Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1200 I Only Give You One Choice

Chapter 1200 I Only Give You Two Choices
Qiao Moli and Zhang Manjie were obviously not happy to hear these words, and kicked her hard a few more times before officially pushing her down.

"If you go to hell, you still want us to go to hell with you. If you want to, let me tell you, some things are your own secretaries. People like us are destined to enjoy glory and wealth!"

After Zhang Manjie finished speaking, she raised her head and summoned Lao Zhang to come along.

"Push this damn girl down now, and everything will be over, and the affairs of the two of us will not be exposed in the short term. When we take Qiao Huacheng's money, we can leave here together and live our new life together." live!"

Qiao Qiancen struggled, how sad he felt when he heard these words.

Her originally happy and happy family were all harmed by the two of them, mother and daughter, but now instead of being satisfied to stop, they even started planning to take her father's money and start a new life.

"You are the most disgusting people. Just by destroying other people's families and relying on these indecent means to maintain your life, your life is like bedbugs in the sewer, disgusting and disgusting !"

As if she was extremely angry, when Qiao Qiancen said these words, she didn't have any scruples at all. Anyway, now that Qiao Moli and his mother have already made up their minds to kill, why should she give them any more face.

Zhang Manjie naturally understood what Qiao Qiancen was talking about, and looked at him with a bit of sarcasm in his eyes, only thinking that he really did not know what to do, and repeatedly provoked them to blame him!

"Whatever you say, anyway, your stupid pig father will never know about this matter. By the time he finds out, he will already be out of money. Then where will he seek revenge from me! The most ridiculous man in the world It's retribution!"

After saying these words, she didn't want to babble any more, she greeted Lao Zhang and Qiao Moli, and was about to push her off the cliff.

"Damn girl, hurry up and go to hell, my eyes will be worse without the world!"

After Zhang Manjie said this viciously, she was about to clap her hands and push Qiao Qiancen off the cliff. There was a bottomless abyss below. There is absolutely no chance of survival for the creatures!

Tears fell silently from Qiao Qiancen's face, she didn't want to show her weak side in front of them, but at this moment, she still sighed extremely sadly in her heart.

Originally, the relationship between her and Fu Yanshen has returned to normal, and it won't be long before she, her mother, and Fu Yanshen can live a normal life, but why at this moment...

Everything caught her by surprise, but she didn't regret letting her take the medicine at this moment, but if she could do it again, she must tell Fu Yanshen about this in advance and let him come to save her, so that she wouldn't even see him for the last time before she died. less than.

Just at the very moment, Qiao Qiancen slowly closed his eyes, only thinking that the next thing to meet him would be falling and death, when in an instant, a huge gunshot sounded!


Qiao Mulei's grip on Qiao Qiancen's hand suddenly loosened, his face turned pale and he screamed.

"My hand hurts so much, what's wrong!"

When she said this, Zhang Manjie just wanted to look over, but the next second she also cried out in pain, and she knelt down on one knee, almost falling off the cliff.

"my leg!"

Seeing this scene, Lao Zhang finally understood that something was wrong, and looked around in panic, but he didn't expect that his left shoulder would also be shot in the next second!

The fat cheeks wrinkled tightly in pain. At this moment, all three of them were injured, except Qiao Qiancen who was safe and sound.

Her long eyelashes trembled, as if she understood something, she looked back excitedly, trying to find that figure.

But at this moment, the first thing he saw was a group of black people surrounding them. In an instant, they were completely surrounded, except for the wide cliff space behind them!

"Who are you? What do you want to do!"

Lao Zhang yelled loudly in fear, and covered his left shoulder with his hand, only feeling that there was numbness and pain, and warm blood continued to flow from there.

"Who is behind the scenes, get out!"

"Don't think that you can be fine if you hide like this, you will never be able to eat and walk around in a while!"

Qiao Moli and her mother also became worried and scared, and they shouted loudly at the group of men in black in front of them.

And when the voices of the three of them fell, the long-awaited figure in Qiao Qiancen's mind finally came out.

He was wearing a neat black suit. He had just rushed over from the company last time, and I didn't have time to change any clothes. I only relaxed when I forgot the black pistol in his hand.

Everything is already clear, he came to save her...

"Why are you, how do you know we are here?"

This arbor was just a step away from staring at him completely, and he couldn't believe that at such a critical moment, he just appeared in front of him.

But at this moment, Lao Zhang didn't dare to say a word. Looking at the man in front of him, he only thought of himself being completely finished, and then he became completely numb.

Now that this incident has been exposed, he will never be able to continue living without any relationship with this incident in the future. Fu Yanshen will definitely grab him by the braid, so that he will never be able to turn over.

But at this moment, compared to the panic and fear of the three of them, he only had uneasiness and worry in his heart. He stared closely at Qiao Qiancen who was not far away, until he saw that there was nothing serious about him, then he was completely relieved. out of breath.

"You guys are really brave, don't tell me, you don't know he is mine, you are obviously going to fight against me now, then I can only let you see, those people who sat with me in the past What's the end of it?"

The man narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the three people in front of him. When he spoke at this moment, there was no spiritual power in his tone, but it made people tremble involuntarily, only feeling the emotion in his words It's really hard to figure out, and it's scary.

"This is really a misunderstanding. We just brought Miss Qiao here to have a good talk. It's not what you think!"

Even though Lao Zhang knew that his death was imminent, he still tried his best to quibble, wanting to completely break away from the relationship for this matter, for fear of being targeted.

But obviously, after hearing all the ins and outs of everything, how could he listen to his excuses again.

"I don't want to play tricks on you about some things. I only give you two choices. The first is to jump off here yourself, and the second is to help you jump off here. Isn't this the choice you just gave her?"

(End of this chapter)

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