Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1190 She Has Already Left One Step Ahead

Chapter 1190 She Has Already Left First

At this moment, Fu Yanshen, who heard these words, was obviously stunned. He didn't think about anything. This would happen to such a degree. People kept sending such miraculous and fast blessings. All he could say was this It's hard not to arouse suspicion about this matter.

Asking if you feel happy about such a thing, what else can it be except deliberate ridicule and making things difficult?
At this moment, there seemed to be a bit of nighttime emotion in his heart. The man frowned slightly, turned around and glanced at the girl beside him, but still raised his hand and patted her hand, "Don't think too much, these Just let me handle the matter, you can show me those envelopes, and I will help you investigate."

But after the words fell, Qiao Qiancen shook his head, and there was a bit of firm emotion in his eyes.

"No need, I have to investigate this matter about my mother myself. I absolutely don't allow anyone to play tricks behind this matter. My mother's matter is not an accident, so those people should pay the price. I can’t run away, I’m not sure about the incident and the plot they reported to make things difficult for my mother, in a word, no matter what, I’ll let them try to pay the price behind it!”

When Qiao Qiancen said these words, there was a bit of resentment in Qiao Qiancen's eyes. It was clear that her mother had never offended anyone, and the most likely reason for getting hurt was because of her.

If my people hated him, at worst they would come towards him. Why would they do such a cruel thing to his mother? It would be too vicious. No matter what, she would have no way to forgive those people.

"I'm afraid this matter is not easy. If you handle it alone, I'm afraid that if you are behind the scenes, you will be in danger."

Qiao Qiancen shook his head, but his attitude was still firm.

"I have made up my mind about this matter. If I don't investigate this matter clearly, I will never get through it in my life. I don't even have the face to face my mother, so you can let me handle this matter alone. Well, I'll let them know the price."

Xiaolin looked at him and said nothing more, but after going back this time, he smoked a cigarette alone in the study for a long time, meditated for a long time, and finally dialed his internal number, in exchange for a long time no call of the men.

"What do you want to tell us, Your Excellency?"

In less than half a minute, a black figure quietly appeared, no different in appearance from a ghost.

And the man seemed to have been used to his way of appearing on the stage for a long time, his eyes were flat, without any emotional ups and downs.

"I want you to check someone for me, lest some people get too complacent, because they can bully anyone I care about at will."

Did the man standing in the dark quickly understand what it was like? There was not much emotion in his eyes, and he just responded, "Your Excellency will do what you say, and we will do it."

"Investigate clearly. All the addresses in the envelopes that sent Qiao Qiancen the card yesterday must be investigated thoroughly. I want to know where the letter that asked her if she was happy yesterday came from. .”

"The subordinates understand, so let's do it."

After the voice fell, the man standing in the shadow turned around and disappeared again. Like a ghost, he came and went with the wind without leaving any trace.

At this moment, the tall body was still standing by the window, gazing at the brightly lit night scene in the distance, but there was only chill and coldness in his eyes.

"Some people don't care about the consequences, so I don't need to care about anything."

Qiao Qiancen just came to the set the next day, and soon received a text message from her agent telling her that the matter she was asked to look for yesterday has been found.

[We have already investigated that address. It is a garment factory. Most of the employees in it are mainly men, and they all have one thing in common: they are all single. According to my initial guess, the children of the employees send The likelihood of a letter coming is likely to be low.So this address is indeed very likely. 】

Hearing these words, Qiao Qiancen felt his whole heart skip a beat, and looked into the distance with trembling eyes, even trembling slightly when holding the phone.

Now it's self-evident what all this means, and she will never let go of any of those who are behind the scenes.

[Sister Jesse, can you ask me for a leave this afternoon?I plan to go to that factory to have a look and investigate the matter clearly. 】

After hesitating for a while, he still sent this text message to the agent, but he just sent it, and received a reply within a few seconds.

【It's too dangerous. If it's really what you guessed, it's a card sent to you by the murderer. If you go there rashly, you will not only startle the snake, but also put your own safety in danger. 】

Qiao Qiancen seemed to have expected to say that today, with firm emotions in his eyes.

【Sister, I'm also sorry, this matter may make you worry, I really can't let it go, no matter what, I have to investigate it clearly. 】

After turning off the phone, Qiao Qiancen didn't want to continue talking about this matter. He knew that no matter what, the agent would maintain his objection. After all, this matter sounded very risky and dangerous, and no normal person would agree to it.

But this time, his stand must be firm. Now lying in the hospital, the person whose life or death is unknown is her mother. She has no choice but to continue to live as if nothing happened. Obviously there is a chance to find the murderer and bring him to justice. How could she calmly do things and ignore them?

Looking at the text message on the other end of the phone, the agent felt his heart was in a state of confusion.After thinking about it, there was still no way to send a text message to Fu Yanshen.

[You'd better go and see Qiao Qiancen, he's a little unstable now, clamoring to find the murderer, but you also know that it's too dangerous for him to go silent like a girl, but I can't persuade her , see if you can persuade me! 】

The man who was working in the office frowned when he saw this text message.

"Is this girl crazy? Go there alone, why don't you tell me!"

The somewhat annoyed man muttered these words, after all, he covered the document, turned around and left the office.

Now he must stop her before he feels that something happened, otherwise he will bring a fatal blow to himself and the clues, and he does not allow her to do this.

It's just that Qiao Qiancen's filming location is in the suburbs. When he finally rushed over, he found that her part had already been filmed, and she had left 10 minutes ago...

(End of this chapter)

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