Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 241 We will get married in the future

Chapter 241 We will get married in the future

Qiao Qiancen followed behind the driver, wearing a black mask, sunglasses, and a peaked cap, and a white dress, which fluttered slightly with the sea breeze, looking immortal and slim.

They walked on the wooden deck, bypassing winding paths one after another. This is an artificial bridge facing the sea, with blue water underneath, and seagulls flying not far away. The sea and sky are the same color, which can be described as beautiful scenery painting.

Finally, Qiao Qiancen saw Fu Yanshen sitting in front of the exquisitely built pavilion. He was wearing a black shirt and trousers, and his hand with the watch was resting on the marble table in front of him, and the other hand was holding a glass of red wine. shaking.

Qiao Qiancen couldn't help smiling, and walked over quickly, and the driver saw that someone had arrived, and turned around to leave. At this time, there were only the two of them on the entire sea view bridge.

"How did you come here?"

She walked over step by step, with her hands behind her back, and she tilted her head slightly to look at him.At this time, seeing such a dusk, such a sea, and such a beautiful scene, she couldn't help feeling better.

Hearing this, Fu Yanshen smiled lightly, walked up to her, and reached out to help her take off her peaked cap, sunglasses, and mask.

"Because I think about how much wronged my little baby has suffered during this time, and I want to make up for it. If I don't take her out to relax, I'm afraid I won't be able to calm down and work. I'm worried about her, and one day I will think extreme. "

Hearing this, Qiao Qiancen couldn't help but sneered, amused by him, "I'm not so fragile, okay?"

As she said that, she couldn't help but looked around again, and asked worriedly, "Am I okay like this? Will someone pass by and take a picture?"

"Don't worry, silly girl, the place is reserved today, and no one can come in except my people." Fu Yanshen took her hand, walked to the side of the pavilion together, and watched the evening sea in the distance with her.

When Qiao Qiancen heard this, she turned her head to look at him in surprise, with an indescribably happy feeling in her heart.

"You booked this place for me? This is a big beach?"

"Fool, what's the matter, when we get married in the future, I will reserve a bigger beach." There was a smile in his voice, tender as water, as if he was treating the most precious treasure in the world.

But after the words fell, Qiao Qiancen's heart skipped a beat, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she raised her head to look at him with indescribably complicated emotions in her heart.

Moved, surprised, delighted...

Complicated emotions intertwined in the heart.

Some people have said that when a man has you in his future plan, he really loves you, and it is already an indispensable part of his life.

And although Qiao Qiancen never doubted his love for her, hearing such words with her own ears, she is always pleasantly surprised and happy, like planting a seed and watching it grow into a seedling, growing stronger and stronger , although I know in my heart that one day it will blossom and bear fruit, but when the fruit actually falls into the hands, the feeling will be different after all.

"I remember you said that you hope that the future wedding will be held by the sea, where there are boundless seas, bright blue skies, and the reassuring sound of sand flowing. Your wish has come true."

He smiled and said, holding Qiao Qiancen's hand was so warm and generous that her eyes turned red, and she wanted to entrust her whole life to him.

(End of this chapter)

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