Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1189 Don't Feel Too Desperate

Chapter 1189 Don't Feel Too Desperate
According to Qiao Qiancen's instruction, Gold quickly searched out the addresses of the cards sent yesterday one by one.They compiled a form and printed it out, and handed it to Qiao Qiancen when she finished filming.

"The addresses here all look normal, and I don't know. Can you find the person you are looking for?"

Jessie seems to see through what she wants to do, and generally only can.He said in a tone of trying his luck.

The voice fell.Qiao Qiancen just nodded.

Browsing eyes on the table, ruled out the possibilities one by one.After all, if there is really a card sent by the murderer to him, it is definitely impossible to use his own home address, so he understands that this is to send him to the door.So the most likely ones today are those seemingly inconspicuous addresses, but they are not recorded as real residences.

After searching for a few lines of addresses, she soon discovered something strange, and her eyes could not help but pause.

Almost the rest of the addresses are abbreviated addresses for a neighborhood or exact home addresses.Only one of them is named after the factory name.

"Is there so many addresses in this address, the only one that is different among the addresses?"

Qiao Qiancen pointed to the same address that he found, and said to the agent next to him that he was very energetic. Hearing this sentence, he couldn't help but look at it seriously, it was a description on the address.

"You say that, compared with other addresses, it is indeed a bit strange. But, if you talk about him, it is different, and it is too fragmented. Maybe this is just a fan of you. He used his parents' work unit It’s hard to say about the courier that came to send you.”

Qiao Qiancen didn't deny it, but just nodded, knowing that what the agent said was also possible, and didn't pursue it too far, but just wrote down this address.

"You have worked hard. I will investigate this matter thoroughly today. When there is a result, I will explain to you why I did this."

Sister Jessie nodded, but also understood that he had his own discretion and ideas in doing things, so she didn't go out to say anything or interfere.

"By the way, you also need to help me keep this matter a secret. After all, it's not evil these days. My mother has such a thing, maybe. You've heard it more or less. So now I don't need to guard against the people around me. People, but you and I can rest assured."

The manager nodded, feeling a little touched that he could be trusted so much.

"Don't worry, when you were filming on it just now, I also heard other staff say that I will take care of the condom as much as possible on your mother's side. You, just work hard, and I will talk to the hospital. Let's communicate and transfer your mother to the best ward."

Qiao Qiancen was a little moved, she smiled and thanked her manager.

Jessie didn't care at all, just patted her on the back, with a bit of pity and encouragement in his eyes.

"It's not easy for everyone in this world, so we try our best to understand each other and think about each other's perspective, so that things will be easier for everyone. There is no way, we are all ordinary people, we can only use this way Only then can I make my life easier and have a care.”

After saying this, the manager turned around and left. Qiao Qiancen nodded, knowing in his heart that the manager was just trying to enlighten him in disguise.Gong Xuechun smiled as if her mother was still seriously ill in the hospital, she had to visit her.

The only sad thing is that it has grown so big that it can't cook, otherwise he should make a tonic and take it to the hospital at this time.But she can't even cook instant noodles.

It was such a pity in my heart to come to the hospital, but I never thought that some man of him had already come to the hospital one step ahead of her.And what she regretted he had done for her.

"You're here! The doctor called me today. He said that my aunt has woken up and had a baby. If I want to eat now, it's okay to eat some liquid food. So I specially. Except this bowl of chicken soup and porridge. You can also give it to my aunt Get some nutrition."

Qiao Qiancen was very moved when he heard these words, and looked at the man in front of him.Taking a deep breath, she walked into him and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"I'm really touched. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know what to do. I'm still blaming myself today. I can't cook, and I can't cook nutritious soup for my mother."

Fu Yanshen looked at her appearance, but couldn't help but laugh, and gently rubbed her head with his big hand.

"You are such a silly girl. Your mother is the most important person to you, so he is the most important person to me. I will treat him like I treat you, and give the best patience. .As long as Auntie is fine, everything is worth it."

Qiao Qiancen was so moved that he took the man's arm and walked into the ward.

"Let's go in and have a look and scold him. I don't know how he is now. As long as she can wake up and talk to me, I will be very moved."

After all, it was a miracle that her mother survived the burns on her body like that. Although the situation is still obvious now, at least it gave her hope and she did not feel too desperate.

As soon as I opened the door of the ward, I saw my mother sleeping with her eyes closed.Qiao Qiancen felt a little regretful, sighed, and walked over as if nothing had happened.

"It's his pity. When I came over, Mom was already asleep. Forget it, I'll just wait for her to wake up here tonight. Anyway, after today's filming is over, there is nothing to do. Stay with mom in the hospital."

Fu Yanshen touched her head with some pity.

"If you're too tired, go back and rest. Does it look better with me here? The current situation is not too critical. As long as there are people in the hospital to take care of you 24 hours a day, you will be fine."

"That's fine. But I still want to stay longer in the hospital. I won't see my mother and go back alone. My heart is empty and I can't calm down."

The man nodded and stopped arguing.

It's just that at this time, Qiao Qiancen seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and there was a strange light in his eyes.

After thinking about it, others told Fu Yanshen what happened today, "Today I received cards from a few fans. It stands to reason that they are usually blessings. But I received a very strange letter. The card. The content written on it is to ask me yesterday, were things happy? The only thing that happened to me yesterday was that my mother was burned and went to the hospital. "

When she said these words, her whole voice trembled a little, as if she didn't want to recall this matter but couldn't suppress it.

(End of this chapter)

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