Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1327 Let the two of them go

Chapter 1327 Let the two of them go
"You don't have to think too much about this matter. Really, let me solve it myself. Anyway, no one else wants to hurt you!"

Fu Yanshen's voice sounded a little cold, especially when he talked about those who hurt her, his tone became even colder.

At this moment Qiao Qiancen heard him say this, after all, the uneasiness in his heart was relieved a little, he let out a sigh of relief, and then nodded and said nothing more.

"It doesn't matter if you think like this. Anyway, remember, I won't let you have any accidents. Well, Qian Cen, it's getting late now, so go to sleep. There's still time to talk about something later."

"Well... I will try my best to convince myself that I won't think about it anymore."

After hanging up the phone, Fu Yanshen raised his hand and rubbed his temples, then he calmed down helplessly, and directly called his subordinates.

"There is something that you need to check, but it doesn't need to put in too much energy. I probably have a target group, so it's okay for me to solve this matter by myself. You know it clearly in your heart. .”

Fu Yan pondered for a while and said, after all, he read a name when the other party was quiet.

"Qiao Moli, go and investigate her. But at the same time, there is one person you must be careful of, and that is her manager. I suspect that this matter... has something to do with him."

The person on the opposite side was quiet the whole time. When he heard this sentence, he interrupted him with a voice after all, and he seemed a little hesitant in his words.

"It's just that you mean that in this matter, her manager will do that for her? Is this inference a little decisive?"

The words of his subordinates were a bit hesitant, as if he felt that Fu Yanshen's casual remarks were not like his usual style, but rather reckless.

However, at this moment, Fu Yanshen answered directly without thinking at all. It seemed that there was nothing for him to hesitate to think about this matter.

He said directly: "There is no need to doubt, even though this matter sounds a little strange, even a little weird, but in terms of implementation, there is really a possibility."

Fu Yan said with deep eyes, she knew very well in her heart that once some things started, there would be no possibility of redemption...

It's not clear what her agent is thinking now, but there must be a relationship of interest, and who hurt who in this matter, and who caused this matter to go to extremes, is yet to be discussed.

Hearing the words, the subordinates silently agreed, and in the end, they still couldn't understand the meaning of Fu Yanshen's words, but now that they have made such a decision, they can just follow suit...
After hanging up the phone, Fu Yanshen stood by the window alone, looking at everything in the distance, his heart finally became silent, and he no longer knew where he should investigate this matter from.

But what the final result will be, there is no need to think so much.

All in all, Qiao Moli's punishment must be indispensable. That woman is too confident, even lawless, and will eventually fall into his hands, and she will never be given a chance to escape.

When the time comes, he will definitely have to pay for what she has done!

That day will not be too long!
After all, the investigation started. The assistant just started to investigate from Qiao Moli, but found that there was no way to find her clues.

After all, she is staying in prison now because she has evidence to prove her alibi, not her own doing.

It's just that there is no way to completely prove that she has nothing to do with this matter...

The assistant thought about it for a while, and finally considered the possibility that Fu Yanshen had mentioned. Perhaps Qiao Moli's agent might also be involved in this matter.

Even if I don't want to believe it in my heart, but now that the situation is like this, it's hard for me to say that he can completely rule out the suspicion...

After thinking about it, the assistant finally began to consider the relationship between this matter and her manager. After all, she couldn't completely rule out the suspicion. After all, he is the person who has the most interests with Qiao Moli now.

If it wasn't for Qiao Moli, then the agent's suspicion is the biggest...

There was some strange emotion that could not be expressed in his heart. At this moment, the assistant began to investigate the manager, from his interpersonal relationship and all the contacts involved, to check one by one.

It's just that the manager is a person who has been in the society for many years, no matter what he does, he will be careful and not reveal any clues.

However, after all, no matter how well this matter is done, no matter how discreet it is, it cannot be completely concealed after all.

For example, after visiting the prison every day, he always went home and went out again, and he went to all kinds of strange places...

A very remote no-man's land, like someone behind their backs doing something behind their backs, it's hard to feel at ease.

After the assistant knew about this, he immediately reported it to Fu Yanshen.

Fu Yan frowned deeply, thinking heavily, always feeling that everything was extremely weird.

Under normal circumstances, a person who lives in a high place, or whose living standard is at the upper end, will not go to a remote place every day for no reason.

Unless, there is an even more unknown secret behind it, and this secret is enough to shake many people and things...

However, how to distinguish this matter, I still have no way to distinguish clearly in my mind. After all, this matter is of great importance, and it is impossible to just give a reason and let people deal with this matter.

What's more, because of Qiao Qiancen's affairs and the relationship between the two of them, he needs to take care of everything he does.

It is impossible to let this matter pass so arbitrarily...

"I have already understood the situation. I think you should have your own ideas on what to do next. Then I will let you go and leave this matter to you. But within today, I should Hurry over there..."

When Fu Yanshen said these words, he was a little hesitant, but after all, it was impossible to go back on what he said.

Even though he knew that doing so might scare the snake, there was nothing he could do. If he didn't deal with it properly now, the whole matter would be even more troublesome.

It was late at night, and it was almost one o'clock when Fu Yanshen went out, and Qiao Qiancen was sleeping next to her. The two of them originally didn't live together, but because of the phone call these days, she couldn't sleep well every day. , he decided to sleep with her in the past.

Even though Li Yiyuan had some opinions on him because of what happened last time, after all, he knew that the two of them had a deep relationship, so he didn't care about anything else.Let the two of them go.

(End of this chapter)

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