Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 236 Brother Yan Shen, do you hate children?

Chapter 236 Brother Yan Shen, do you hate children?

"Qiancen, don't worry about this matter, let us figure out a solution." Jessie also held her back, not believing in her heart that she would have a good solution.

After all, I feel that she is a newcomer in the entertainment industry, and she doesn't understand the darkness and complexity of it, so she can't solve things perfectly.

But hearing this, Qiao Qiancen laughed, she was no longer the idiot who was slaughtered in her previous life, how could she stumble in the same person's hands again after reliving her life...

The red lips were lifted up, evoking a smug smile, she was so confident and glamorous, so beautiful and dazzling that people couldn't take their eyes off...

"Don't worry, whether you believe it or not, I will never lose in this matter. Those who play tricks behind the scenes, I will let her taste what it means to reap what it means..."

Jesse and other high-level personnel in the company all showed surprise. They didn't expect Qiao Qiancen to have his own plan, and it sounded like he was full of confidence.

"Qiancen, what do you want to do, I can help you, just tell me what you need me to do."

Jesse hesitated again and again, thinking that there was no proper solution now, since Qiao Qiancen said so confidently, it would be better to let her try it out.

After all, the company invested a lot of energy and money in the new girl group in the early stage, if it is ruined like this now, the board of directors will be in big trouble if it is pursued...

Unexpectedly, Qiao Qiancen smiled and shook his head, "We don't need to do anything."

"do nothing?"

The planning director of the development and planning department raised a question. Now he doesn't understand why Qiao Qiancen did this, and the others also looked at Qiao Qiancen incomprehensibly.

At this time, Qiao Qiancen lowered his head and remained silent for a while, before finally smiling and saying, "Don't worry, the debut time of the new girl group can still remain the same, and I will solve this matter to ensure that not only will there be no adverse effects, but also It will increase the popularity of the new girl group!"

Her clear and bright eyes are full of confidence.
After Fu Yanshen took her child to report at the school, she walked with her on the tree-lined path of the campus.

"Zhi'er, the accompanying student will arrive in the afternoon. She will take care of you in the future, so you can study hard in class and realize your ideals. Brother will always support you."

Fu Yan took her hand deeply and walked slowly on the path.

But when the words fell, the girl lowered her head and bit her lips, with a look of loneliness on her face.

"Brother Yan Shen, don't leave me here and don't care if it's okay or not? Can you, you will often come to school to accompany me in the future. I am so lonely here, and I don't know anyone."

Her empty eyes were full of loneliness, and she felt a little sad, so she stopped walking, her eyes were red.

Hearing this, Fu Yanshen chuckled, put his hand on her shoulder and patted her comfortingly.

"Stupid child, you, brother Yan Shen, have to work and can't come here often, but I promise you that I will try to spare time to see you every week, okay? You can come back to live with me every weekend in the future, and you won't be left alone. People are outside too long."

Zhi'er blinked lightly, but she looked a little sullen, and suddenly, she threw herself directly into his arms.

"Brother Yan Shen, you only came back once a few months when you were in college. Obviously you could go back often, didn't come back to accompany Sister Qiancen. Now, you don't want to spend more time with Zhier, you Do you hate children?"

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(End of this chapter)

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