Chapter 384 Just Like a Child

Listening to Fu Yanshen's words, Qiao Qiancen nodded obediently, feeling like a spoiled child, he didn't need to worry about anything, he would consider everything for himself.

Smiling, he picked up the bowl in front of him, and took a sip obediently and cautiously.

"Well, it tastes good!"

Qiao Qiancen couldn't help but widen her eyes, and admired it very much, her heart became more and more obsessed with this man. He is so versatile, he is a model for her appearance. I am afraid that such a man is very difficult to find in today's world, right?
She couldn't help sighing in her heart, but Fu Yanshen looked at her with a smile, and there was a tenderness in her eyes that no one else had ever seen.

"Drink more if you like, anyway, now, no one is arguing with you." Fu Yanshen said with a smile while filling himself with another bowl.

One sentence, but it couldn't help but caught Qiao Qiancen's attention, she looked at the man in front of her with some puzzlement, and her voice was a little dissatisfied, "What do you mean no one is robbing me now, is it possible that someone will come to rob me in the future? "

As soon as her incomprehensible words fell, Qiao Qiancen thought that this man would quickly realize that what he just said was inappropriate, but unexpectedly, he responded directly, "Yes, Zhi'er will come back to live tomorrow. , she also likes to drink the soup I made, when the time comes, you two will fight~"

Fu Yanshen smiled leisurely as if he already knew what would happen next.Qiao Qiancen listened, but at this moment he couldn't help being stunned. He didn't expect that Zhi'er would come back tomorrow.

During this period of time, she had to be immersed in the difficulties she had to deal with and the touch Fu Yanshen had given her, and she forgot that there was a child next to them, and the child would also come back to live here.

Looking at the man's smile, Qiao Qiancen suddenly felt a little comfortable, and didn't want to see him look like he had completely eaten her up.

"Cut, I don't care about it. If the child wants it, I'll just give it to him. There's no need to grab it!"

Qiao Qiancen said deliberately, just to prevent this man from being so arrogant, but when the words fell, Fu Yanshen raised his eyebrows and smiled, knowing Qiao Qiancen's purpose, he didn't bother to expose it.

He smiled, didn't say anything, just silently took the bowl she had finished drinking the soup over, added a bowl of rice, and said with a smile, "All right, all right, you don't care about my cooking at all, eat obediently go."

Qiao Qiancen pursed his lips and took a bowl of rice without saying anything.

At this time, Fu Yanshen also picked up food for her, and the two of them ate like this, the atmosphere was so peaceful and beautiful.

Qiao Qiancen knew that this was the life she had always longed for, and now it finally came true, everything was so beautiful.

I can't bear to have anything to break this peace...

Wearing a beautiful dress and small black leather shoes, Zhi'er appeared in front of Qiao Qiancen like a little princess.

Fu Yanshen went to pick her up today, and they came in when Qiao Qiancen was reciting the script on the sofa.

"Zhier, Yan Shen, are you back?"

"Sister Qiancen!" Zhi'er shouted with a cute smile, her smile was cute, sweet and touching.

Qiao Qiancen walked over and stroked her hair, "Did our children study hard at school?"

"Yes, Sister Qiancen, I've learned a way to adjust fragrance, it's fun!"

(End of this chapter)

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