Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1182 That's your own idea!

Chapter 1182 That's your own idea!

"You girl really makes others feel bad. If you can't stand it, tell me. If you look away, don't attribute all the suffering and mistakes to yourself like this. After all, we don't have to worry so much. It's just like you are now In this way, how can we rest assured."

She shook her head helplessly recently, thinking that he is not at ease with his current appearance, I am really afraid that she will be overwhelmed and have done something wrong to herself.

But after saying this, Qiao Qiancen just raised the corners of his lips and smiled.

"Actually, I sometimes feel that I am quite useless. I can't reach a proper position in the entertainment industry. I can't even protect my mother. I promised to give him a better life. Let the two of us We all lived a good life, but it didn't take long before such a thing happened..."

As if she couldn't figure it out, she smiled miserably, her eyes turned red.

I couldn't control it when I stretched out my hand, so I grabbed my hair and gathered it quietly, as if I wanted to find an outlet for myself to vent, no longer caring about the consequences.

"No one told me if this is too much. If I put my mother first, I won't go on a date behind his back, and I won't go out to enjoy myself behind his back. All this is retribution, yes God wants to teach me a lesson, if I don’t understand at this moment, I’m a big fool!”

When she said this, she had already laughed, and the more she laughed, the more crazy she became, as if she had been completely affected by this incident, and there was no way to calm down.

After all, the economic man couldn't stand it anymore, he put the fruit on the table next to him, went outside, took out a pack of cigarettes from his bag, and lit it.

In fact, she has quit smoking for a long time, and she will only take it out when something sad happens, otherwise she will not take it out in the eyes of the public.

But today I still really can't control it, looking at one of the people under him and thinking that he has no way to help them when he encounters such a thing, he also feels his own powerlessness and cowardice, if he is a little tougher and asks him to cheer up , now that he has not closed himself into a dead corner, he can't get out no matter what.

It doesn't matter to us in the ward, otherwise, if you look out from the room, you will see such a scene. There are some problems in your heart that make you feel uncomfortable, and more of them are silent pain.It lingers like a nightmare, and keeps amplifying that feeling in my heart, even if I want to forget it.

It turned out that the manager was a smoker. She didn't know until today. Even though she had smelled smoke from her body before, she didn't want to believe it.

Maybe she has been quitting for a long time, but today she couldn't control it anymore.The biggest possibility is because of her affairs.

Biting her lips helplessly in her heart, she still lifted the quilt and walked out of bed cautiously.

He didn't want to affect anyone, but there was no way to deny the truth, and now he had already hurt his own heart, and he couldn't help hurting her.

"It's all my fault. If I cheer up, you won't be like this. You should have quit smoking for a long time. Today is the first day I know that you are a smoker."

Qiao Qiancen stood by and watched, and said these words quietly, his eyes were trembling, some emotions could no longer be restrained, and they were completely revealed from the sockets of his eyes.

But at this moment when I heard these words, I gradually became really cold. I wanted to make him like this. I thought I had made a mistake again, so I quickly turned around and put out the cigarette and said to her, "It doesn't matter. Your matter is my own personal problem. I can’t control it all the time. I want to smoke. Even though I’ve quit smoking for a long time, I can’t help the addiction. That’s why I smoke it. Don’t let it Blame it on yourself."

But it was useless to finish speaking, Qiao Qiancen shook his head and smiled, with a bit of unbearable and pain in his eyes.

"It's useless if you try to deceive me. The biggest shortcoming of me is that my mind is too sensitive. I will put it horizontally in my heart and see it clearly, including today's incident. You must be It was because of me that the result went on, and it could all be my fault..."

When he said this, the agent couldn't hold back the thought in his eyes, and the next second he sneered, and threw the cigarette case on the ground, a little unable to control his emotions.

"I said, Qiao Qiancen, just cheer up, okay? You now attribute all your mistakes to yourself, so I asked my mother, and I will tell you what I say. Stop guessing and doubting, and then attribute your mistakes to yourself." Go on yourself, I will be in a hurry with you!"

The more the manager talked, the more annoyed he was. He wanted to smoke a cigarette, but he had to take care of the girl in front of him. After all, he punched the wall angrily, turned around and left.

There is no way to explain anything now, the best way for the two of them to separate and calm down is for there to be no way to talk properly.

Qiao Qiancen looked at the back of the robot, and finally smiled softly, a bit of irony, but more of resentment and helplessness towards himself and reality.

"So this is the title of my last book. I drive away all the people around me who care about me and treat me well,"

The child said this sentence with a somewhat flat gaze, the corner of his mouth was clearly smiling, but at this moment he couldn't control his emotions, the whole person seemed to be crazy, he bent over and laughed, and his chest hurt when he laughed .

Fu Yanshen happened to see this scene when she came back, and she was shocked. She didn't expect her to be so emotionally broken, so she walked over quickly.

"What's the matter? Didn't you tell you to rest in the ward, why did you come out suddenly? What happened? Who came to bully you? Tell me, I'll help you teach her right away!"

However, after the words fell, Qiao Qiancen shook his head, his eyes full of painful emotions.

"No, no one bullies me, but I suddenly understand that I am a scourge. Why should I live in this world? Wouldn't it be better if I died earlier? Why should I hurt so many people? Why should I Get rid of everyone around you!"

When Qiao Qiancen said these words with trembling words, his eyes were full of painful emotions. He could no longer control his words, and what he said seemed to be destroyed.

Hearing his words at this moment, Fu Yanshen was greatly shocked, and quickly grabbed her into his arms, staring closely at her expression.

"I forbid you to think like that, have you heard that? Others can say whatever they want, but you must not think about yourself like that!"

(End of this chapter)

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