Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1191 Zhang Manjie's Extramarital Affair...

Chapter 1191 Zhang Manjie's Extramarital Affair...

After finally rushing to the crew to hear such news, the man only felt that fate was that he had made a joke. The tall figure involuntarily took a few steps back, with a bitter and unbelievable smile on his face.

"I'm still late..."

Sighing and shaking his head, the agent who received the news hurried over and saw the worried and nervous expression on his face.

"I tried to dissuade her, but she didn't listen to me at all, so I had no choice but to call you, and when I came to the crew to stop him, it was a step too late, and now I'm waiting You come here and want to discuss how to solve it, this matter is to be stabbed directly to the police, I am afraid they will catch Qiao Qiancen and threaten us with her!"

Fu Yanshen naturally thought about the manager's words. At this moment, his mood was very complicated. He glanced at the surrounding environment, and finally settled down.

"So now we can't call the police. What we can do is to rescue her by our own ability, and bring to justice for her those who hurt her mother."

Hearing his words, the manager nodded in agreement.

"If it can be done, that is naturally the best. Now that this matter is not resolved for a day, it is impossible for Qiao Qiancen to feel relieved for a day, so no matter what, we must help her handle this matter properly. Okay. It’s just that you also know that the other party is applauding us, these things are not easy to deal with at all, and you don’t know what to do next..."

However, when the voice fell, Fu Yanshen looked at her calmly, and said in silence for a few seconds, "You don't want to do anything about this matter, I will find someone to solve it together, don't worry, I will definitely solve it before dark today." Get her back, I will call you, and you just wait for my good news."

Today, I didn't expect that Fu Yanshen would take this matter on his shoulders alone. At this moment, he couldn't help but shook his head, still feeling uneasy in his heart.

"I don't have the police, and I'm here to cooperate with you. What if I go out to publish the documents by myself, and no one takes care of me? I'd better go together, including that I am Qiao Qiancen's manager. How can I let her go."

But Fu Yanshen still shook his head firmly.

Negating her proposal, "In any case, this matter is not suitable for doing this. Now the people on my side have received very professional training, which can definitely ensure our own safety, but if you go together, when If you say something bad at the time, it may become a burden for us, do you understand? So if you really want to be good for Qian Cen, we can handle it ourselves."

After all, the manager's good intentions were thrown cold water. Generally, he had no choice but to sigh and nod, and hand over the initiative to him.

After all, what he said about this matter was correct. He could really handle the matter perfectly. In the past, she would only be a burden to cause trouble for everyone. It would be better to avoid waiting for news by herself.

"That's all right, I'll wait for your good news."
Qiao Qiancen came to the designated address for sending the card, and was surprised to see the building in front of him. It was clearly just an ordinary factory.

But the address on the card clearly points to here...

You can't go wrong!
There was a slight tremor in my heart, and I still picked up an inconspicuous wooden stick from the ground next to it, and secretly hid it in the bag.

Now if the murderers were really hiding here, she would bring them to justice no matter what, but before that she had to guarantee her own comfort.

If something happened to me, I'm afraid my mother's affairs will be left alone...

With this thought firmly in mind, he bit his lip and walked towards the factory gate step by step.

I was thinking about something in my heart, and suddenly the door of the factory was opened by a man with a dignified look on his face, who looked about 40 or [-] years old.

When he saw Qiao Qiancen, he looked up and down for a while, and asked directly. "Who are you? What are you doing here? Why have I never seen you?"

The gate of the factory was opened, and only then did Qiao Qiancen see that there were many workers on the assembly line, dealing with work. It seemed that there were hundreds of people...

He couldn't help hesitating for a moment, but he still pretended to be calm, and explained to the man with a smile, "I came here to look for a job, and I heard that the garment factory here is recruiting, so I wanted to come here and ask. person?"

She came up with the idea on the spur of the moment and shrugged it off.

But at this moment when the man heard her say this, he didn't think much about it, so he nodded, "Come here to find a job, right? Then next time, you should be more open and above board. I just saw your sneaky look, and thought He came here to steal something."

The man said this with some helplessness and led her into the factory.

Qiao Qiancen followed behind the man without saying a word, staring at the environment in the factory. There seemed to be no less than a few hundred workers here.And this is where the card was sent out at the beginning. If it is one of these hundreds of workers, then the suspected target group is too big...

When she was in trouble, the man had already led her to the personnel department of the factory.

"Go in by yourself. I have a job. If the recruitment is approved, you can just tell me next time you see me. I'm the supervisor here, and I can arrange the work for you."

After saying this, the man left directly.

And Qiao Qiancen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The Qingqing man didn't mean to go in with him, otherwise he would take out his ID card to register at that time, and his identity would be exposed. Although he is not famous now, but Her name is still well-known in Yuncheng, if people know about it, they will definitely guess that her purpose for coming here is impure.

Looking at the back of the man leaving, she just wanted to turn around and slip away, but she didn't expect to hear a familiar voice that couldn't be more familiar, and her whole body froze in place.

"Old Zhang, let me tell you, these things can't be rushed. When I get divorced from him, I will marry you immediately when I get the money, okay?"

This voice was clearly... Zhang Manjie!

When Qiao Qiancen heard the voice, he felt like a thunderbolt. Even though he knew that Zhang Manjie's character was not very good, he never expected that she would betray her father and be with other men.

"You always procrastinate. Look, you said you were going to get a divorce three months ago, but you haven't done it until now!"

(End of this chapter)

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