Chapter 383 Punish him

Fu Yanshen looked at Qiao Qiancen's snickering appearance, and asked curiously, and when the voice fell, Qiao Qiancen quickly restrained his smile. Naturally, he knew that it would be inconvenient for Fu Yanshen to know what he was laughing at at such a time, otherwise he would have to She doesn't know how to punish her!

I feel a little strange in my heart, I am obviously very unhappy today, why now I get along with Fu Yanshen for a while, and forget all the troubles like this, is it possible that I have really fallen into his charm and cannot extricate myself?

Thinking suspiciously in my heart, thinking of this, I still feel that there is nothing wrong...

Maybe, without knowing when, all her emotions have completely settled on him, and when he smiles, she will also feel happy.

He was in a bad mood, and she would be in the same mood.

Maybe at some point in this life, the shackles of fate between them can no longer be untied!Her heart sank, she didn't say a word, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, she only felt very happy in her heart...

This feeling is really wonderful. Being with the man I like and love deeply, maybe I won't feel lonely in my heart for the rest of my life, right?
Thinking of this, more happiness flooded into her heart at once, completely making her lose all thoughts.

For the rest of my life, I will love him forever!
There was such a voice in Qiao Qiancen's heart telling him that he was very happy and beautiful.

"I didn't laugh at anything, I just suddenly felt that it was a very good thing to have you by my side."

Qiao Qiancen brushed her hair, lowered her head and said shyly and unnaturally, she accidentally said what was in her heart.

And Fu Yanshen heard this, and couldn't help laughing, this little girl can only see herself now, it really suits his wishes, and it also makes her feel a sense of satisfaction that she has never had in her heart.

"I know, I know, from now on, just follow me well, you know?"

Fu Yanshen seems to have a sudden heart

As if the love is very good, there is a smile and tenderness in Qiao Qiancen's eyes.

Qiao Qiancen couldn't help but blushed, she didn't expect that she would say what was in her heart like this, she was so ashamed, now she didn't know what kind of expression she should use to face this man.

Was she a little confused, but she didn't say anything after all, she looked away unnaturally, her heartbeat was beating faster, and she couldn't restrain it.

"I'm hungry, hurry up..."

Qiao Qiancen said with a flushed face, feeling very nervous, and walked out quickly.

Fu Yanshen raised the corners of her lips slightly, knowing that this little girl is shy, she is such a thin-skinned little girl who is easily shy at every turn...

Exclusively for her little girl.

After putting the last dish on the plate, Fu Yanshen came out, looked at Qiao Qiancen, and said curiously, "What did you do today? I heard that the seal of your crew has not been removed, so you probably can't make a movie yet, right?" ?”

Fu Yan asked in puzzlement.

Qiao Qiancen nodded when he heard the words, just about to blurt out that he went to the hospital, but the words stopped when his words reached his lips, he smiled, and said directly that he went out for a walk.

Fu Yan took a deep look at Qiao Qiancen, took out a bowl of soup and placed it in front of Qiao Qiancen.

"Seeing you go out with so little clothes, you've been freezing all day, right? Drink some soup to warm yourself up."

(End of this chapter)

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