Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1294 Tell me please?

Chapter 1294 Tell me please?
Chapter 2 Looking at Qiao Qiancen's appearance, Fu Yanshen seemed to understand everything in an instant. At this moment, he lowered his head, but his thin lips were tightly pressed, as if there were many things on his mind hidden in his heart It's normal, there's no way to ease it... He understands that no matter how nice the girl in front of him says, no matter how irrelevant and unnecessary to care about what the girl says, it's actually a lie.In the end, she just said a self-deceiving word, which comforted herself and others.Even if... In the end, I was not happy.Pulling up the corners of his lips and smiling, he found that no matter how much he smiled, it would look unnatural, so he finally gave up.At this moment, the man opened his mouth dumbly, some words were stuck in his heart but there was no way to ease it, but he understood all of this for a moment, after all, only solving the problem is the final belonging, and the rest of the things are no matter how persistent they are. It's useless... After being silent for a while, he still stretched out his hand and gently hugged the girl in his arms, as if the feeling of uneasiness would disappear completely only when he felt that she was still in his arms. At this moment, Fu Yanshen lowered his Turning his head, leaning on the girl's shoulder, he took a deep breath for an unknown amount of time before he finally stopped talking as if he had completely relaxed.Thinking that this would last a long time, Fu Yanshen has always been deceiving herself like this. It was not until one day that she finally realized that her inaction was the greatest harm to Qiao Qiancen, but she hadn't shown it all the time. ...-"What did you say, she disappeared? What's the matter? How can such a good person disappear for no reason?" One morning, Fu Yanshen suddenly received a call from his subordinates, and when he heard the content of the call, he could only I feel a cold and thorough feeling that I have never had before, that feeling of having my head down, and it is difficult to pretend that I don’t know and ignore it... When the men on the other end of the phone heard the news, they were silent for a while, after all, they didn’t know the past After a long time, she said cautiously: "Maybe she left last night? Otherwise, she couldn't have left under our noses, and we went to the door to inquire about this matter, so the woman closed the door directly when she saw us." It's like I know who we are at all, but I just don't want to tell me on purpose..." Hearing this answer, Fu Yanshen felt as if he was being suppressed by something at this moment, and he couldn't breathe at all. But there was no way to say anything more.After all, it's not that I can't feel Qiao Qiancen's changes during this period of time, but I just pretended not to know and faced it all the time, thinking that as long as a while later, she would always understand me and give myself some grace time, but After all, I didn't think of it.Fu Yanshen only felt that his heart was extremely heavy. At this moment, he casually put the important documents in the insurance, and then got up and left in a daze.The assistant just walked in. Seeing Fu Yanshen looking like he was about to leave, he couldn't help but hesitated for a moment, and asked with a puzzled question in his heart: "Where are you going? There will be an important meeting soon, and you must solve it." !" The assistant said eagerly, seeing the man's appearance, it seemed that something was going on in a flash, so she couldn't help but fell silent, and then immediately said: "And it is a program that must be hosted by you!" The assistant said a little anxiously, The reason is that Fu Yanshen can look back and hesitate again, but he didn't, from the beginning to the end... He just walked forward, as if he was completely out of his mind, without any reaction at all, and it didn't seem like he was listening at all. Seeing the way he spoke... the assistant knew it almost without even thinking about it. It must be Qiao Qiancen except for something, otherwise he wouldn't be like this now... The mood sank, and he calmed down silently. Go again to inform about the cancellation of the meeting.The assistant was in a depressed mood, but he couldn't figure out what happened to Ms. Qiao Qiancen that could make their president lose his focus as if he had lost his soul. - After knocking on the door for an unknown amount of time, the door of Qiao's house was finally opened. At this moment, Qiao Qiancen's mother was looking at him through the door, as if she wanted to avoid it.Fu Yanshen couldn't figure it out, what made the mother and daughter behave like this?Could it be that both mother and daughter are blaming him because he broke his oath at the beginning?Unwilling to forgive all this time?In my heart, I can't figure it out no matter what. At this moment, I can only let this matter become worse and worse. After all, I can't do anything... "Auntie, I think you should be able to understand that I came to you this time What is it? Since this is the case, can you tell me Qiancen's position, I am really worried." Fu Yanshen knew that he looked like a loser at this moment, but even so, so what, deep down in his heart With a certain number, that is, he will marry Qiao Qiancen in this life, and naturally he has already neglected other things.At this moment, Li Yiyuan looked at the man in front of him like this, feeling extremely helpless in his heart, he finally sighed, and only hoped that this matter would have a good result in the end...I couldn't care less about the rest of the matter after all. What's up.The emotions in my heart were very complicated. When those bodyguards came up just now, I could pretend that I didn't know who was ignoring them, but now Fu Yanshen was standing at the door waiting, even if he was a little reluctant in his heart, he still wanted to He could only face... the hand hanging by his side was slightly clenched, and then he smiled decently, looking at the man in front of him as if nothing happened.Just open the door and let him in. "It's windy outside, just come in and sit down." Li Yiyuan turned sideways to let the man in as if nothing happened, and looked at the assistant and others standing at the door with some defensive eyes, as if he didn't want to let something happen they know.Seeing Li Yiyuan like this, Fu Yanshen had no choice but to turn sideways and enter the room. He knew very well in his heart that even if he had a lot of things in his heart, he could only keep it under his heart like nothing. It happened the same.After all, Li Yiyuan's attitude is still unclear to her now, and she is a mother who knows her daughter's whereabouts, but seeing her like this, maybe she won't say it easily... Fu Yanshen thought helplessly in her heart.After entering the living room, he sat down, but Li Yiyuan's face was still a little ugly, so he sat down on the sofa next to him, pouring water for him slowly, as if he could think about it in the world How should I say this...

(End of this chapter)

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