, don't be afraid of these things. Maybe we really want to Too much, maybe your mother is really fine, don't panic."

Even if the man's warm and powerful big hand held his hand, it gave him infinite strength. Normally at this moment, Qiao Qiancen stared at his eyes, calmed down and nodded slightly, but the corners of his lips were trembling.

"I hope this is the case. I have no way to lose another person, not to mention that person is my mother. If that is the case, I will go crazy and collapse!"

(End of this chapter)

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