Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1181 She Never Looks at Him

Chapter 1181 She Never Looks at Him
After the words fell, he looked at the girl in front of him and realized how much his words had hurt her, but his original intention was not like this. He just wanted to make her feel better and protect her more, but he didn't Imagine how things would turn out the way they are now.

After being silent for a while, he finally stretched out his hand and gently held his hand, staring at her deeply, as if not letting go of any emotional changes in her eyes.

"Just think I'm too impulsive, okay? I didn't think carefully about this matter. At the beginning, I just wanted to make you less hurt. I didn't expect to bring you so much harm in the end. I'm sorry, forgive me." ?"

Qiao Qiancen listened to his words, but tears fell down involuntarily. She shook her head after thinking about it but couldn't do anything. Finally, she withdrew her hand from his big hand, looked away, tears fell uncontrollably.

"I don't know how to face you, and I don't know how to tell you about this matter, but for me, today's matter is actually too big, I can't talk to you in the mood, I I just hope that you can give me a space, let me be alone and think about it."

Qiao Qiancen's trembling voice finally said these words. He hoped that this man could understand her, so it's good to let her think alone, otherwise she will definitely go crazy and continue like this.

What can Fu Yanshen do after hearing what she said?In addition to agreeing to be silent for a few seconds, he nodded.

"Then let's settle this matter first. You can rest here for a while, and I'll buy you something to eat. You haven't eaten much tonight. It won't work if this continues. Be strong too, otherwise Auntie will be sad if she doesn't see you when she wakes up."

Qiao Qiancen listened to his words and nodded, which was regarded as a promise, but he didn't know whether he could do what he said.

At this moment, his heart was in a mess, he could no longer find an excuse to continue to persevere, and his whole heart was turned towards the circle, all thoughts and directions were the same, and he didn't know what to do.

"Then you should be quiet for a while, I'll go and buy you something to eat first, I'll go back soon."

After the man finished speaking, he turned around and left. At this moment, Qiao Qiancen, who was watching his leaving back, silently withdrew his gaze. Looking at the street not far away, he felt that something was gradually shattering in his heart.

Some people have said that when you grow up, you must learn to make peace with yourself and shake hands with everything that happened, but why can't she do it at this moment? Even though she is no longer a young girl with infinite youth, she also understands that she can no longer be free However, at this moment, no matter what, he still couldn't do what he said.

He wanted his mother to be in the intensive care unit in the hospital at this moment. No one knew what would happen or what would happen in the end, but at this moment his tears couldn't be controlled and kept falling down.

"Mom, you must not be in trouble. If you are in trouble, I will definitely collapse, and I will not be able to bear it!"

He clenched his hands tightly, allowing his nails to dig into his flesh, but he still couldn't feel the same thing. He stared into the distance, but his heart was broken.

The manager arrived at this time, and he only found out after receiving the news that it was Qiao Qiancen's mother who had happened to him. He was shocked and worried, but he could only comfort Qiao Qiancen as much as possible.

"It's okay. This matter can be regarded as a natural and man-made disaster. Don't worry too much. God has his own decision. As long as your mother didn't do anything bad during her lifetime, I believe she can survive this."

With spiritual comfort, Qiao Qiancen could only nod while shedding tears. She couldn't find a way to calm down her inner emotions. At this moment, she could only let her emotions go beyond control and completely collapse.

Looking carefully at her appearance, after all, she still couldn't see half of her, so she walked around the bed and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"In fact, you know better than anyone else that it is useless to be anxious now. Only by working hard to face this matter can we solve it perfectly. You know this matter better than anyone else in your heart, so why are you trapping yourself now? Wouldn't it be better to let go of yourself earlier?"

The agent said that he hated iron and steel.

"I know that I will look a bit condescending when I say this, because I am not a victim of these things, and no matter what I say, it will appear that I have a feeling that I have nothing to do with myself, but you have to do it no matter what. Understand! You are one of my subordinates, your mood swings and any performance you have will be related to me, so I will be very concerned about your performance now, I will care about you very much, and please don’t think that there is something wrong with me doing this , I just hope you get better, do you understand?"

Sighing quietly, he still held her hand gently.

And the last one Qiao Qiancen's eyes were red, and he nodded slightly to go. The master couldn't speak a foreign language, so he congratulated the corner and yelled, and explained with some sadness, "I know that what I do now is useless, I just thought that there is no way to forgive myself, if I found out about this matter earlier, I would have gone home earlier, instead of running out on a date, I would have had time to save it?"

Tears fell down again. Whenever he talked about his mother, he couldn't control his emotions. Everything collapsed in an instant.

Listening quietly, I couldn't help but lower my head, understanding the pain and pain in his heart, but there was no way to relieve him.

"Now all the evidence points to my mother, it was an accident, but I can't believe that he was a good person, why did he suddenly have an accident, I suddenly became so sick, I really didn't There's no way to accept it, it's a fact..."

When she said this, her voice was trembling, but there was helplessness and pain written in her eyes. Last time, she couldn't shake hands with her to make peace, and she desperately trapped herself in it, but she couldn't Reluctant to come out, only lamenting the pain and sorrow wholeheartedly.

Looking at his appearance carefully, he could only shake his head after all, pick up the fruit next to him, peel it gently, and always look at her cautiously, as if he wanted to measure her emotions.

But the girl in front of her always just lowered her head, but she completely lost hope and light, and could no longer live alive.

(End of this chapter)

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