Chapter 1183
Fu Yanshen held her shoulders tightly, with a bit of incomprehension in his eyes, wondering why she had become like this now.She was clearly not like this in the past!

But at this moment, Qiao Qiancen suddenly laughed when he heard his words.

Lowering his head, the laughter became louder and louder, as if he really heard something extremely ridiculous.There was a bit of sarcasm in his eyes.

"I don't want to think of myself that way, but how can I have the final say on the truth? Now that everything has been confirmed, I am such a person, who will listen to my explanation? From the public's point of view, I'm just a bad, malicious woman in my bones."

Speaking of this, Qiao Qiancen held the man's hand, her eyes were full of indifference and decadence, as if she no longer cared what others thought of her.

"Just add me and let it rot like this. Don't worry about me anymore. Anyway, that's what I've been doing all my life. I've already looked down on everything. It doesn't matter if I don't turn around. Anyway, life is so long and so short. When you open your eyes, you'll see everything." Close your eyes and it's over."

When Qiao Qiancen said these words, he completely gave up on himself.

Hearing what she said, the man felt shocked and uncomfortable in his heart. Why did a girl who was originally good come to such a point in the end, as if she was going to drive herself to death, and came to a dead end, but she still didn't know how to leave.

Fu Yan took a deep breath, then sat down on the side of the bed patiently, and continued to tease her.

"No matter what the outcome of this matter is, we can't give up. You know, your mother is still lying in the hospital, and the situation is unknown. You didn't fall down first. Who do you want your mother to rely on when she wakes up?"

After all, Qiao Qiancen had nothing to say, and went down to wipe his tears with his hands. He was so decadent that he didn't want to face real life. It didn't matter what happened in this world or where it was.

At this moment, how dare I want to continue talking.The door of the hospital ward was knocked open, and a female nurse walked in.

"Li Yiyuan's daughter is here, right? It's you—Miss Qiao, right?"

Or looked at Qiao Qiancen, and came over to ask Qiao Qiancen's eyes were red, and he nodded unnaturally, looking at the nurse, he felt that there was news about his mother, there was an update and progress.

He looked at the nurse nervously and asked, "How is my mother now? Is there any discomfort? Or is her physical condition getting better or getting worse? Why didn't you tell me?"

Qiao Qiancen stared at the nurse quietly, and at this moment, the nurse's face was embarrassed by this, and she could only explain: "I can't guarantee the situation of your mother. I'm here now, just to tell you that if you rest If it's good, I might go to see her recently, she is in a complicated situation now, and it is best for someone to take care of her."

The nurse's words were tactful, but the small class in this class still understood the deep meaning in the words.He couldn't help but look a little pale.

He stared blankly at the nurse and hesitated for a long time before finally recovering his voice and asking, "Then tell me his ward number? I'll go see her in a while."

Welcome down, Fu Yanshen really looked at her in disapproval, somewhat wondering why she did this.

"Your current physical condition is not suitable for going out at all. It is suitable for you to cultivate more. If there is anything, I can see it for you. Don't go alone."

However, after hearing this sentence, Qiao Qiancen didn't take it to heart at all, she just shook her head with red eyes.

"No, my mother needs me to see her now, but I continue to stay in the hospital. My mother has no one to take care of her. If something happens, I will blame myself for the rest of my life. So I have to go anyway. See how she's doing."

After all, Fu Yanshen had no choice but to lower his head and nod, really, now, so neither of us should blame the other.After finishing this matter properly, nothing else can change his mind.It can only be recognized temporarily.

"If you insist on going, then go. It's just that I must follow you. After all, your health is not much better now. If you let you pass by rashly, if something happens, I will not forgive myself. .”

Hearing what the man said, Qiao Qiancen could only make concessions after all, nodding his head, the expression on his face was still a little ugly.

Struggling to get out of bed, disregarding the drip still hanging in his hand at this time, Fu Yanshen was helpless after all watching this scene, walked over to support her, feeling very helpless in his heart, knowing that she would not care about his physical condition at all , I didn't plan to waste my words anymore.

With the support of the man, the two of them walked together to the ward that the nurse had just mentioned. Along the way, Fu Yanshen was holding the drip stand. When the two of them arrived at the door of the ward, several doctors in white coats were standing Outside, it seems that they are gathering together to discuss something, their complexions are a bit complicated,

Qiao Qiancen's heart skipped a beat, a bad premonition crept in her heart, she walked over uncontrollably, her pace was a little hurried and she almost fell several times, it was only because Fu Yanshen supported her by the side that she was fine.

"Hello... Excuse me, may I ask my mother? How is her body?"

Qiao Qiancen's voice was a little trembling when he spoke, and his eyes were full of helplessness and weakness. At this moment, he could no longer take into account his identity and face, and only thought about his mother's affairs in his heart.

But when they heard the sound, the doctors turned around, never expecting to see the popular Xiaohuadan here, their eyes flashed with surprise and amazement.

"How is her mother's condition?"

At this moment, the man standing aside finally spoke out, interrupting the gazes of several men. His voice was a little cold and clear. The doctors finally came back to their senses. There was a bit of embarrassment in their eyes, and then they returned to their senses. To explain, the complexion is not very good-looking.

"Miss Qiancen, you'd better be mentally prepared for this matter, because... your mother's situation is very complicated, and we can't guarantee that we can cure her completely,"

When Qiao Qiancen heard this sentence, he felt his legs were a little weak, and after a moment of silence, he finally smiled weakly.

Could it be that God really wants to be so cruel now?To take away her mother's life together?Thinking of this in my heart, I felt even more indescribably sad and uncomfortable. I silently lowered my head and bit my lip, walking forward step by step, as if I had no strength left.

Sure enough, when she was about to walk to the front of the ward, she fell powerlessly to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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