Chapter 242
I believe that within two years, your wish will be realized...

His words kept lingering in his ears, and the corners of Qiao Qiancen's lips curled up, feeling joyful and beautiful in his heart.

What he meant was that they would be able to get married within two years, and then they would be a real husband and wife, a real family...

Although Qiao Qiancen knew that that day was still a little far away, but with his promise at this moment, he no longer felt hesitant.

He made her a promise, and it will be fulfilled.

With his words, the haze that had accumulated in his heart for the past few days seemed to dissipate a lot. Qiao Qiancen snuggled into his arms with a smile, the corners of his mouth curved in happiness.

The fingers of his left hand interlocked with his right hand.

"Yan Shen, I think I want to be so happy, but... I'm so scared, this is just a dream. When I wake up from the dream, I'm that Qiao Qiancen who has nothing to rely on and has nothing."

Her voice was light and shallow, as if it was just whispering in sleep, but Fu Yanshen could hear it clearly...

He turned around, took Qiao Qiancen into his arms, and gently stroked Qiao Qiancen's hair with his big hand.

"This is not a dream. I know exactly what I am doing. Now my only goal is to try my best to marry Qiao Qiancen as my wife and give her a legitimate identity."

Qiao Qiancen couldn't help chuckling, and raised her head with a smile. She just felt that the sun was just right and the breeze was not dry. She was in his arms, and she just wanted to cling to her old age...

And he just stared at him like that, without saying a word, the tenderness in his eyes made her feel that she was all he had for the rest of his life...

He is the person in her heart.

His eyebrows are so clear, and the stars are not as good as them.
"I once believed that that dawn would be with me forever.

One day, the beauty will last forever, and the galaxy will be gorgeous.

Little me, embrace the world, embrace the whole of you.

Unexpectedly, the world is bad, and the world will cover me up.

Powerless to struggle, powerless to escape.

It will eventually fall into the dust and turn into a small grass.

No more fighting, no more grabbing, willing to give up on yourself. "

In the quiet box, there was a singing sound, and after listening to this passage, Jesse threw the phone directly on the table, nestled in the sofa and sulked angrily.

"It's so ridiculous! A little transparent who can't even be considered an [-]th-line star, yet he became popular by selling miserably? What's wrong with the world! There are still a bunch of idiots applauding below with just this singing skill?"

Jessie was about to roll his eyes angrily.

While Qiao Qiancen was listening, she stood up with a chuckle, picked up Jesse's phone, and watched the video above calmly.

This is Qiao Moli's newly released song "Those Dark Days". Once it was released, it was on the hot search list. Netizens supported Qiao Moli below, saying that this song is about the days when she was bullied. People followed suit and commented "Time is not old, pollen is not scattered"

Pollen also refers to Qiao Moli’s fans, who named their fans after rooting out Jasmine flowers. In just a few days, Qiao Moli’s global fan group was formed. Jasmine regarded her as a poor little flower who was extremely wronged and needed to be cared for.

And Qiao Qiancen looked at each comment and just wanted to laugh.

Now everyone has been tricked by Qiao Moli!And they don't even know it, their foolishness has become a sharp knife in the hands of others...

"Qian Cen, you are still so calm and calm now, do you know that the debut of the new girl group is only three days away, if this situation persists by then, the girl group may postpone the debut time, or even cancel all schedules! It's equivalent to being hidden in the snow, do you know!"

(End of this chapter)

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