Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 195 He and a Bicycle Under the Moonlight

Chapter 195 He and a Bicycle Under the Moonlight
She looked around at the trainees below, and once again revealed a cruel fact, "After internal agreement, the new group will finally debut with five members, and the total number of you is 32! That is to say, in the end you 27 of them will be eliminated!"

As soon as the choreographer's voice came out, the people below all became calm and chatted in low voices.

But the choreographer coach has long been used to the strangeness. This situation will happen almost every time they are about to run for election. He clapped his hands and signaled them to be quiet, "It's useless for you to panic now. Except for Qiao Qiancen, here are artists who have already debuted. The rest of you haven't debuted yet. The opportunity is so rare, you know how to grasp it, so I don't need to say more? Alright, that's all for today, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, she left, and several girls sighed, knowing that the competition was bad, and they were no longer as relaxed and happy as they used to finish dancing practice.

And Qiao Qiancen could feel that after the choreographer's words just fell, several eyes fell on her. She didn't want to pay attention to it, so she decided not to stay for dancing practice today and go back early.

At this time, two trainees she got along with here came over, one was Xia Han with short hair like a tomboy, and the other was Yi Xueyang, a beautiful girl with long black hair and straight hair.

"Miss Qiao, you have to be careful. The words about the choreography just now undoubtedly pushed you into the fire pit. A dozen girls all looked at you. That formation is called a 6!" Xia Han grabbed her neck and shouted loudly. Lilie joked.

Hearing this, Qiao Qiancen laughed softly, "Why are you afraid that someone will be jealous of me? Aren't I surrounded by you, Miss Xia!"

Xia Han is the daughter of the Xia Family Group in Yuncheng. She left her family's gold and silver mines behind and ran to make a debut, which made her family very popular. However, she has been a libertine since she was a child and loves freedom. The Xia family can only let her go, but they don't want to In the end, she really went through many selections and entered Xingyao as a trainee.

After the words fell, Xia Han nodded and said sharply, "Success, you have said everything, can I, Xia Han, let you be bullied? Sisters, you will be able to mix with me in the future."

Qiao Qiancen was amused by her domineering posture, and quickly lowered her body into her arms, and said cooperatively, "Okay, okay, I will be Miss Xia's younger brother in the future, just tell me if you have anything to do!"

Yi Xueyang looked at them from the side, and smiled softly, "I really envy you all, Qiao Qiao has already debuted, and Xia Han's family has inherited property and so on, it seems that I... really have nothing."

"No way!" Xia Han immediately shook her head and denied what she said, "You still have the two of us! Besides, we will fight for it in the future, we can debut together, and create a first-day group in Asia for fun! At that time, with your beautiful face, men who are not in a group will bow down under your pomegranate skirt? Hahahaha..."

"Xia Han! You're making fun of me again!" Yi Xueyang blushed and started fighting with her.

Qiao Qiancen was watching from the side, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up at this moment, the feeling of having friends in this life seemed really different.

Probably the biggest feeling is peace of mind, a sense of security that I have never had before, which is different from love.
Qiao Qiancen wrapped herself up in full armor, and when she walked to the appointed place, she found that Fu Yanshen had already been waiting there. However, today he didn't drive, but... rode a bicycle?
(End of this chapter)

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