Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 250 I Only Know You, And I Only Trust You

Chapter 250 I Only Know You, And I Only Trust You

"That's true," Cheng Yan smiled helplessly, rubbing the center of his brows, "So, we can only strive for real happiness if we work harder. After all, only you know whether you are living well. Like a fish drinking water, warm or cold Know yourself."

When the waiter came over, Cheng Yan looked at the menu, said the name of the coffee familiarly without hesitation, asked her what she wanted, and ordered a few snacks for her.

Qiao Qiancen just stared at her, feeling it in his heart. After chatting for a while, the distance between them seemed to be much closer, like friends who had known each other for many years, with an inexplicably familiar feeling.

And she could also faintly feel that there were similarities between them, after all, they were born at the same age, had similar experiences, and naturally they would have similar views.

"In other words, I am fully armed today, you can recognize me at a glance, so you are not afraid that reporters will recognize me too. When it is on the news, the masses will scold you together with me?" Qiao Qiancen joked with a smile.

After the words fell, the man smiled lightly, with a nonchalant expression on his face, "You're just wearing a hat and a mask, so you're fully armed? Please, as long as someone who knows you a little bit can recognize you at a glance, okay? "

Qiao Qiancen couldn't help touching his face, feeling embarrassed and embarrassed to speak.

I was thinking in my heart, is it really so easy to be recognized?Then the thing about her outing with Fu Yanshen yesterday, wouldn't it be possible for her to be recognized and photographed?

I feel a little uneasy...

"In terms of seniority, I am also your cousin. If they pull me to scold you, I don't care. Besides, it is normal for me to protect you. No matter how others slander you, I will stand by your side." Side." Cheng Yan looked at her and said, his eyes were clear and bright, like a bright sun falling into her heart, which made her feel at ease.

Maybe she did have prejudice against him in the past, but now he treats her well, and is willing to useless malicious eyes from the outside world, willing to stand by her side.

It is a lie that there is no feeling in my heart.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled lightly when he saw him, "Okay, cousin, thank you!"

She said it in a mischievous tone on purpose to conceal her emotion and emotion at this time.

Cheng Yan shook his head, looking a little helpless and spoiled, as if they were brothers and sisters who grew up together, so warm and beautiful.
"Brother Yan Shen, all my roommates have gone back. I was alone in the dormitory just now, so I was so scared."

In the long corridor, the girl's voice trembled, nestling in the man's chest uneasily.

Fu Yanshen held the childish princess in his arms, and took her downstairs by elevator.

"There was a bit of traffic on the way, so it's hard for you to wait alone. Next time I have a holiday on Friday, I will ask Ethan to pick you up earlier, and I won't make you wait so long."

As soon as the words fell, he had already carried the baby to the car, fastened her seat belt, and was about to retreat and close the car door.

Unexpectedly, at this time, his hand was held by Zhi'er, holding him with a small hand, as if unwilling to let go.

Fu Yanshen saw the depressed and sullen expression on the child's face, and his eyes were full of sadness.

"Brother Yan Shen, can you leave me alone? Here, I only know you and trust you. Can you not hand me over to strangers?"

After the words fell, Fu Yanshen realized that it was he who asked Ethan to pick her up, which made her feel uneasy and worried.

(End of this chapter)

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