Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1203 Notice of Critical Illness

Chapter 1203 Notice of Critical Illness

The girl in her arms seemed to be stunned for a moment when she heard these words. Gradually, a faint smile appeared on her face...

It's just that the smile lasted less than three seconds, and then disappeared completely. She seemed to be asleep, without saying a word, her cheeks were as pale as paper, and such a cute appearance made people reluctant to wake up... …

But at this moment, the man's supposedly hard heart seemed to have completely collapsed, and he couldn't restrain himself after all.

"Thousand Cen! Thousand Cen!!"

Such a heart-piercing roar made everyone around dare not say a word.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Moli, who fell to the ground behind her, felt both pessimistic and jealous.

If possible, how much she wants to be like Qiao Qiancen...

With good looks, a mother who supported her no matter what she did, and a boyfriend who always put her first.

If it was possible, how could she have imagined it as she is now, as if she understood her future end, Qiao Moli suddenly laughed, her thin shoulders were as thin as a piece of paper, as if the stronger the wind, she would be able to As if blown away by the wind...

Feeling extremely uncomfortable, the guards in black thought she was about to do something, so they couldn't help but stare at her more cautiously.

At this moment, even Zhang Manjie, who was beside her, was stunned, not understanding what was wrong with her daughter, suddenly laughing out loud like this, people who didn't know would think that she had gone crazy due to stimulation...

After all, the more Zhang Manjie thought about it, the more frightened she became. She hesitated for a while, but quickly endured the pain and sat up and kowtowed to admit her mistake.

"It's all my fault! It's all my fault, I didn't think about everything!"

However, at this moment, Zhang Manjie's constant kowtow to admit his mistake didn't seem to have any effect. Fu Yanshen hugged Qiao Qiancen who had fainted, and his heart only became harder and harder each time.

"You guys, let them try the feeling of falling off the cliff! Remember, don't kill anyone!"

After a yell, Zhang Manjie was completely heartbroken, and burst into tears, "No, please don't do this, I'm old, I'll die if I play like that! My heart can't take it!"

However, no matter how loudly she called at this moment, it was useless. The man carried Qiao Qiancen and walked away, his back was thin and determined, as if there was no room for tact in everything, and there was no chance for them to regret it.

Looking at his back, Zhang Manjie completely collapsed, and kept crying for a while.

"What kind of thing is this? What did I do wrong? Why should I suffer from such a thing! God, you are really going too far, why do you have to treat me like this!"

However, the man obviously didn't take these shouts to heart. He just curled up his lips and smiled at this moment, as if he didn't need to bear everything by himself.

"Mom, it's already at this time, don't you understand! He will never let us go, this time, he will never give us a way out, we are done! Hahahahaha..."

Qiao Moli laughed loudly, not understanding what she had been insisting on for so long, she knew that the answers to these things had already been answered from the beginning, why she was still unwilling to accept it now, and who was the first to go wrong on this road? Only after the beginning, did these annoying things happen next? !
"What's the matter with you girl? You're still laughing so happily after hugging the odd head to your death. I don't know if you will still be able to laugh for a while. Anyway, I really can't talk to you now. This matter We all know what the end result will be!"

Zhang Manjie scolded Qiao Moli loudly, as if she finally couldn't stand Qiao Moli anymore.

However, after the words fell, the daughter beside her gradually stopped laughing, and looked at her leisurely, as if thinking about something, with too many complicated emotions hidden in her eyes.

Zhang Manjie felt an inexplicable feeling of uneasiness in her heart. Looking at her daughter, she was only worried that there was something wrong in his heart, and then heard her say in the next second, "This matter was expected to have such a result, didn't it?" Why can’t you introduce yourself even if you want to call now? You have already thought of other things, and you are here to go around in circles with yourself, deceiving yourself and others, don’t you think it’s ridiculous!”

When these words came out, Zhang Manjie was stunned after all, and slowly raised her head to look at the sky, something seemed to be clearing up in her heart little by little, gradually making her unable to bear all this.

Yes, didn't I already know that there would be such a result when I found the job?Why do I still find it unacceptable? Could it be that she is really deceiving herself?
The situation in the ward is not optimistic.

The doctor looked at the woman lying on the hospital bed with her brows furrowed tightly, as if she didn't know what to do. After waiting for a long time, she finally waited for her family members to arrive.

"How is the patient? Is the condition still critical?"

When Fu Yanshen rushed to the ward, several attending doctors were frowning and looking at Li Yiyuan lying on the bed. Even without asking, they knew that the condition was definitely not optimistic. Heart of hope.

After all, now that Qiao Qiancen was lying unconscious on the hospital bed, and something like this happened to his mother again, everything could be said to be extremely bad.

He couldn't figure out why God just didn't let the mother and daughter go, it was so unfair that they had to suffer such a catastrophe even though they hadn't taken any measures.

"I'm sorry, we really tried our best, but this lady's vitality is still tenacious and she just survived. We can feel that he has a deep professional life, but we can't guarantee everything in the next result. Maybe you really have to resign yourself to fate. Tomorrow’s operation requires the signature of the family members. This is the critical illness notice just issued by our hospital. Please read it carefully and sign it if you think there is no problem.”

Speaking of this, the doctor's words also paused for a while, as if he was unwilling to mention such a thing, he carefully looked at Fu Yanshen's face, and then continued, "Of course, this job has not been notified that it will not matter whether you sign or not. It’s all the same. The success rate of this operation is very low. In the spirit of humanitarianism, I still advise you to think carefully. The cost of the operation is not low, but the success rate is not high. It is up to you to decide whether to perform the operation or not. Decide."

After saying these words, several doctors bowed respectfully to him, then turned and left.

The man's tall body was used in that ward, lying on the hospital bed, those pale middle-aged women finally clenched their hands hanging by their sides at this moment.

"Auntie, why does God treat you like this? What did you do wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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