Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1185 Acting skills have improved a lot!

Chapter 1185 Acting skills have improved a lot!

Qiao Qiancen felt helpless but nodded with a smile, tiptoed to leave a kiss on the man's face, then turned and left.

The man looked at his back and laughed out loud, thinking helplessly in his heart, even if the passengers were the same as before, no one was in a hurry, and nothing happened to anyone, he really wanted to grab her...

But when he thought of something, his handsome face blushed a few times, then he shook his head and turned to leave.

After all, the situation is unfavorable now, and none of them has the right to betray what happened in the past, they can only muddle along and move forward, as long as they get through this difficulty, they will definitely have a better life in the future.
"Organ, do you still remember that this is something you gave me? At the beginning you said that as long as this thing is in your feelings for me, it will never change, but how long have you forgotten?! "

Tears fell down involuntarily, and Yingying stared at the man in front of her. I felt sorry for the beauty crying.

However, after the words fell, the man in the purple dragon robe in front of him waved his sleeves, his indifferent face showed no emotion.

"What happened back then was just a game. You and I know very well. Now that everyone has grown up, there is no need to dwell on the past anymore, and refuse to pass it no matter what."

"You can only say this, you really broke my heart..."

Qiao Qiancen sat down on the ground, her eyes filled with tears, looking at the man, she felt as if her heart had been torn apart by something, and she was so painful that she couldn't breathe.

"The one who told me not to leave was the one you told me to wait for you forever, the one who wanted to let me go and let me let go of you without any worries was you, Your Majesty, you are really cruel ..."

After saying these words, Yu Qiao Qiancen drew out the dagger in his cuff, aimed it at his own neck, and made up his mind to commit suicide.

Then at the moment she was about to make a move, a loud cry called out her action.


Everyone's tense expressions relaxed, and the surrounding staff applauded involuntarily. The scene was once lively and the atmosphere was very good.

"The acting skills are amazing too. I'm sure you will be the best actress at this year's Oscars!"

"Yeah, these two people will not be embarrassed at all when they play each other, and I don't think Qiao Qiancen will lose to the actor at all!"

"It's amazing. I never thought that Qiao Qiancen is beautiful and has good acting skills. He is really worthy of the title of the most beautiful in Yuncheng!"


Hearing the compliments from the people around him, Qiao Qiancen also smiled a little embarrassedly, took the tissue handed over by the staff, and wiped away the tears on his face.

"You really deserve the award. It's my honor to be able to film with the actor, but I definitely don't have a dad who is equal to him."

While saying this, Qiao Qiancen looked gratefully at the actor beside him.

I was able to receive this drama not only because of luck, but also because of Fu Yanshen, but now that I can act with such a high-ranking actor, the other party has no intention of looking down on or mocking him, and is always doing his best. Finding steps and receiving plays for her, she saw all kinds of things, and was extremely grateful in her heart.

After hearing these words, Yingdi Lu felt helpless, chuckled and shook his head.

"Qiao Qiancen, it has nothing to do with me if you are good at acting. As for everyone's praise, you just accept it."

As a crowd of onlookers, the Forbidden Movie King had said so, and even shouted.

"That's right, Qiao Qiancen, you are the future now, don't be humble, we all see that your acting skills have been constantly improving, it's really amazing!"

"This reminds me of when the actor role was assigned, there were still a few people scolding Qiao Qiancen on the Internet, thinking that she couldn't afford the role. If it is broadcast after that time, those audiences will probably have to slap their faces!"

"I also think that when they support her, they will forget how they slandered her in the first place!"

"It's okay, how can Qiao Qiancen rely on his strength to speak? We all see your strength. From now on, I will be your loyal fan no matter what!"


Hearing the encouragement and appreciation from the surrounding staff, the regret and haze in Qiao Qiancen's heart dissipated a lot. He only felt that the feeling of working hard is really wonderful, so he raised the corners of his lips and bowed to everyone, saying Thank you before leaving.

Perhaps many people around her who enlightened her are right. Only by working hard and doing everything to the extreme can it be possible to get rid of the painful predicament. It will make you feel more uncomfortable and sad.

"Sister Qiancen, accept the flowers that your fans sent you quickly, the staff just stood there holding hands for a long time just waiting for you to come over!"

The makeup artist smiled and led a man in casual clothes in, his words were full of jokes.

Then change to another video, but the man is smiling and waving his hands, his face is a little flushed, as if he is extremely embarrassed.

"No, no, thanks to Ms. Qiao Qiancen, I was able to see such superb acting skills. It's really great. It's the first time you see it so closely. You don't know how many fans are envious of me. He is a blessed person!"

The makeup artist couldn't help laughing when she heard this sentence, and saw the envy in Qiao Qiancen's words, "So it's good to say that this person has worked hard, and other people's speech sounds much better, Miss Luoyu, you Say no."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Qiao Qiancen also smiled and stood up to sign for the receipt. She naturally understood that she didn't pay much attention to the teasing in the makeup artist's mouth.

It turns out that there is nothing wrong with that sentence. Only those who work hard can have the opportunity to obtain happiness and luck. It’s not that if you don’t work hard, you will only be forever trapped in the endless cycle of misery.

It's like what happened yesterday has become an unchangeable fact. If he is still immersed in pain and unable to recover from a setback, and even makes the entire crew unable to continue filming, I'm afraid he won't have the luck he got today.

"Thank you for waiting for me for so long. Next time, if there is a gift on the first day of the premiere, I will definitely come to you first."

Hearing this sentence, the man smiled embarrassedly, scratched his head and quickly nodded to thank her, "Thank you Miss Qiancen, you are really beautiful and kind-hearted, and you will definitely be famous in a short time now." Purple, in the entertainment industry. I have rarely seen an artist like you."

He wasn't talking politely, but his true feelings. He had worked here for many years, so he had never seen such an amiable and polite artist like her.

(End of this chapter)

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