Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1318 Send me a message when you get home

Chapter 1318 Send me a message when you get home

In my heart, I just feel that he is far away from me like this, as if no matter how much power I have, there is still no way to deal with it.

I was so sad in my heart, but after the man felt her struggle, he grabbed her wrist even harder, as if not giving her any chance to escape, no matter how hard she tried, she would never give it a chance.

After all, Qiao Qiancen felt ashamed, she didn't know who she had offended, and why the whole matter had such a final result.

But gradually he felt that she was no longer struggling, and he was no longer as angry as before, or even hurt her, but was much gentler.

At this moment, Qiao Qiancen finally heard his voice, and he said: "Qiancen, don't make trouble anymore, you know it, you clearly know it very well, I won't be able to bear this matter, don't torture me like this , don’t make me suffer anymore, okay?”

He lowered his head and put his head against Qiao Qiancen's neck, as if he had used a lot of strength to finally say this sentence. At this moment, Qiao Qiancen froze on the spot, his long eyelashes trembling uncontrollably, and immediately, tears burst into tears It fell down at once.

What is this man doing now?
The self in the bottom of my heart seemed to be unable to figure out this matter, and couldn't help asking myself, but in the end, the self didn't have the correct answer, and they all lost completely!

Lost to each other, lost to the relationship between the two people, now I just don't want to accept it, but what else can I do?

"So what do you want to say now, everything has come to this point, what else can you do? Is there anything else you want to say to me?"

Qiao Qiancen was a little guilty about where he was, and said duplicity, casually clearing his mind, he didn't think so at all, this one can only make a decision like this, he doesn't know what to do, he can only make it so that he has no way to do it The choice is the only thing he can do.

I heard this sentence and Fu Yanshen said it for a moment. He wondered if he thought that Qiao Qiancen would ask this sentence back. After all, he was silent for a while, and said what he had no choice. I want to be disappointed, but when facing him, I am still a weak person in terms of feelings, so I still lower my head and respond with my most sincere attitude.

"Everything is my fault, okay, don't be humble about everything, okay, I don't want to make trouble about this matter anymore, it shouldn't be like this between the two of us, why do you want to How could this be caused by a trivial matter? Neither of us want to do this, do we?"

Fu Yanshen seemed to be defeated. At this moment, he stretched out his hand to hold his shoulder, and looked straight at him when he said this sentence. His eyes were very deep and deep. Qiao Qiancen knew that this was his sincere words, and he didn't say anything. Any trace of falsehood.

After all, he was silent for a while, and nodded, as if he didn't want to continue, so that in the future, we would choose to forgive him at this moment in our quarrel.

After all, it is not easy for the relationship between two people to reach this point. Now they are arguing and pushing this matter further and further. After all, it is more correct than the correct way, and it will become a relationship between two people. It's not worth it to go back and forth, so I chose to forgive, and everything should be in the same place as before.

"So what do you want to do now? Forgive me? If you forgive me, don't lose your temper with me anymore. You know what you do will make me sad, so let's make it clear and don't do it again. Well, I don't like it either, this is the final ending between the two of us."

Fu Yanshen breathed a sigh of relief from the Department of Biology, and his eyes were engraved in front of you. When you still said this sentence, you also felt a little helpless, but after all, facing the relationship between two people, you can only choose this way. Solve it, after all, the two have been arguing for a long time, and if this continues, no one will be able to let go of it in the end.

The child had no choice but to nod his head, knowing that he was wrong, and didn't continue to talk about what to pester.

It’s a short-term reconciliation, well, at this moment, I was very clear about the relationship between them, so I didn’t continue to talk about it. I chose both of them to take a step back, so that this matter can continue to go down. , after all, there is still a position among them.After dealing with this matter that I don't want, there is no way to get a good death in the end.

The man drove the car to the north of the bridge and went downstairs to his house. When he arrived, he wanted to make sure he turned his head to look at the girl beside him, and then he could only point to his own face in the next second. His actions seemed a little shy and uncomfortable. Naturally, but still insist on doing so.

He really wanted to make himself feel at ease, and hoped that Qiao Qiancen could give him a piece of evidence of peace of mind. There was no one in the middle, but there was a touch of red rain, but he still nodded and agreed.

After all, it's not easy to reconcile with each other now, so it's better not to act to alienate each other. If he wants a reassurance, then he can give it to him.

Anyway, this is a relationship between two people, and they need to treat each other and pay each other, otherwise, no one can say for sure what will happen in the end, so it's better to just make a decision like this.

At this moment, I felt the girl next to me approaching me. After all, my heart beat a little faster, as if I had returned to the period when we were just together. I kissed her at this moment, and I finally relaxed when I was clean. Down, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch a smile.

"Call me right after you go back and say that you can't relax your vigilance even downstairs in your own house, you know? Also, you need to rest early and don't read the comments on the Internet. I will find someone to deal with it in the next few days His will not leave any shadow on you."

Fu Yan sighed deeply, stretched out his hand to stroke the forehead of the girl beside him, and said this to him, Qiao Qiancenzhu just nodded, did not continue to insist on any point of view, and let him do so.

Xiaoguai nodded obediently and turned around to get off the car. At this moment, he felt as if he had returned to the period of first love. There was a little distance between the two of them, but they really wanted to think about the feeling of being close to each other. It's beautiful, and the strange one seems to have returned to that emotion.

"Then I'll go first. Be careful on the way back. Send me a message when you get home. Goodbye."

After saying this, some blushed and heartbeated and immediately turned around and got out of the car, as if they were afraid that some beast would catch up behind them.

(End of this chapter)

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