Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1227 There will be a backlash one day!

Chapter 1227 There will be a backlash one day!
"Before this matter comes to a real result, do you have anything to say to Tazhong? After all, your fans are very concerned about your emotions now. If you have any difficulties, you can feel free to tell them. They have I will forgive you and give you enough support.”

"I just feel that if you feel sad, you can just say it. After all, we are all ordinary people. When encountering these things, it is normal to have no way to solve them and feel pain and embarrassment. You can tell them and let everyone help you." Bar."

"The netizens on the Internet support you to refer to Qiao Qiancen, and hope that this matter can be dealt with fairly. As the person involved, how do you think about it?"


Downstairs in the entertainment company, Qiao Moli was surrounded by reporters as soon as she left the company. Many microphones were directed at her, as if she would never let her go unless she gave an answer.

At this moment, Qiao Moli had a sad look on her face, but she was happy with herself in her heart. This is what he wanted. All the heat and public affairs were transferred to her, and everyone felt pity for her. , I hope she can get better, I hope I can help her something.

However, the more ideal the injury, the more serious it was. This was the result she wanted, that is, she wanted to let that woman know that she, Qiao Moli, was not something that could be taken lightly.

"Don't ask her anymore, she is already very sad today, because of this matter, and she didn't want to let the outside world know, she just wanted to let the matter handle it by herself, don't let the outside world know What, but now that things have been exposed, she is also very sad, for fear of any impact on her sister."

Qiao Moli's agent yelled this sentence to the reporter from the side, and she said it very truthfully. However, the reporter was even more moved after hearing these words, and couldn't help but feel that this sister is really great. However, he is still worried about his sister's comfort, and he is really afraid that he will be affected by things on the Internet.

Several reporters couldn't help but began to praise his character, and with the height of the heat, they also began to discuss that Qiao Qiancen's way of doing things was lacking.

"Your sister is so inhuman, such a big person, don't hurt your family, and put them in prison is really inhuman!"

"As his younger sister, you are so great. Small things are much more mature than him. I don't know if she feels guilty about being a sister?!"

"I saw that you should make a clear relationship with him as soon as possible. This kind of person is not a good person. It turns out that a person who has been pretending to be innocent in front of the public is such a vicious person behind his back!"


Qiao Moli finally stopped, and looked at the reporters shaking their heads with teary eyes, as if she wanted to explain something, but she couldn't cry, she looked aggrieved and distressed.

"No no no, my sister is not such a person, please don't wrong her, she is a very good girl, at least she can dedicate everything to her career, but I have never been able to do this!"

Qiao Moli seemed to be speaking for Qiao Qiancen, but after careful scrutiny of the words, she could hear what he meant, which was that Qiao Qiancen was willing to do whatever he wanted for his own career.

Of course, it also includes framing one's own family members, or relying on some means to unspoken rules to gain power...

The disgust towards Qiao Qiancen in the crowd increased, and everyone began to curse Qiao Qiancen unscrupulously, and even swore that they would never watch any TV series or videos about Qiao Qiancen again.

"Don't pursue this matter. I have given up my thoughts. She can treat us whatever she wants, as long as she is happy in the end, even if I have to pay a high price. My sister has been unhappy since she was a child. It's all because of me."

Qiao Moli sniffed, trying to stabilize her breath, and said these words, as if a great sister who could sacrifice everything to make her sister happy.

At this moment, everyone was stunned after all. They never thought that things would develop to such a point. They never thought that the relationship between the two of them was so complicated, involving many things in childhood. At this moment, many people It fell silent, so I wanted to say something, but I was hesitating whether to say that I was still a man in the end, so I roared with a bit of a temper.

"What do you say so much? Your sister is an annoying guy. Can you say that childhood things can be used as an excuse to hurt people for a lifetime? I see that you should take her to court as soon as possible and completely follow her. It's good that she broke off the relationship."

As soon as this sentence came out, the spirit of people who have ideas but dare not speak out immediately came, and the elder brother yelled and felt that he was an envoy of justice, incarnating justice for this poor Qiao Qiancenhua.

"Even I can't understand people like this. Bullying people doesn't mean that you have a big temper. How popular can you hurt others like this? Let me tell you that people like this will be punished by God sooner or later. Yes, don't be afraid that he has all of us backing you up now!"

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and almost forgot what Qiao Moli had done before, and also forgot what she had said, and just wanted to severely condemn this little girl who had just become popular.

In this world, it is impossible to distinguish whether human nature is inherently good or human nature is evil. However, when the incident happened, Xu Dun still stood at the point of being hurt together. He was willing to watch a girl fall into the abyss and never get up again. , as if in this way you can get pleasure from it and make yourself comfortable.

But he couldn't tell that he was also an accomplice. This kind of thing can make the victim's situation worse, and even lose the hope of life.

When Qiao Qiancen read the comments at night, he had already expected that there would be a lot of scolding, but he never thought that it would be so serious. Since his eyes turned pale at this moment, he rubbed his eyes and tried his best to keep his emotions. Don't pay attention to it. But his eyes still couldn't help reading one comment after another.

Everyone below blamed him for his condemnation, why did he hurt his family like this, and a few people I spoke for him were all scolded and hung up on a separate floor to discuss.

"He turned out to be innocent, why didn't he come out and speak? Why didn't he say it? Why did he do this? Isn't he just guilty? Do you need to explain? You dogs who clean up for others will be backlashed one day !"

(End of this chapter)

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