Chapter 1293

After all, how could Fu Yanshen fail to see this, suppressed all the emotions in his heart at this moment, then smiled as if nothing happened, and said directly without saving face: "Auntie, just tell me, if there is any Tell me everything directly, I have nothing to do with it." Fu Yan took a deep breath and said, looking at the woman in front of her, she directly stopped the movement of her hands.Li Yiyuan also seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then smiled awkwardly. After all, he was not going to continue pretending that nothing happened. He knew that some things that should happen will eventually come... He lowered his head, a little unnaturally Smiled, hesitated for a while and finally said, "I understand what you came to me for, it's just a child, I can't help you with this matter, after all, that child Qian Cen has already decided. No one can change it." Li Yiyuan sighed, knowing in his heart that there is no way to change everything now, so he can only bite the bullet and continue to maintain the status quo. After all, it is his daughter's idea. I can't say anything... I silently lowered my head, and as expected, I saw the clenched fists of the man with a look of forbearance. Li Yiyuan understood everything, and was even more aware that this matter was really difficult for him, and it was difficult to do, but in the end it was There's nothing I can do about it... "Auntie, you know what kind of existence Qiancen is to me. If I don't have her in my world, I'm afraid there will be no way to maintain order in my life from now on. " Fu Yanshen said these words with some forbearance. Even though she knew that there was no reason to question her mother about this matter, there is no other way now, isn't it?There was a slight trembling in the bottom of my heart, as if I had lost the idea of ​​persevering. At this moment, after all, I should lower my status, try hard to please, or try to be modest, as long as Li Yiyuan is willing to say Qiao Qiancen's position Come out, everything doesn't matter... At this moment when Li Yiyuan saw him say this, his eyes turned red after all, as if he didn't know what to do now, but after all, he could only face it, and there was also a feeling of forbearance under his eyes . "I know, I know everything..." Wei Wei closed her eyes, as if such a moment would make her feel extremely uncomfortable, but now she can only tell the truth, even if it is a little hard to accept .Taking a deep breath, he spoke his thoughts. "It's like this. Qian Cen told me that she's been a little tired recently, and she always feels that she can't bear it anymore, so she wants to go out for a walk. Relax, I have no choice but to agree." Li Yiyuan said somewhat I frowned in annoyance, and felt that it was ridiculous for me to say so many irresponsible words to my daughter's boyfriend. .And hearing this, Fu Yanshen seemed to be defeated after all, and he looked extremely decadent.Li Yiyuan looked at him worriedly, always felt that his current state didn't look right, and he hesitated in his heart whether to tell the truth, but after thinking about it, he still felt that this was the situation, and he had such an identity , After all, it is better to keep quiet and silent.After all, I am not suitable to take action on this matter at all, and it is even more unsuitable to join in and discuss anything... "She has always been blaming me, right Auntie?" Fu Yanshen didn't know how long she had been thinking about this matter. It's better to speak out what's in my heart, even if everything sounds a bit decisive and unacceptable, but there is still no way...Li Yiyuan knew that it would be useless to hide it no matter how much he kept hiding it, so he nodded at this moment, and let his own Give the answer from the heart, even if it sounds a little pessimistic, so what? !This is the last sorrow of the relationship between the two families with a big gap, and it is an irreversible fact.He silently sank his heart, and when he raised his head, he finally saw the man's stunned and depressed expression, as if he understood everything but could do nothing... Li Yiyuan turned around with a feeling of distress and helplessness. Going too far, no longer looking at the things over there, I always feel that there seems to be something wrong in my heart. -Fu Yanshen doesn't know how he got back, but now that he's back home, he feels that he's still in the outside world. That feeling of uneasiness, after all, still traps him tightly like a predicament that he can't get rid of .Feeling a little depressed, without saying a word, he silently suppressed the helplessness in his heart, lit a cigarette, let it burn on his fingertips, and gradually disappeared... I don't know how long it took before Hearing the sound of the phone ringing, Fu Yanshen answered the phone directly. The voice of the assistant on the other end of the phone sounded extremely tired, and he was even a little out of breath. "President, we have already asked several places, and we finally found out!" Fu Yanshen did not have the patience to listen to them talking so much, and said impatiently at this moment: "Just talk about the main point, you are now preparing How is it! Have you got the result!" The man's voice sounded extremely impatient, and the assistant didn't dare to be so vague after all, and could only speak out the true words in his heart. "It's like this. At the light rail station in the north of the city, we found out that Ms. Qiao once left the city and went to downtown B. We are still not sure where it is now." Hearing the assistant's words, the man After all, he sank his heart. At this moment, he had no other way but to deal with it.After thinking about it, he gave the order directly. "How about this, you go to City B and bring a group of people directly. No matter what, you must find out her words for me. This matter must not just cut off the clues like this." Although it is not yet I know what this thing is all about, but I have to try it anyway!You can't just let this thing go by like this. -Qiao Qiancen has been in this city for a few days, and walks around the scenic spots almost every day. I don’t know how many photos he took in the camera, and he almost never looks at them.My mood is always unpredictable along the way, no matter how I control it, there is nothing I can do about it, as if this matter cannot pass this hurdle after all, I can only stay here, and I can't go anywhere. "Silly girl, he already came to look for you today. How long do you want to make trouble?" The mother sent a message, looking really helpless, and didn't know Qiao Qiancen was doing this.

(End of this chapter)

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