Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 391 I Said Don't Play Tricks

Chapter 391 I Said Don't Play Tricks
"Lighter lighter!"

While muttering to himself, Lu Sichen found out the lighter. When he saw the lighter from his pocket, he couldn't help but brought it to his lips and kissed it.

"Thank goodness! It's you! My lighter! If it wasn't for you! I'd really be doomed right now!"

She was talking to herself excitedly, only thinking that everything would be safe after she locked the police out, but she didn't expect that when she just picked up the clothes, lit the fire, and was about to set the whole clothes on fire, Suddenly, "Bang!"

A bang!She hadn't realized what was going on, but in the next second, a burst of severe pain came!In an instant, he was so painful that he dropped the thing in his hand and screamed!
"Who and so! Who the hell! Who the hell is plotting against me behind my back!" He was so angry that he couldn't speak coherently, but the words fell, and the next second, he heard the sound of being knocked on the window.

"Knock knock knock! Knock knock knock!"

Slow and quiet, as if just doing something casually, not caring about other people's opinions at all.

Lu Sichen seemed to understand something, looked up at the man in front of him in shock, he opened the window so easily and came in, and then looked at him with a wicked smile.

"Master Lu Sichen, I should have told you not to play tricks, why are you bothering now? Look at your hands, what kind of shape is it? Is it really worth it?"

He laughed indifferently, as if he was beaten for something insignificant, and he didn't care what people thought about it.

And after Lu Sichen saw clearly what was in his hand, he was furious, and he never thought that this man would directly Q to him!

His heart was full of shock and anger. After a while, he finally got out and looked at the man with extreme anger, unable to speak clearly.

"Then you, you, you! How can you just open Q! Even if I enter the house by myself, this is my own home, why can't I come in by myself, and must let your subordinate come in?"

Lu Sichen was about to die of anger, he had finally seized the opportunity, and now everything was ruined by this man!

"I didn't have the right to do this directly, but now that you have attempted to destroy the evidence privately, do you think I will do nothing until you burn it?"

"Me! I don't want to burn the evidence! This is my own clothes, my own things! I can do whatever I want! Just leave me alone!" Lu Sichen was at a loss, and she didn't know what else to do. Now she You have to avoid his sight to do things!

"Mr. Lu Sichen, now that I am a member of the reconnaissance team, I have the right to ask you to put down the evidence in your hand, and she will no longer belong to your personal private property! The decision is in my hands!"

While talking, the man climbed into the window and walked directly towards Lu Sichen.

Hearing this, Lu Sichen felt uneasy and worried. After thinking about it, he felt extremely uneasy.

If this dress fell into the hands of this man, he would definitely be dead!

Rather than being a murderer, it would be better to be charged with destroying evidence!That way at least it's not that big of a crime!

After making up his mind to pay attention, he and himself took a step back, and in the next second, they directly ignited the clothes!

(End of this chapter)

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