Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 251 Brother Yan Shen, Don't Treat Me Like This

Chapter 251 Brother Yan Shen, Don't Treat Me Like This
Hearing this, Fu Yan smiled helplessly, holding her small hand with her big hand, as if to comfort her.

"Don't worry, little fool. Ethan is not an outsider. He is my most trusted assistant. Similarly, you are willing to trust him. He will never harm you."

As soon as the words fell, he was about to break free from her hand and prepare to withdraw and leave.

But this time, Zhi'er hugged his waist directly, with his cheek pressed against his strong and strong chest, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

"Brother Yan Shen, I can't do it. I can't see you for five days in a week. Why can't you pick me up? Why do you leave me to strangers. I will be really scared, I will Crashing..."

"Don't treat me like this, okay? Brother Yanshen, I am really helpless, I have no way to persuade myself..."

Zhi'er shook his head in his arms, full of grievances, thinking that he would be alone in school five days a week without being able to see him, but now, he directly ordered How could she accept that a strange man came to pick her up in the afternoon?

But after the words fell, Fu Yanshen's handsome and handsome brows couldn't help but frown slightly, a little surprised and distressed.

I didn't expect that my unintentional decision could make her sad like this. I was thinking in my heart, is it because I have ignored her feelings too much all this time...

In the world of the blind, separation is darkness, without any ray of light, and it is easy to panic, inferiority, and despair in the heart, but he often leaves her like this, it really shouldn't be.

After hesitating for a moment, his big hand still stroked her hair lightly, and he compromised, "Okay, why don't I promise you? Fool, I will take you to and from school from now on, and I will never leave you alone, okay? "

Zhi'er nodded, but he was still sobbing, his eyes were red, and he looked very wronged.

"Don't cry, you're crying like a little tabby cat, it's not pretty at all."

While talking, he still took out his handkerchief, and gently wiped away her tears, his movements were gentle and careful, as if he was treating a treasure.

"I want to eat... want to eat cotton candy."

Zhi'er wiped his tears with the back of his hand, his voice was nasal, it sounded extremely wronged, just like an unhappy child begging for candy.

Regarding this, Fu Yanshen compromised without hesitation, patted her small face with a big hand, looked at her and smiled, "Okay, do you want to eat snacks? I'll take you to buy them. I want to eat tonight." What, you can just say it, just take it as compensation for you, okay?"

After the words fell, Zhi'er nodded, with a few crystal clear teardrops hanging from his eyelashes.

"Hey, don't cry."

With a final coaxing sound, he finally calmed Zhi'er's emotions, went around the front of the car and returned to the driver's seat, and drove her away directly.
"What! No reply to messages, really!" Qiao Qiancen went to the bathroom, checked his phone while washing his hands, but saw that Fu Yanshen didn't reply to his message from 15 minutes ago, and his heart sank immediately .

Taking back the phone, she felt a little depressed, bit her lips, thinking that they had made an appointment to go out for dinner together, but now they didn't even reply to her messages.

It feels like his attitude towards her is really different now. In the past, no matter when she called or sent a message, he would immediately reply to her when he saw it, but now...

(End of this chapter)

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