Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1326 Threatening Mother!

Chapter 1326 Threatening Mother!

Fu Yanshen patted him lightly on the back, comforting him by saying that he was a child who would not be able to achieve anything anyway, so he only felt that the whole thing became very troublesome, and he pretended that he didn't care about you, There's no way around it, after all, I'm about to go to court, and I can't help but not care about the whole thing.

"Thank you for your comfort, but it's a pity that I can't listen to it now. After all, the court will soon ask us to hand over the evidence. If we can't recover the evidence now, how can we continue to fight the normal lawsuit? It's about coercion. I will only be acquitted, and I will never be able to explain my mother's grievances for her."

Qiao Qiancen lowered her head in pain and covered her face with her hands, as if she couldn't accept everything now, but unfortunately there was nothing she could do, because she felt that she had nothing else to do except accept.

Fu Yanshen understands her feeling very well, but it is just the pain of powerlessness.

It's a pity that what I'm talking about now is not clear enough, and who is behind the scenes is not clear enough. Naturally, he can't easily come up with the answer, so he is depressed in his heart, thinking about what to do, at least not to make Qiao Qiancen so depressed again Go on, he just got sick some time ago, if he makes her feel bored or depressed now, it will only have a negative impact on her condition.

"Okay little girl, don't think too much about this matter, don't think too much, I'll solve everything, don't think so much, and if something happens, you should first Time tells me that I won't make things difficult for you,"

After Fu Yanshen finished speaking, he patted him on the shoulder and turned around before leaving. No matter how much effort he made verbally, he couldn't listen to how many things he told him. After all, her mother's The matter was pinched secretly like this, and half of it was ruined and there was no way to solve it. Naturally, she couldn't relax.

So what I can do now is to help him investigate this matter clearly, so that her mother's matter can be cleared.

Qiao Qiancen looked at the back of the man leaving and could only open his mouth oppressively, feeling that he didn't understand him enough or appreciate him enough, saying that at this moment he really couldn't say anything else, and thinking about his mother, he just You will feel sad and wronged like never before.

Who is playing tricks on her behind her back, trying to ruin this matter.

This matter can be done by Qiao Moli, he can't think of anyone else, because this is his manager, but his assistant is clearly in prison, how can he do such a thing?Qiao Qiancen couldn't imagine whether there were other pushers behind the choice.

Qiao Moli was alone, and he already had to work hard and put in a lot of effort to solve it. Now that there are a few more enemies coming, I am afraid that he will not be able to fully explain this matter in his entire life.

"It's really hateful. You can take care of your own affairs, these people. After all, when it comes to interfering with other people's affairs, he really thinks it's right for him to do so. I don't want to see him for the rest of his life!"

Qiao Qiancen angrily threw her belongings on the ground. At this moment, she couldn't calm down anymore. Just thinking of the financial situation that she had worked so hard to prepare for being destroyed in this way, her mood was about to go berserk.

Just at this time, a phone call suddenly came, as if it happened unexpectedly, Qiao Qiancen asked Qiao Qiancen to fiddle with the phone, and only after he connected the phone did he realize that everything was caused by someone secretly make trouble...

"It's surprising, I called you, but I don't know who I am by my nickname, but I'm sorry, I didn't want to explain the reason for my identity to you, I'm calling to tell you now, just I want to warn you, if this matter continues to be investigated, it will only affect you and the people around you, if you don’t believe me, just try it!”

The man's voice sounded terrifying, and Qiao Qiancen's entire treatise was disturbed. He only felt that the voice was very familiar, but it was obviously changed. He had no way of identifying who it was. In a moment, she hurt herself a lot, and in a moment, all her positive emotions were wiped away.

"Crazy who are you!"

Qiao Qiancen was afraid that there would be an angry yell, she couldn't calm down anymore, thinking that someone was messing around behind her back, trying to keep her out of the whole thing, so she instantly felt inexplicably complicated and angry.

The capable person revealed his identity, so the two of them are okay with this, but now that person clearly wants to hide in the dark to compete with him, and to kill him, what can he do?
After all, you don't know who the opposite person is, and attacking others indiscriminately will only make others think they are crazy, and you can only fight if you find enough evidence.

"You don't need to care about who I am. I'm just telling you that you can't continue to jump on this matter, otherwise you and the people around you will be affected. You can really try to see, and you may be hurt in the end. It will only be you and the people around you, and your mother is getting older, and some things still need to be stopped, so as not to let her be affected."

After this sentence was finished, the other party hung up the phone directly. This was the first time that Qiao Qiancen felt full of panic, and it rushed to his heart in an instant.

The whole person sat on the ground, and felt a sense of fear all over his body. After all, it didn't matter if he was surrounded by threatening himself, but he had no way to treat things that threatened his mother as indifference. His mother was his life, and it was his own. God, I have no way to let him get hurt anymore, not to mention that he is indeed very old and can't get hurt any more.

"Do you know? Someone called me just now. This person's number is an unknown number, and he didn't tell me who he is. He threatened me when he called. What do you say I should do? ? He threatened my mother, if something happened to my mother, I would definitely go crazy!"

Qiao Qiancen was shaking all over, and when he picked up the phone, the phone almost fell to the ground, so the Bible immediately sent a voice message to Fu Yanshen.

She had no way to calm down, and when she thought about her mother, she felt a chill all over her body, covering her whole body.

As soon as the voice was sent out, the man on the other end of the phone replied very quickly, as if he didn't expect this matter to become so serious. He hesitated for a while, but finally replied.

(End of this chapter)

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