Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1317 How can he... how can he!

Chapter 1317 How can he... how can he!

Qiao Qiancen said this sentence almost with a smile on the surface, and at this moment, a certain man seemed to be unable to stand it after all, he fell silent and frowned, looking at the woman in front of him who was determined and unwilling to compromise, I don't know how long I watched it, and finally sighed as if I was defeated, and let her do what she wanted to do.

"Forget me as a loser, okay? The two of us are really not suitable for marriage in our current state,"

Fu Yan frowned deeply and said impatiently, at this moment, he originally wanted to say something nice to make Qiao Qiancen feel better, but for some reason, the words never left their mouths.

After all, in that case, it would be a little more serious for the two of them now.

Whenever or don't want this to be the norm between them...

Qiao Qiancen just let him lead her into the car, feeling extremely depressed.
Even though it could be heard that Fu Yanshen was about to make concessions to himself, there was still no way in his heart to pretend that he hadn't heard what he said just now.

He said that in their current state, they are not suitable for marriage at all...

Even though he knew in his heart that this was the truth, but now that everything was in front of him, there was nothing to say after all.

As the man, he said this sentence, after all, it was tantamount to drawing a scar in her heart...

She calmed down silently, returned to his car and sat down at this moment, but didn't want to say a word to him.There is an inexplicable feeling in my heart that the relationship between them is coming to an end.

After all, if things go on like this, everything is possible, and the possibility of reunification is the least.

He silently tightened his fists, as if he was restraining his emotions, but in his heart he felt tired like never before.

They will no longer be the former green children, and now the relationship between them is very delicate, and the two of them can't say whatever they want as casually as before, as if there is a wall between them, The appearance is very deep, no matter how hard I try, there is no way to resolve it...

This is probably the saddest situation between them, right?However, nothing can be done, and there is no way to make a choice.

"Give you."

At this moment, Fu Yanshen handed over a bottle of water from the side. Qiao Qiancen turned to look at his hand, but never raised his eyes to look at the man beside him.

After a while, he finally took the bottle of water he handed over. At this moment, he finally said "thank you" and didn't react any more.

Sad and clear in my heart, what they do is useless, so at this moment, I can only do a good job of the last sympathy, no matter what, don't leave any gaps, let others see it as a joke.

"It's the only way between us?"

Fu Yanshen didn't know how long she had been looking at Qiao Qiancen, seeing that she had always ignored her meaning, after all, she was looking forward, and said this sentence with some helplessness and boredom.

Hearing this, Qiao Qiancen froze for a moment, but didn't say a word.

She doesn't know what is the most appropriate thing to say now, but she knows in her heart that no matter what she says now, there is no position between them to continue to entangle this matter.

"Well, what do you mean now? What do you want? You can't go on like this forever. There are still many things between us that haven't been clarified. Don't you really think it's unnecessary to keep going like this? ?”

Fu Yan frowned deeply, feeling bored when he said this, he couldn't help but took out the cigarette that was placed in front of him, lit one directly, and started to puff out a little bored.

Qiao Qiancen only felt that something was gradually changing in her heart, but no matter how hard she tried, she still couldn't say a word to her.

"It's over, isn't it?"

Fu Yan frowned deeply, and directly touched the cigarette case to the front stage, making a "bang" sound, which scared Qiao Qiancen quite a bit.

At this moment, she turned her head hastily, looked at the man beside her, as if she was waiting for him to give an explanation, but in the next second, he finally opened the car door and walked out.

Qiao Qiancen silently bit her lips with an indescribable strange emotion in her heart, and her somewhat obscure eyes followed his back as he got out of the car.

She thought he would just leave and leave her where she was, but she didn't expect that he just got out of the car to smoke, not far away.

Let her happen to be able to see his back...

Qiao Qiancen couldn't tell what was going on in his heart, he just felt surprised. He was doing this now because he was worried that she would be afraid, so he deliberately stayed very close to him?
Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a little relieved, as if I realized that he actually still has his own existence in his heart, after all, he still felt a little relieved in his heart.

It's just that after thinking about it like this, I couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Now that I am like this, is it possible that I am still thinking about him crazily and liking him?
Thinking of this, I couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then I lowered my head in embarrassment. Is it really appropriate to think this way?

Is there really no problem for them to get along like this now, if they are together again!
Some helplessly thinking about this matter, but more emotions are sad feelings about what I just thought.

When will I be able to recognize the situation clearly?Now everything has developed to such a point?Shouldn't it be more decisive to cut off all thoughts?Why, still have to be so stupid?
I didn't know what I was doing this for, I lowered my head in a complicated way, knowing that the light in front of me dimmed, and then I raised my head to find that Fu Yanshen had returned.

I thought that he had finished venting this time and was about to come back to drive, but he didn't expect that the next second, he would approach him directly after getting in the car, without warning, and just controlled himself like this, before he had time to say anything , the whole person completely lost the ability to persevere...


Qiao Qiancen was about to speak, but it was too late, the whole person was shackled like this, and the next second, his tall body approached, as if there was no way to escape his fate.

Qiao Qiancen just froze in place, feeling that his breath was being deprived of it without warning, and it took him a while to realize what it was like to react...

How... how could he!

Thinking about this question like crazy in my heart, after all, I couldn't control myself in the next second and began to struggle and resist. My heart just couldn't accept what he had done to me at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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