Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1228 What do they want from me? !

Chapter 1228 What do they want from me? !

All the posts that spoke for her were attacked miserably, and finally even the few people who spoke for him silently deleted their own comments and did not say another word.

It seems that everyone's behavior is correct by default, and no one dares to speak for her, let alone express different opinions.And Qiao Qiancen looked at all of this, not only felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but also felt irony.

When I was suffering and suffering, the people who stood at the front and spoke for him were also the same group. Now when he fell to the ground and was trampled and slandered, it was the same people who stepped on top of him. It seems that no matter how the wind changes, Whichever way they turned, they never took a firm stand.

In the end, no one knows whether this is right or wrong. I am afraid that one day everything will develop to an ending that no one can accept. However, when that day comes, how will everyone feel? , and in the end no one knows.

Qiao Qiancen bent his lips and smiled, with a sigh in his eyes, as if he didn't know what to do. At this moment, the person in front of him walked towards him, with a bit of worry in his life. When he walked towards him, as expected, the first time One sentence is to ask how she is doing.

Qiao Qiancen looked at the man in front of him and felt a little moved in his heart. He wanted to say something to him, but when he opened his mouth at this moment, the three-color emotions came to him, and he couldn't help but want to cry. Still didn't say anything more, just stepped forward and hugged the man.

"I don't know what to do anymore. Everyone is persecuting me. I really seem to have done a lot of things wrong, but I seriously think about why I am guilty. Why do they always put swords on me? Pointing at me and pouring all the dirty water on me?"

The man was very distressed, and silently hugged the girl in his arms, just wanting to solve everything for him, but at this moment, it was obvious that this situation was not suitable for him. Comfort to the point.

"I've already asked people to check things on the Internet. You don't have to worry too much. All in all, the more someone secretly wants to punish you and harm you in this matter, then I will never let that person go. I want to Expose this matter as it is, and put it under the light, so that everyone can see clearly whether the behavior they condemned is right or wrong?"

Qiao Qiancen was very moved, but she couldn't help trembling and crying in the arms of the man, as if something was broken in her heart, she wanted to calm herself down from crying, but she couldn't do it no matter what Same, the whole person is fragile and powerless.

"In fact, I don't know what to do anymore. Walking on this road, it seems that every action will attract the dissatisfaction and attention of others, but I clearly can't figure out what I did wrong, which makes them unhappy, but they are still If you don’t want to tell me, you have to watch me sinking step by step like this, as if only after I die, they can feel at ease only after I have reached a desperate situation.”

She couldn't figure out where she made the public unhappy, why everyone always stepped on his affairs, indicating that this matter had nothing to do with everyone, or that she was the only one who knew what happened best But no one wanted to take the initiative to listen to him, to understand what happened, they just tried their best to stomp him into the ground, let him fall into the abyss, and never get up and leave.

"Luo Yu, don't be sad because of them. You clearly know that they are not worth it. People who change themselves too much with the wind have always been people who have no independent thoughts, and are so easily led by public opinion. And this kind of people are often not real fans, you don’t need to care about it at all, just be yourself, other people and other things have nothing to do with you, you have to remember this.”

The man sat down and frowned and said this very seriously, but Qiao Qiancen's eyes trembled after hearing it, as if he couldn't figure it out and didn't want to think about it, as if he understood this matter, his whole heart trembled.

"Actually, why don't I understand? I can tell the difference very clearly, but I just can't help it. The matter of calming down for myself is like a knife across the bottom of my heart, making my heart go up and down. I know what to do, there is a voice that keeps telling me that I must die, let me show them my saddest side, so that they can forgive me. But I clearly know that the voice is wrong Yes, but why do you keep listening?"

Hearing Qiao Qiancen's words, the man was startled, he didn't seem to have thought that he would have such an idea, he seemed to be terrified at this moment, he couldn't help hugging him tightly in his arms, trying to comfort him, but the words When he got to his mouth, he still couldn't speak.

After all, it was she and not him who recruited all the sad things at this time.If he wants to talk to him, he must stand on his point of view and let her feel his empathy, otherwise she will never be able to relax.But at this moment, it is clear that I still speak from the perspective of an outsider, is it really useful?Not sure.

"Don't worry, I asked my assistant to check this matter before I came here. I asked him to tell me the result of the matter before 6:6 this afternoon. The answer will come out before 30:[-]. You will be able to know what is going on in everything, you can rest assured and just wait and see."

It seemed that there was no other way to comfort her, so she wanted to let Qiao Qiancen know all she could give, and let her understand that there is still light and hope in this world after despair, and she has to work hard to see it.

And as expected, after this sentence was finished, the crying girl in front of him calmed down. He looked at the trembling eyes of the man in front of him, and seemed to want to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he still only said A "huh".

Although the pronunciation of the words is very short, it's like saying nothing.But those who knew him at this moment knew that this was what she was willing to believe. She was willing to let this matter have a result, a hope and a possibility for them to see.

After all, Fu Yanshen made the captain smile, and nodded slightly to understand that the girl agreed with her words, so she never said anything, just stretched out her arms to hold her tightly in her arms, and told her again and again. The most sincere thoughts in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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