Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 237 It's too late for my brother to like you!

Chapter 237 It's too late for my brother to like you!

Zhi'er held Fu Yanshen's hand tightly, as if he was afraid that he would leave if he let go, even his voice was tinged with astringency, which made people feel distressed.

The big hand hesitated for a moment, but still patted her on the back lightly, "Zhier, I have never hated you, you are my good boy, it is too late to like you, how can I hate you?"

The man softened his voice, with a hint of coaxing. At this time, his handsome face was full of distress and pity, and it was easy to arouse the girls' hearts.

Several girls passing by on campus saw this scene and quickly discussed with the students beside them excitedly, and quietly took out their mobile phones to take a photo.

"Really? Brother Yan Shen, do you like Zhi'er?" Yan Zhi'er raised his head, his red eyes stared blankly in front of him, and such a side made the man's heart ache even more.

Warm big hands gently wiped the tears on her face, and comforted, "Of course, what I said will never be false. I will never lie to you if I say something, don't worry. .”

Yan Zhi'er nodded, like a coaxed child, heaved a sigh of relief.

But suddenly, as if she remembered something, she couldn't help raising her head and asked in puzzlement, "But you are with Sister Qiancen, don't you like her? You like Zhi'er, what should Sister Qiancen do? "

Her face was full of innocence and confusion, and upon hearing this, Fu Yan smiled lightly and rubbed her little head.

"That's different, Zhi'er, I like you like a brother or a sister, which is different from the way I like Qiancen."

After the words fell, Zhi'er nodded half-understanding, but his expression seemed a little lonely.

"Okay, little fool, aren't you hungry? What do you want to eat, I'll take you there?" Fu Yanshen took her hand and led her away.
[Is this Qiao Qiancen crazy?Is there any law on beating people like this? ! 】

[God!very scary!I liked her quite a bit on Rising Star before, how could I know her true face is so dark! 】

[Can you bully people just because you are famous?This kind of person should get out of the entertainment circle! 】

[A person who is one set before the other and the other is behind the other, he pretended to be beautiful and innocent on the stage at that time, but once he got off the stage, he showed his true colors! 】

On the Internet, the Weibo about Qiao Qiancen's beating hit the top of the search list, with over 100 comments and over [-] million reposts. Obviously, everyone was extremely angry and shocked by this "violent" incident.

At this time, Qiao Moli, who was sitting in the conference room, looked at the data on the big screen, and her smile grew wilder.

"Look! Look, now the Internet is full of people who scold her, and everyone is on my side. Who else supports her?"

Qiao Moli put her arms around her chest, looking proud and proud. When her manager found out about this, she was shocked, and realized that the "solution" that Qiao Moli had said was actually this...

As expected, this trick worked very well. People who had supported Qiao Qiancen now turned around and condemned her, saying that Qiao Moli was the one who suffered the most.

"Jasmine, your Weibo followers have increased by [-] in the past few days! Today's high-level meeting discussed it, and I want to release a song for you! Take advantage of this time to make it popular! The title of the song has been decided, it is called "Those Dark Days" ", we want to make you into a poor character who has been bullied for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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