Chapter 467

Sometimes, I still feel sad in my heart. Sometimes, the pain in my heart seems to be uncontrollable. But there is no way, I clearly understand in my heart that some things have finally become a foregone conclusion, no matter how hard I struggle now, no matter how hard I try, it will be useless after all...

I'm tired, and I really can't bear it anymore. If it is possible, I will definitely not let all this continue to develop.

But no, sometimes, it is such a dilemma, I have worked hard, but I can't get everything I want after all,
Now I finally understand, after all, I don't want to play scramble anymore.

If you can, then just do whatever you want, anyway, it has come to this time now, and the fact that he wants to completely hurt his heart is already clearly placed here, how could he still not see clearly.It's just whether you want to see this clearly...

How clear in my heart, how sadly clear about this matter, if I can, I don't want to do this, but now, I feel really uncomfortable in my heart.I feel as if I'm about to die...

"Fu Yanshen, get out, what do you want? I can't take it anymore, what do you want now? Do you have to drive me crazy and make me unable to breathe anymore? You can't bear the collapse, and you feel happy and comfortable!"

Qiao Qiancen collapsed directly in his heart. At this moment, there is no one around him. There is only coldness, and there is endless coldness. To be honest, at this moment, what can he do and what else can he do? It seems that he has no idea at all. It seems that even where to go has become a problem for me. My journey suddenly becomes difficult and difficult, and it seems that there is no longer any way to choose.

In the dream, there is everything, but now, even going to sleep has become a problem.

Sometimes I fall asleep, but I still sleep uneasy. There will be many people in the dream, the past, the present, everything, but I feel embarrassed and sad in my heart.Sometimes I just can't restrain my inner thoughts like this, but now, I still can't do it.

From now on, I should be strong and be an invincible and always strong person.This kind of self needs to grow up after all, and now or in the future, it should be involved.

From tonight onwards, I am a person who needs to fight alone, whether it was before or now...

Qiao Qiancen closed her eyes, feeling very uncomfortable, but if she gave up now, what should she do in the future.How else to choose, it will be very difficult, so now, you must get used to it, and you must make yourself less sad and less prone to collapse.It has come to this time now, and I should have a little idea of ​​what I should do.

It's up to them what others think and think. After all, it's such a powerless and sad time. What should I do? I should have a good bottom line in my heart...

Gradually sinking in her heart, she knew that since she fell in love with this man, she would be doomed after all...

(End of this chapter)

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