Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1184 Move to live with me

Chapter 1184 Move to live with me

The thin body looks very distressing. At this moment, Fu Yanshen stepped forward, and just about to reach out to support her, he heard the heart-piercing voice of a woman, as if he couldn't control the grief in his heart As if, the whole person couldn't make a sound.

After all, Fu Yanshen's movements stopped, looking at the woman in front of him, he couldn't say a single word from the beginning to the end.

Could it be that there is really no way to save it now?Thinking of this in my heart, great sorrow welled up in my heart, after all, I lowered my head and clenched my fists tightly, unable to utter a word.
Qiao Qiancen didn't know how long he had been in a coma, his eyes were full of confusion, and when he finally woke up,
The surroundings were already in darkness, he struggled to get up from the bed, and seeing the sparse light outside the door, he realized that it must be late at night.

Thinking about her mother, she couldn't help but fell silent again. She originally wanted to call out, but Fu Yanshen wanted to be alone at this moment.

Maybe the mother's matter is a foregone conclusion, and it is useless for her to worry and worry, but at this moment, she still has no way to persuade herself not to care, after all, that is a very important person to herself.

"When will these days end!"

Annoyed, he scratched his hair and picked up his phone to check, only to find that his manager had sent him a text message two hours ago.

[The crew does not agree to ask for leave, and I still need to continue filming tomorrow. After all, the project is very tight recently. It is not because of the delay, but it is the time of the entire crew, so there is no way, I have tried my best. 】

Looking at the news, Qiao Qiancen didn't feel any shock or helplessness, but just replied indifferently [Okay, I understand. 】

After all, reality still has to move forward. Even if this matter temporarily stumbles, I still have to get up again and go to a higher and farther place. I believe that if my mother knows, she must be like this. Do.

Early the next morning, when Fu Yanshen came to bring her breakfast, she had already gotten up and started to wash. Seeing her, Fu Yanshen was still a little surprised.

"I didn't expect you to get up so early. I saw that you were not feeling well yesterday, so I thought you would sleep late today."

The voice fell, but Qiao Qiancen shook his head and smiled helplessly, "Life still has to go on, if I stop, the people behind will continue to overtake me and brush me off. I can't afford to gamble, so I have to work harder."

Qiao Qiancen sighed and said, walking out of the bathroom, looking at the breakfast Fu Yanshen brought back, she also rolled up her lips and thanked, "You must have woken up earlier than me and came to bring me breakfast early in the morning, you really How about your hard work? And you probably didn't sleep much last night, did you?"

She remembered that every time he was hospitalized, he would wait outside the door, even if he didn't sleep, he just leaned against the wall and closed his eyes to rest, and he would always insist on not leaving.

She is well aware of this.

Hearing this, Fu Yanshen also smiled softly, and didn't seem to care too much.

"Nowadays, the most important thing is to tease your own state back. It doesn't matter how I am. The most important thing is that you make me worry about being different. There is no way to let you go."

Fu Yan shook his head deeply and sighed, and walked to the edge of the city to help him fold the unfolded quilt, pointing to the breakfast next to him and said, "Eat it while it's hot, rest for a while after eating, lie down more today , don't move around, you need to rest."

However, Qiao Qiancen shook his head when the words fell, and denied, "I don't feel any pain today. I will go back to my residence today, and I won't ask for leave if I live alone. If it is true that hundreds of people stop working because of me, I will I'm sorry, so I'm going back to work on the set today."

Hearing this sentence, Fu Yanshen was stunned for a moment, and turned to look at her in puzzlement, with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

"But you were still playing the bottle yesterday and fainted again. It's not good to go back to work now. Although it will delay the work progress of those people, at worst I will compensate them for you, but your health is important, you can't Don't hurt yourself any more."

Qiao Qiancen had expected that he would say such a thing, "No need, rejecting so many people, losing money is not as good as my money for a scene, it's too wasteful, I'd better go back and shoot, What's more, I don't have any serious physical problems now, it's just that I fainted because of the severe stimulation that day, you can just ask the doctor about this, and it doesn't have much to do with my condition."


Fu Yanshen was still unwilling to accept it, and there was a lot of incomprehension in his general words.

However, as soon as the words came out, Qiao Qiancen shook his head directly, his attitude was very clear.There is no matter what he says, he will not change his mind, and now that he has made up his mind, it doesn't matter what other people say to do it.

Helpless, Fu Yanshen nodded and smiled, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"You girl has been like this since you were a child. You don't want to listen to what others say. You just keep moving forward."

After Fu Yan said this with a deep sigh, she stopped insisting and continued to tidy up the things in the ward.

"By the way, I want to be discharged from the hospital today. Why don't you do it for me? I might be late when I come back from the crew, so I'm going to go straight back..."

Having said that, her voice paused for a moment, and the emotion in her eyes changed a little, but she still turned her eyes away without looking at him again.

Fu Yanshen understood the part of what he said that made him emotionally change almost instantly, and he didn't deliberately expose it, and used another way to let her down the stairs.

"Yes, I have already asked the servant to clean up a room in the house I live in. You can just go and live in it when the time comes."

Now the house where he and his mother lived has suffered a large-scale burning and explosion, and it is already uninhabitable. If she doesn't live with him now, she has no place to go.

He couldn't understand that the man's words were helping him without embarrassing himself, so he smiled and looked at him gratefully.

"Thank you, if I arrive late, don't wait for me, go to bed first, you haven't had a good rest today!"

The man nodded, with a loving smile in his eyes, and he didn't seem to want to explain anything more.

Now this is the best mode between them, it is the best way to get along like this, no one interrupting anyone's way of life.

"You silly girl, don't tell me these things anymore, you know that I won't listen, okay, okay, hurry up and clean up here, go back to the crew, don't be late."

(End of this chapter)

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