Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 194 Will finally debut as a girl group

Chapter 194 Will finally debut as a girl group

Fu Yanshen was sitting beside the hospital bed. He didn't know how long he had been looking at her like this...

Obviously she has been wiped clean and changed into a clean hospital gown, but at this moment the scars on her body are still clear and obvious, one after another, like scratches on his heart, the pain makes it difficult for him to breathe!
That man, damn it!
He held Qiao Qiancen's hand, even trembling, as long as he thought of the scene when he found her, he would feel full of anger, remorse and anger intertwined, which made him unable to calm down at all!
His women dare to move, eat the bear's heart and leopard gall!
At this time, the phone rang. Worried about disturbing Qiao Qiancen, he took his mobile phone to the balcony to connect, "How is it going?"

"Report to Mr. Fu, we have followed your instructions."

"That man's name is Lu Sichen. He and Ms. Qiao are college classmates. It is said that he has pursued Ms. Qiao for several years, but every time Ms. Qiao has clearly rejected him. Who would have thought that after so long, he has had several girlfriends. But I still can't forget Ms. Qiao, that's why I did this evil thing tonight."

Fu Yanshen's big hand holding the mobile phone tightened, and he squinted coldly as he looked at the night scene not far away.

"Understood. Tonight's matter, block the news, leak half a word, I only ask you."

After speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Qiao Qiancen is now in the entertainment circle, he knows how important reputation is to her.

Although he knew that nothing really happened to her in the end when she was rescued in time, but people's words are terrifying, once a little bit of news is leaked, all kinds of untrue rumors will be spread in an instant!

And her acting career, even her life, will be ruined because of this!

He wouldn't let her be threatened in any way, not at all.

He stared intently at the person on the hospital bed...
Qiao Qiancen recuperated in the hospital for a few days before being discharged. When she returned to her previous life, nothing seemed to have changed, but Fu Yanshen decided to come pick her up in the future and not let her go back by herself.Qiao Qiancen also worked harder, practicing in the dance studio until late every day before leaving.

Wearing a tight dance dress, the exciting dance music played, and she danced with several trainees.

The company already intends to let her appear in the form of a girl group in the future, so she must practice her dancing and singing skills well, so as not to be underestimated, and she can stand confidently in the entertainment circle.

Shaking her head, twisting her waist, and swinging her hips, she performed every movement to the extreme. Even though her body was already very tired, she did not slack off, and there was no stroke at all.

The dance teacher looked at Qiao Qiancen from the mirror, her eyes glowing with approval. Although she was hospitalized for a few days off, she could tell that she was studying hard and had gradually caught up with the progress. People who take longer are worse.

They held the microphone, danced, and sang their respective parts of the lyrics, and after a performance, everyone's level was uneven, and the senior choreographer standing on the side could see it.

At the end of the song, she clapped her hands, indicating that everyone could stop.

"Everyone has worked hard, today's practice is over. I just watched everyone's performance, and everyone is very hardworking, but I came here today to remind everyone that the internal final selection is less than a month away. , if you really want to make a debut, you should put in your best efforts. In the end, we will only look at your strengths and select the ones who are really suitable for your debut. Therefore, everything is in your own hands, and you must be clear in your hearts! "

(End of this chapter)

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