Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1204 About the TV series...

Chapter 1204 About the TV series...

As if he couldn't figure out the reason for this problem no matter what, most men stared at the woman lying on the hospital bed, after all, these words were blue one after another, but at this moment the woman lying on the hospital bed was already unconscious How could he hear what he was talking about.

I just feel a little broken in my heart, and everything has finally come to a point that no one wants to see.But what else can we do at this moment?
The emotions that seemed to be collapsing in the hearts of several people stepped forward step by step, sat down on the chair beside the hospital bed, and looked at the woman lying on the bed. After all, he stretched out his big hand and slowly held it. took her hand.

"You are Qian Cen's mother. I will take good care of you no matter what. I will never let anyone hurt your aunt. You must do your best to wake up. You know that you are the person Qian Cen can't let go of the most." , if something happens to you, she will never be able to obtain real happiness in this life, so you must wake up no matter what."

"She has been too stubborn in this life, and you also know that the things he has established in his character cannot be changed. If you wake up, I believe that his body will also recover. She has no way to let you live alone. In the world."

When he said this, the emotion in Fu Yanshen's eyes couldn't be restrained. He usually turned his head and didn't want the woman on the bed to see him. After taking a deep breath, he finally slowly put the woman's hand back on the quilt , as if promising something, said, "Here I assure you, I really love Qiao Qiancen, no matter what happens, how rough and difficult the road ahead will be, I will always hold on tight Hand, don't let go no matter what, you can rest assured that your daughter will never regret it in my hands."

After saying these words, he finally got up and left the ward. Now he still has a woman who he hates most and is more important to take care of him, and he must be by her side.

And he didn't see, after he left, if there was a woman lying on the hospital bed, her long eyelashes trembled...

It seems that even if he can't wake up, he still maintains his rationality in his mind, remembering all the words of the man just now in his heart, and he is very moved...
The other ward was equally silent and scary. The delicate and beautiful girl was lying motionless on the bed, like a porcelain doll, so fragile and petite, making people want to care for her when she saw it, but at this moment, he couldn't do anything about it. Hearing this person's voice, I was only immersed in my sleep, and it was difficult to wake up.

"Don't worry, I went to see your mother, but the situation is very good now, the doctor said that he will not recover soon, so you should not continue to sleep, as a daughter, don't be so sleepy, your mother is still waiting You go to see her."

When he said these words, the man was smiling, and even though there was some moist emotion in his eyes, he still restrained it as much as possible.He can't tell the real situation of his mother now, because he is worried that her mother's affairs will have a greater impact on her mother...

"I know you can hear me talking, you little villain just like to make me anxious, right? You haven't changed this habit from a long time ago to now."

After saying this with a smile, the man fetched a basin of warm water from the bathroom, soaked up the water with a towel, wrung it dry, and began to wipe the girl carefully.

"I know you love beauty, so now I'll help you wipe your body, so that you won't feel uncomfortable, and you'll feel refreshed when you sleep."

"By the way, do you know? It's been a few days, and you haven't been to the crew to act in a play, so your play will have to be delayed. The news on the Internet is calling you to pay quickly. If you see this scene with your own eyes, you must It was very touching, so I woke up quickly and didn't know."

He tried his best to report the good news and not the bad news, but all his emotions were suppressed in his heart. It was so difficult to forget at this moment.

Now the real fact is that the Internet is shouting that she should never come back.It is a great joy to claim that the entertainment industry has lost such a lonely person like him.

Does Fu Yanshen have the guts to tell the truth about these words for Qiao Qiancen?Even if she is not born now, he will try his best to suppress the news and not let her read it.

After all, such words are too hurtful, and for a girl like her, how much hurt.He didn't want to think about or mention anything, and could only restrain himself, trying not to let her find out.

After a while, the agent came over, leading several people in charge of the company, all of them looked unhappy.

"What's the matter with you? He hasn't woken up yet, just tell me if there is anything, and I'll solve it."

Fu Yanshen looked at the symptoms of a large group of people in front of him, and felt a little unhappy, but he still asked as much as possible to pretend that nothing happened.

At this moment, the manager was obviously a little embarrassed. He exchanged glances with him, then turned his head, and whispered to the person in charge next to him, "This is the president of the Fu Group, Fu Yanshen."

Those of you who are in charge of the company haven't paid much attention to this man, just think so.There are still some boyfriends that the child makes outside.I was so shocked that I didn't dare to say a word.

"I didn't expect that I would see you with my own eyes. On such an occasion, I have known you for a long time. I am the director of this entertainment company."

Wearing a suit with a tie, the man immediately wanted to stretch out his hands to get close, but at this moment, Fu Yanshen was not in the mood to deal with it at all. Now that Qiao Qiancen and his mother have encountered such a thing, he really has no energy to be distracted. Other things.

"Stop talking nonsense, just tell me if you have anything to say, are you here to find her? But she hasn't woken up yet, so tell me everything."

Fu Yanshen's ungrateful appearance embarrasses everyone after all, but this one can't help it, he is indeed the person with the highest status like them, and they can't afford to offend anyone, so they can only laugh and pretend nothing happened.

"Today we came to see Ms. Qiao, in fact, it was also for acting. The crew was so busy that we couldn't pretend nothing happened. So we came here specially to ask the doctor, when will he wake up soon? How long will it take to resume work after you come here, because you also know the itinerary of this TV series, so don't delay, otherwise the TV station will have to compensate for the loss after signing a huge contract."

Even though the person in charge was a little embarrassed, he could only bite the bullet and say these words.

(End of this chapter)

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