Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 390 A complete laughing chapter

Chapter 390 A Complete Joke
I'm afraid, never, right?
If so, it's a joke, a complete joke.

I'm afraid the topic on Weibo will be, are you in love?The kind that killed you?
The police officer shook his head, feeling that young people nowadays are too impetuous.Even if you don't like it at all, you will do it. Do you really have no sense of security when you fall in love at this time?

I don't know what these young people are thinking about on weekdays?You don't pay attention to propriety at all, do you really think that you don't have to accept punishment for doing something wrong?

Oh, don't even think about it!

Justice will be late, but it will never be absent!

The good deeds he has done, one day, will definitely be retribution on himself, and by then, everything will not be so easy to solve!
"I know, I know, but it's really annoying. I'm really afraid of you after talking so much about one thing!" Lu Sichen shook his head, feeling irritated and extremely evil in his heart, but it's a pity that he can't leave now, and he has to Stay here!

I don't know, when will his family come to pick him up?I was really troubled and puzzled.

The two came to his residence together, and Lu Sichen knew very well that once the clothes were found and used as evidence, everything would be over!
At that time, there will be no excuses to say, he will be staying, will be in prison, and will not be able to leave...

Such a day is definitely not what she wants.And in the end, what else can be done?I don't know anymore...

Lu Sichen thought about it for a while, as if he was in a hurry, and a light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Yes.As long as that excuse is used, the police officer will not be able to enter his residence, and he will have enough time to consume evidence, including, XZ all the things that may be regarded as evidence!

The police officers were about to follow him into his residence, when suddenly, Lu Sichen's expression changed as if he had been violated by some serious taboo.

"This is my residence, how can you come in! Hey, I told you to get out! I'll just find it for you!"

Lu Sichen was going to divert his attention first, and then take the opportunity to wipe out all the evidence...

And the police officer obviously knew what Lu Sichen wanted to do, so of course he didn't allow it, but Lu Sichen insisted that this was his private domain and no one was allowed to come in or out, so the police officer felt troubled for a while!
What should I do now?Both sides are roles that are difficult to resolve, and it is obviously inappropriate at this time to offend the other because of one side!

If he decides without authorization, it is even more inconsistent with the regulations. After all, how else can he draw conclusions...

Just thinking, there is no way in my heart.Suddenly, Lu Sichen directly pushed him out!There was no sign of it!Let her push out the ones who directly show signs of momentum and are decisive!

At this moment, Lu Sichen even achieved his goal, immediately turned around and closed the door, and then ran back to the room, looking for clothes while reducing clothes, not missing any time.

And soon, he found it, immediately found the lighter, and immediately wanted to burn it!

Absolutely, it cannot be revealed!Otherwise, it's screwed!

(End of this chapter)

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