Chapter 466

Perhaps in the dead of night, it is most likely to break down and unable to bear these injuries. She looked at the note on the phone, and finally, as if she couldn't bear it anymore, finally, she directly dialed the phone number.

Everything in his heart seemed to collapse and shatter when all this came, but he had no choice but to have no chance or possibility to implement it. He always knew in his heart that sometimes he had no chance to control or choose at all. After working so hard for so long, it might seem unnecessary in the eyes of others, but at this moment, she really didn't want to give up just like that.

Even though I have roughly guessed the ending and the final possibility, I still feel pain and sadness in my heart, and I don't want to believe that what will they choose in the end, will it end in this way?

He doesn't know in his heart, he doesn't know at all, so how should he go now, how should he choose, he is full of confusion and doubts, he can only try his best to fight for himself, at least he won't feel so uncomfortable in the end, no You will feel sad or unbearable, and you are already very satisfied. With the current ending, you should feel lucky in your heart.

isn't it?After all, all of the current situation, to be honest, has not yet reached the point of doom, and I still feel that I can bear it in my heart, and I still feel that all this should be gone...

That's how it should be, right?

It should never change again, right?Qiao Qiancen chanted alone in his heart, always felt that sometimes it was too sad, unhappy, unwilling, but there was nothing to do after all...

If it is possible, she will definitely not continue to make such a choice in the future. If she can, she will definitely not give these people such a choice after tonight. After all, as long as there is one time, her heart will collapse, shatter, and be lost forever.

After all, they have already tried their best in their hearts, and if they really can't reach the desired distance, then they don't want to...

Just let him go with the wind, and never have any emotions to control him in the future, and never need to have anything in front of him.

After all, it is a fact that it is beyond redemption between them, but in Qiao Qiancen's heart, there is still a faint hope, hoping that this is not the case...

Now at this time, I have no choice in my heart. Sometimes, my heart is powerless after all. For the dream of my own place, for the barrenness in my heart, for the future I will never feel remote, and my heart will not collapse and shatter. He's done his last best...

May I?Is it really possible?
Really after tonight, I will never feel sad again.

Qiao Qiancen closed his eyes, smiled, and dialed his number, but it happened that the phone rang not long before being hung up. At this moment, Qiao Qiancen looked at the phone that had been hung up, and suddenly burst into tears. I can't control it.

She burst into tears and kept beating the floor with her mobile phone.

"Why. Why, what did I do wrong? Why didn't you give me an answer? Why are you still unwilling to make me feel better at this moment. "

(End of this chapter)

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