Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1199 Die with me!

Chapter 1199 Die with me!
At this moment, Qiao Moli, who fell to the ground, grinned her teeth in pain. He never thought that Qiao Qiancen would suddenly attack him, and his mood was extremely irritable.

Seeing her mother coming to protect her, she quickly raised her finger and pointed at Qiao Qiancen and complained, "Mom, she pushed me, she pushed me for no reason, you have to avenge me, she just didn't get a good upbringing when she was young. It's really shameless for something like this to happen!"

At this moment, Zhang Manjie was already in a bad mood when she saw her daughter being pushed, but now hearing what Qiao Muli said, she became even more furious.

"An uneducated girl will still be like this when she grows up. Uneducated, it seems that I have to teach you for your mother today!"

Rushing over like a shrew, he kicked the girl on the ground fiercely, but how could Qiao Qiancen let her bully her like this at this moment.Even though his hands were tied, he struggled hard, and when she rushed over, he raised his leg and kicked her hard.

But Zhang Manjie was not clear about his rationality when he was angry. At this moment, he never expected Qiao Qiancen to make a sudden attack. He was kicked hard in the stomach and fell to the ground again.

Both mother and daughter ended up like this, and Qiao Moli's eyes turned red from anger.My Qiao Qiancen sword fell to the ground, they struggled and ran back, desperately looking for a chance to survive.

If you don't leave quickly at this time, it will be even more difficult for them to escape when they stand up, not to mention that there are three of them, and he is alone, so how could he be their opponent? His hands are still tied at this moment!
Then as soon as she ran away, Qiao Moli immediately shouted to Uncle Zhang who was standing next to her, "Hurry up and catch up with her. If she runs away, what happened today will be revealed, and all of us will be finished." Now, we won't be able to turn over at that time, Uncle Zhang, hurry up and grab her!"

Hearing this shout, the man rushed over as if he had just woken up from a dream, and at this moment, even if Qiao Qiancen ran forward with all his strength, he was injured and couldn't run fast at all.

Soon behind him came a big hand, grabbed her arm, and pulled her back forcefully.

With a cry of surprise, she fell to the ground, her knee was broken by the broken stone, and blood gushed out.

And this strong child and his mother had already supported each other to stand up. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief and rushed over quickly.

"Damn girl, today is your death day!"

When she yelled this sentence, Qiao Moli had already felt her body, grabbed her head, and slapped her hard several times.

Qiao Qiancen was about to struggle, but the pain was so unbearable that he couldn't move, and now he fell to the ground again, his hands were tied, and he couldn't fight back.

And Zhang Manjie felt resentment in his heart, and he beat and kicked her together with his daughter.

"Don't believe me if you say you are a bitch. It hasn't changed after so many years. There is a charm hidden in this bone. I want to use the power of men all day long to ruin our good deeds. Let me tell you Do not think!"

The pain in her body had gradually become numb. At this moment, Qiao Qiancen only felt a swelling pain in her head, and she didn't know what to do.

Uncle Zhang on the side also stood there watching this scene without saying a word.

After all, they just came here today to get rid of this girl together. As for what she will do, he doesn't care at all.

I don't know how long they fought, but when Qiao Qiancen was about to faint, the mother and daughter finally stopped, looking at her resentfully, as if they wanted to give her a hard lesson before she died before they were reconciled.

"Okay, okay, stop when you're done killing your anger, let's settle this matter as soon as possible, if someone finds out later, we won't be able to eat it and walk away, so hurry up and get rid of them!"

Jiangsu was a little impatient, and glanced at the time, only worried that everything would be exposed, and their lives would be completely over by then.

Qiao Moli and her mother looked at each other. Although she still hadn't finished expressing her anger, there was nothing she could do. She understood that what Uncle Zhang said was right. In order to prevent the night from having more dreams, it was correct to get rid of this woman as soon as possible.

"Qiao Qiancen, do you think you're going to be knocked out from above by us, throw it down or just throw it down soberly for a thrill?"

Qiao Moli raised her flamboyant hair, and her eyes were full of sarcasm and complacency. When she asked this question, she looked completely superior.

At this moment, it seems that he is the god who dominates the life and death of the world in the world, and can make decisions at will. After all, Qiao Qiancen's frown is made even tighter by this appearance.

"Aren't you afraid that things will be exposed one day, and you will be charged as a murderer?!"

Even though she knew in her heart that Qiao Moli's character was very bad, she didn't expect that she could be so decisive and ruthless when it came to life-threatening matters. She looked like a devil!

After finishing the words, Jasmine didn't care about half of it at all, her eyes were still calm and breezy, and she didn't care about her life or death at all.

"Please be sober, what evidence do you have to point out that I did this to you, saying that you invited me here by yourself, but the owner fell down, can't you? Tell you to be less naive, if you were able to recognize me at the beginning Current affairs, it will not end up like this now!"

Hearing these words, Qiao Qiancen felt a little dazed, thinking that it would be really difficult to escape today.What's more, Qiao Moli made up her mind...

She insisted on her death!
"Jasmine, why are we talking so much to him? When the time comes, we will also bring his mother to accompany him, let them both mother and daughter go to hell, and let them see what the end will be like if they are right with us. dare?"

When Qiao Qiancen heard the words "next life", Qiao Qiancen's cute light trembled a little, as if recalling something, he was very emotional.

I didn't expect that I had already lived another life, but I still died at their hands. Could it be that this is an unchangeable fate?
Unwilling to be reconciled, the struggling movements gradually became more intense, and the more he struggled, the better the moods of Qiao Moli and Zhang Manjie became.

"You damn girl, now I finally know how to be afraid. Let me tell you, if you had lowered your head and admitted your mistakes earlier, you wouldn't be like this now. This is your fate and accept it obediently!"

After saying this, Qiao Moli ordered her mother to drag her to the edge of the cliff with her.

Seeing the edge of the cliff that was close at hand, Qiao Qiancen's heart went up, and he shook his head and struggled hard.

"You can't do this, absolutely not, I tell you, one day you will be exposed, and then you will be sentenced to death, die with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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